Friday 11 December 2015

Non-Chronological Reports

This week we have been writing non-chronological reports about dragons. Your homework task this week is to write a non-chronological report about an Ancient Greek mythical creature. Choose from;
  • Pegasus
  • Minotaur
  • Medusa
  • Hydra
  • Cyclops.
You must use your imagination when writing about these creatures so feel free to make up the information in your report. Remember to include information about;
  • where they lived
  • what they ate
  • their likes and dislikes.



  1. KAIVALYA PULLAKANDAM11 December 2015 at 10:15

    Pegasus was a flying horse in Greek mythology, usually depicted as white coloured. His father was Poseidon and his mother was the Gorgon Medusa; he was born along with his brother Chrysaor when Medusa was decapitated by Perseus. Pegasus was captured and tamed by the Greek hero Bellerophon and helped him in his fights against the .Pegasus kept himself busy by saving others. There are many stories of Pegasus carrying wounded Greek soldiers safely from battle.

    One day, Zeus decided to adopt Pegasus as his special friend and horse. He brought him to live on Mount Olympus. Pegasus became the famous horse that Zeus rode through the stars. Zeus and Pegasus were not just friends, they soon became best friends. Finally, Pegasus had a home! And Zeus had a friend he could count on. Their friendship became the stuff of ... myth.Chimera and the Amazons. Later, Bellerophon continued riding Pegasus on their way to Mount Olympus, but Zeus dismounted him on the way; Pegasus .Pegasus was a flying horse. He was the son of Poseidon, the Lord of the Sea.Pegasus did not mind that he was born a horse. In fact, he rather liked it. Pegasus' only problem was that people kept trying to kidnap him. After all, he was a horse that could fly. Anyone could see the value of that. When people tried to kidnap him, the gods always got involved.o Pegasus was safe, but lonely. He couldn't live with his father under the sea. He did not want to live with his mother. He was not fond of snakes. In fact, he was not fond of his mother. The other horses shied away from him. They knew he was different. He belonged nowhere.

  2. Non Chronological Report

    The Pegasus was a mystical creature that lived in the heavens .It was the messenger of the goddess of wisdom and courage , the goddess Athena . It lives in the distant clouds far away in the sky.

    Pegasus was like other horses and ate apples and grass but the one thing that Pegasus ate and other horses didn't was a poisoned berry .

    The only thing the Pegasus liked was flying and watching over the wonderful landscape of earth . The thing that the Pegasus dose not like is sitting around and not having a job . The Pegasus was extremely enthusiastic and always took action .

  3. Pegasus was a flying horse. He was the son of Poseidon, the Lord of the Sea. His mother was Medusa, the horrible monster with snakes for hair.

    Pegasus did not mind that he was born a horse. In fact, he rather liked it. Pegasus' only problem was that people kept trying to kidnap him. After all, he was a horse that could fly. Anyone could see the value of that. When people tried to kidnap him, the gods always got involved.

    So Pegasus was safe, but lonely. He couldn't live with his father under the sea. He did not want to live with his mother. He was not fond of snakes. In fact, he was not fond of his mother. The other horses shied away from him. They knew he was different. He belonged nowhere.

    Pegasus kept himself busy by saving others. There are many stories of Pegasus carrying wounded Greek soldiers safely from battle.

    One day, Zeus decided to adopt Pegasus as his special friend and horse. He brought him to live on Mount Olympus. Pegasus became the famous horse that Zeus rode through the stars. Zeus and Pegasus were not just friends, they soon became best friends. Finally, Pegasus had a home! And Zeus had a friend he could count on. Their friendship became the stuff of ... myth.

  4. I am going to write about Medusa. She was a beautiful girl who said that she was more beautiful than the gods. To punish her one of the gods turned her into a hideous beast. She had snakes on her head and her eyes were red. If you looked in them you would turn to stone. She lived with three blind witches in a cave deep in the woods. She ate people and snakes. She liked turning people to stone and disliked when the god turned her into a hideous beast and when people spied on her.

    1. Star: You have used good vocabulary
      Wish: I think you could have included some more information

  5. Medusa.

    Medusa was a woman with an ugly face and terrible snakes on her head, and lived in a very big mountain, everyone was telling that Medusa was a monster because she could turn people into stones by looking into her eyes. Medusa doesn't like the people disturbing her. Medusa became famous when the hero Perseus chopped off her head.

  6. I am writing about Medusa. She had red eyes if a person lookes at her they will get turn into stone. She had snakes for hair because she was cursed by athena because she said she was the very buitiful so she got punished then she got hidius. She didint like being hidius and geting spied on.

  7. Introduction :
    In Greek mythology, the Minotaur was a monster with the body of a man and the head and tail of a bull. The Minotaur was the offspring of Queen Pasiphae and a majestic bull. Due to the Minotaur’s monstrous form, King Minos ordered the craftsmen Daedalus and Icarus to build a huge maze that is known as the labyrinth to house the beast.
    The more intelligent of the Minotaur were master craftsmen, able to brave the strongest fires without feeling the heat and being able to shatter the strongest stone without much trouble. The largest of the Minotaur remains chained in the center of the Labyrinth waiting for a summoner to summon him and use him for battle.
    Interesting Fact:
    Kaizer braved the Labyrinth and for his efforts he was gifted the Minotaur summoning the contract, allowing him to summon the great beasts.

