Friday 27 November 2015


Use the picture below as inspiration to write a legendary story. It should be no more than 100 words.

Remember to include;
  • correct punctuation and capital letters
  • varied sentence openers
  • descriptive words and phrases
  • similes
  • an interesting problem
  • a reward.


  1. Long ago, in a land far away there was a hero named Harry. He was a very brave.

    Every day the people of the village gave the black, ferocious dragon left over food. One day all of the food ran out and he started chasing the villagers. In particular he took the princess. She was as beautiful as a rose. The Queen ordered Harry to meet her.

    When Harry got there the Queen said “If you kill the dragon and save the princess you can have all the gold.” So he killed the dragon and won all the gold.

    1. That was a really nice legend Fatima

    2. Long long time ago in the far away desert, there lived a soldier called Dave and the King sent him a message that he had to kill a terrifying Dragon in an old Castle and save his daughter Princess Sophia. For the reward, the King said he would marry the Princess If Dave bring her back. Dave traveled all the way to the old castle with his horse and very brave and lucky Dave could kill the dragon, he brought the princess back to the King and next day they got married and the princess become freedom and very happy for ever.

    3. That was good Fatima

    4. That was a really fantastic legend Fatima

    5. hi Fatima can your reward be better ?

    6. kaivalya pullakandam1 December 2015 at 10:55

      Who was harry ?

    7. this is like the story of saint goerge can you change it??::????????

    8. star: you have used very good volcabuary.
      wish: write more about the reward.
      it is also a bit like saint goerge

  2. In a far away land there lived a girl called JESSIE.She was very gallant and pretty too.There even lived a furious dragon that lived in a nearby cave.The villagers needed to give leftover food to the dragon.
    One day the village ran out of food.So, the dragon started to chase the villagers .In particular the dragon had caught the king.The QUEEN ordered JESSIE to come to her palace immediately.
    Queen said ''IF YOU KILL THE DRAGON YOU CAN MARRY THE PRINCE''.Then JESSIE started getting her weapons ready.She was fearsome.
    The next day JESSIE set off to find the dragon cave. She finds the cave where the king was shivering with fear in the corner.JESSIE rescues the king and the king runs as quick as a flash back to palace. The dragon hears JESSIE's voice and comes out of the cave .The dragon makes a thunderous roar and starts fighting.Jessie throws a spear over dragon which breaks into pieces.This time she attacks dragon with a sword under his wings where there were no scales.
    Jessie kills dragon and the queen makes her marriage with prince.

  3. Many,many years ago before you were born there lived a man called soldier called Tom and he was brave at everything.One day the people had to feed a furious dragon and then they ran out of food so the dragon started to chase them and instead of chasing the villagers he caught the princess.after that the Queen immediately needed tom and she said''if you kill the dragon you will get lots of diomonds''then tom went of and he killed the dragon and got diomonds.

  4. Long , long ago there lived a young man and his name is Seseus . He was the bravest knights in the whole of the king's kingdom . There was one serious problem occurring the land, on a mountain there lived a ferocious dragon and the dragon was cursed that who ever touched him would turn into the dragon the dragon them self . Every morning the villagers stacked piles of food to feed the dragon . One day the food ran out and the dragon stole the king. Seseus was called by the queen and the queen said " I need you to rescue for my dear sweet husband .Seseus s of into the village to ask for volunteers . Some people wanted to volunteer and he told them get all the axes and knife and cut a trench leading to the underworld then appeared Hades of the underworld . He said " I will help you "and cut trench as big as a dragon . " Thank you " replied Seseus .The next day the dragon arrived but he fell in the trench . Then Seseus got the queen's daughter hand in marriage and they lived happily ever after .

    1. Star:You wrote a lot of writing.

  5. A very long time ago lived a wise brave warrior .His name was Robin, He travelled to a village. In the village were some villagers. At the afternoon a stupendous black dragon came out of his cave, he breathed some fire out at Robin and in particular the black dragon had captured the princess of Egypt. The queen immediately called for Robin to meet her in her palace. The queen said to Robin "If you save my princess you can marry her" . So Robin set of. When Robin got there the dragon roared at him " ROAR"! He said. Robin hid away from the dragon and freed the princess. Next Robin executed the black dragon and married the princess.

