Friday 18 December 2015

Stone Age Projects

After Christmas we will be learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.

Your task for over the holidays is to produce a project relating to the Stone Age. It can take any form you want! Here are some examples of projects completed by another Year 3 class in another school.

A model of Stonge Henge, made from cardboard, clay and felt.

A model of a Stone Age man made from felt and clay.

A poster depicting a timeline from the Stone Age.

A poster containing lots of facts about the Stone Age.

A cake depicting Stone Henge!

You will have four weeks to complete this project. It will be due in school on Friday 15th January. If you need any resources such as card, paper or clay, please ask your teacher. 
We are really looking forward to seeing them!

Friday 11 December 2015

Non-Chronological Reports

This week we have been writing non-chronological reports about dragons. Your homework task this week is to write a non-chronological report about an Ancient Greek mythical creature. Choose from;
  • Pegasus
  • Minotaur
  • Medusa
  • Hydra
  • Cyclops.
You must use your imagination when writing about these creatures so feel free to make up the information in your report. Remember to include information about;
  • where they lived
  • what they ate
  • their likes and dislikes.


Friday 4 December 2015

Non-Chronological Reports

This week we have learning about the features of non-chronological reports. Next week we will be writing reports about dragons. In the final week of our unit you will be writing a non-chronological report about a dinosaur.

Your task this week is to find out information about a dinosaur of your choice. You must gather information that you can include in your report, such as;
  • where they lived
  • when they lived
  • what they ate
  • what they looked like
You may find these websites useful;

You must write your information onto the planning grid given to you by your teacher. Please let your teacher know if you don't have one. Everyone must bring this to school on Friday 11th December.


Friday 27 November 2015


Use the picture below as inspiration to write a legendary story. It should be no more than 100 words.

Remember to include;
  • correct punctuation and capital letters
  • varied sentence openers
  • descriptive words and phrases
  • similes
  • an interesting problem
  • a reward.

Friday 20 November 2015

Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece

In Topic lessons we have been learning about the Greek gods and goddesses. Gods of war, goddesses of love, gods of death and destruction, they are all pretty impressive.
For your homework I would like you to think about the gods and goddesses that you don't hear about. The unimpressive gods.

For example:

· Cuppa the God of Tea;

· Éclair the God of Crème Cakes;

· HaychBee the Goddess of Pencils.

Those are gods of silly things.

Make up your own god or goddess to write about. Tell me a bit about them. What do they look like? What are their temples like? What sacrifices, tributes and gifts must you bring to their temples? Write a paragraph telling me about your god or goddess. We will read them out in class next week.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Book Reviews

This week your task is to write a book review. It should be about a paragraph long and include:

· Title and author

· What the book was about

· What you thought of the book

· What ages/types of people you think should read it

· If you would recommend it to a friend
Write your book review in the comments section below.

Friday 6 November 2015

Ancient Greek Monsters and Myths

Next week we will be learning about myths and legends. The myths and legends of Ancient Greece were dominated by tales of heroes, gods and monsters.
For this homework you will be looking at the monsters of myth and legend. I would like you to create your own monster. Draw a picture of it and label your picture to tell me what each part does. Then write a paragraph telling me about your monster. Tell me about where it lives, what it does, how it behaves and what it has done to the heroes that have come across it.
If you’re having trouble creating your monster, try the old Greek myth trick… simply take the head of one animal and combine it with the body of another. You can always add wings and a tail.

Friday 23 October 2015

Ancient Greek Plates

After half term we will be learning about the Ancient Greeks. In Week 1 we will be concentrating on Ancient Greek artwork.

Your task over half term is to create an Ancient Greek plate on the paper plate that your teacher has given you.

Here are some pictures to inspire you;


Friday 16 October 2015

Buckingham Palace

Next week we will be writing a letter to Buckingham Palace to ask if we are allowed to go and visit them! Therefore your task this week is to do some research into Buckingham Palace and come up with five pieces of information or questions that you might want to include in your letter. Please do not write the letter. We will be doing this in class.

We will be using this information in lessons so you may find it easier to do this work on paper. This means you can have it with you at your desk while you are writing. Please ask for paper if you need it.

Friday 9 October 2015


This week we have been learning to write letters. We have also listened to some of Michael Rosen's poetry in which he gets into trouble for eating all the chocolate cake or breaking his watch. Your task is to combine both of these things....

Have you ever held a grudge against the brush that pulled your hair or the vacuum that sucked up your shoelaces? How did you feel when a pen leaked ink on your favourite shirt or the toaster burned yet another bagel? Think about a time when an object caused you a bit of distress, and write a letter to this object to express your disappointment.

For example:

Dear Pen,
I am so disappointed with you.
Today was school photograph day. I spent all morning fixing my hair and ironing my clothes. I scrubbed my face hard and even cleaned under my nails.
So, can you imagine my shock when I queued up to have my photograph taken and looked down at my shirt pocket? There it was. A big black smudge of ink in the middle of my shirt. How could you do this to me? You knew I needed to look my best! Now you've ruined the photograph that is going to sit on my mum's mantelpiece forever! My family and friends will be laughing at me for the rest of my life.
I hope you're happy with yourself.
Yours sincerely,

Thursday 8 October 2015

Michael Rosen

As it's National Poetry Day, we have been listening to some poems. Here are our favourite ones from today...

Thursday 1 October 2015

Ancient Egypt

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about Ancient Egypt. I would like you to think about all the different things you have learnt and tell me your favourite thing about Ancient Egypt and why you found it so interesting.

Here are some pictures to inspire you:


My favourite thing about Ancient Egypt is mummification. I think it's really interesting that they believed so strongly in an afterlife that they put so much preparation into mummifying and burying their dead. Did you know that they placed lots of treasures into the tombs of their dead pharaohs so that they would have all their worldly possessions in the afterlife? These are just some of the amazing things that Howard Carter and his team of Egyptologists found inside Tutankhamun's tomb:

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Some useful links

Here is the link for the music that you have been learning with Mr Farnell. Don't forget to practise these at home.

We have been using Scratch in our Computing lessons over the last few weeks. Here is the link for Scratch so you can practise programming and coding at home.

Friday 25 September 2015

Poetry Week

Next week we will be celebrating Poetry Week. The theme this year is 'Light'! Therefore, we will be spending a lot of time reading lots of different poems and our Literacy will focus on innovating some poems that we are studying in class.

Your Literacy homework for this week is to find an amazing poem that you would like to share with the class. If you're struggling to find one, this website has loads of great poems;

Thursday 17 September 2015

Finish the story

This week we have been learning to write stories of mystery and suspense. We have been focusing on using short sentences to build suspense and creating a spooky atmosphere.

Your task this week is to finish the story below. Try not to write more than 100 words.


I had no idea that there was a secret room in our house. Not until I heard the noise....

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Mystery and Suspense

This week we have been learning about stories of mystery and suspense. Your task is to write a description of this spooky setting. Remember to use lots of interesting adjectives and at least one simile.

I'm looking forward to reading them. Don't forget to comment on each others work! Your homework must have been completed by Friday 18th September. 

Monday 17 August 2015

Buckingham Palace Class Blog

Hello everyone! 

Welcome to our blog. 

We will be using our blog to share our learning and our experiences throughout the year. I will also be using it to set you homework tasks and challenges.

Please read the 'Blog Rules' page before you start using it. 

I'm looking forward to reading all your comments.

Come back soon for a new post!

Miss Tracey