    1. Star: You have included lots of information

  8. The Minitaur
    He is a terrible creature that he is half horse half bull.
    Either eats people or kills animals.

    Minitaurs are usually big and scary you would not want to fight him
    I would not want to fight it either even if I where you ( ok! )
    Not at all. He has two big horns on his for head (VERY SCARY ).
    I know that the Minitaur is very scary you would not believe your
    TINY eyes.
    A Minitaur might be the biggest Greek legendary creature ever.
    U will never see one ( EVER ) I tell you.
    Really you will absolutely never ever see one alive in your life.
    So the minotaur lives somewhere like a maze yard (court).

  9. The Minitaur
    He is a terrible creature that he is half horse half bull.
    Either eats people or kills animals.

    Minitaurs are usually big and scary you would not want to fight him
    I would not want to fight it either even if I where you ( ok! )
    Not at all. He has two big horns on his for head (VERY SCARY ).
    I know that the Minitaur is very scary you would not believe your
    TINY eyes.
    A Minitaur might be the biggest Greek legendary creature ever.
    U will never see one ( EVER ) I tell you.
    Really you will absolutely never ever see one alive in your life.
    So the minotaur lives somewhere like a maze yard (court).

  10. My Greek legend is Hydra. He was the most powerful Greek beast. It lived in the swampland near the jungle to catch its food. He ate all meat except for chicken, turkey, beef, pork and lamb. This is because he does not like them and some of them poison him. He can eat vegetables and fruit (including poison berries). Hydra likes to destroy Trees Mountains and everything that comes across him. He bloody hates trespassers because they always come to kill him.

  11. The Hydra had ten heads. It's skin was green and purple because it was poisonous. The Hydra lived in a cave on the top of the mountain, so nobody climbed the top of the mountain. The Hydra liked to eat people. He only ate two people because the two people climbed up the mountain then t

    he Hydra ate them so everyone noticed the Hydra was at the top of the mountain

  12. Minotaur
    he is a horrible creature he is half horse half bull.
    he eats humans and animals.
    Minotaurs are big monstrous creatures who you wouldn't want to mess with because they are tough.

  13. Medusa


    Medusa has snakes for hair,terrifying tusks and a face that turns
    anyone in to please the his king,warrior Perseus agreed
    to slay the beast.wearing a helmet of invisibility she was beautiful and then she was terrifying she had green snakes on
    her head She has dark red eyes.


  14. Pegasus

    Pegasus can fly in the sky like a bird. He lives with Athena. He has white SKIN with white wings . He likes good people

    His favorite food is hot chocolate. Sometimes he eats fish or coca.If Athena as spare time Pegasus would play fly in the sky.

  15. The Hydra

    The Hydra has lived at 2000BC. He eats gummy bears,chips,crisps,sausages and cake.It plays on the PS4,xbox 360,nintendo ads xl, gameboy. Its friends are Ronaldo,Messi,Neymar and Suarez. Its cousins are Pegasus,Medusa,Minotaur,Cyclops.It has minecraft on iPad Pro. It has a Apple Watch and a Apple TV also a iPhone 6S. If you disturb you have to do a plan because they will kill you. Bye guys the blog is done now for the christmas holiday
    and its the Hydra writing so you will get caught.

  16. Introduction:My monster is the cyclops it lived 2000 years ago in Greece. The cyclops eats chocolate cake and smarties and celebrations. He plays with his Xbox and his computer on club penguin. When the cyclops goes out he always goes to Cineworld and watches STARWARS!
    Description: the cyclops is tall, brown and wrinkly. He has one big eye in the middle of his head and is very old and ugly. The cyclops is bad and rude to everybody so that’s why Odysseus defeated the cyclops but the cyclops was only an ancient greek myth so you don’t need to be scared of him.
    The cyclops friends are Taylor Swift, Megan Trainor, Sam Smith and Adele.

  17. My Greek legend is Minotaur.It was a very unusual looking creature, half bull half man.It had red eyes, two horns on his head and two very big and strong legs. It was very tough and strong and it liked boxing and running around the labyrinth that was his house. When it was bored he liked to play chess with the youths sent to him as a tribute. He used to promise them that if they will win he will set them free. Of course, the Minotaur was always winning so they were his food. He did not like anyone disturbing his relaxation time when he was cutting the grass or looking after the roses in his labyrinth.It was killed in the end by a man who became a hero.

  18. My Greek legend is Minotaur.It was a very unusual looking creature, half bull half man.It had red eyes, two horns on his head and two very big and strong legs. It was very tough and strong and it liked boxing and running around the labyrinth that was his house. When it was bored he liked to play chess with the youths sent to him as a tribute. He used to promise them that if they will win he will set them free. Of course, the Minotaur was always winning so they were his food. He did not like anyone disturbing his relaxation time when he was cutting the grass or looking after the roses in his labyrinth. He was killed in the end by a man who became a hero.