  6. Long ago in a faraway land, there was a worthy and fearless knight named Brian. One day there was a ferocious dragon and he was terrorising the country and chasing villagers. In particular, he had caught the princess. The king was very worried. He gave a promise that whoever could save her would get a fortune of money. No one agreed except for Brian. He was determined to save the princess. He travelled to the dragons cave. When he arrived, he heard his roar. It was like lightning. He went in and threw a spear. Suddenly, it smashed to smithereens. So he tried under his tail. Suddenly, there was a big explosion and then the dragon was defeated, so he rescued the princess and went back to the village. He was rewarded with a fortune of gold.

    1. star: that was really good Hamza
      wish: you could have had like : he got rewarded by the princesses hand in

  7. Long before you were born in a small town lived a little girl called Grace. In that town around the coastline lived a big, queen. She was jealous of the town because of Grace because she thought Grace was prettier than her.
    One day the queen got really angry and decided to steel the crown jewels of that village. The queen of Graces village told Grace to go and get those crown jewels from the queen. The next month Grace came back with a head on her back and the crown jewels in her bare hands. She was a hero. She was given the gold!

  8. Once in a far away land, their lived a boy called Jack and one day Jack
    saw a ferocious dragon and he was terrorising the country & chasing
    villagers. In particular, he had caught the princess. The king was verry worried.
    He gave a promise that if someone saves the princess they will be married to
    the princess in marradge so Jack saved the princess and killed the dragon….
    and got rewarded with the princesses hand in marradge everyone cheered…..
    '' hhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!

  9. Long ago in a far away land, there lived a ferocious dragon. One day he stole the Sun and the Moon from the sky and locked them inside the mountain where he was living. The King and the people of that land were very upset because this was meaning death for everyone. Everybody was very scared. But the next day a prince came along and the King said to him, if you defeat the dragon you can have my daughter as your wife. So he went to the mountain where the dragon lived and waved his sword and shouted at him. The dragon raised its ugly head, roared and puffs of flame shot from his nostrils.
    The prince hit the dragon with his sword but the scales were too hard so the sword smashed in to tiny pieces. Then he took out his bow and shot the dragon straight in the head and defeated him. He took the Sun and the Moon back to the sky , married the princess and everyone lived happily ever after.

  10. Once in a far away land lived a princess called,Ellie.Ellie had an evil step mother who was jealous of Ellie's beauty so she planned to send a poisonous shark but there was a hero called, Harry.His father wanted him to find a princess.Harry was walking past the step mothers palace but didn't hear the curse that was going to befall the fair lady Ellie.Ellie was at her house when suddenly the prince walked in and asked for Ellie to marry him but before Ellie could say anything the poisonous shark came and attacked Ellie but Harry swung his sword at the shark.Ellie said yes to the marriage. The step mother through everything and planned to send a dragon that breathed fire the prince and princess were going shopping when suddenly that dragon breathed fire at Ellie but Harry had water and the the dragon died.

  11. Once there was a man called Jack.Next day a dragon was in the village.The dragon had black eyes and around he is blue and he has black wings.So they disided to tell the furios Jack.the queen siad so he went to the desert althow he hmmmd and siad"I think I cant do this"said Jack so he went and choped the dragons head of and his prize was gold.

  12. 50 years ago there was George V ( Queen Elizerberth's father ) there was
    a person called Mr Wright he was the best soldier in the world he had
    have a adventure in germany so he started thefight of the world war 2
    and he had turned agensted his own home country.George V said g and
    so he can be the next king. The king turned bad he turned into a dragon
    the dragon lost . He was the hero.50 years ago there was George V ( Queen Elizerberth's father ) there was
    a person called Mr Wright he was the best soldier in the world he had
    have a adventure in germany so he started thefight of the world war 2
    and he had turned agensted his own home country.George V said g and
    so he can be the next king. The king turned bad he turned into a dragon
    the dragon lost . He was the hero.Then he had a son called david camron. He became the king.
