Friday 16 October 2015

Buckingham Palace

Next week we will be writing a letter to Buckingham Palace to ask if we are allowed to go and visit them! Therefore your task this week is to do some research into Buckingham Palace and come up with five pieces of information or questions that you might want to include in your letter. Please do not write the letter. We will be doing this in class.

We will be using this information in lessons so you may find it easier to do this work on paper. This means you can have it with you at your desk while you are writing. Please ask for paper if you need it.


  1. My first question to the queen is how many how guards do you have.The second to the queen is how many rooms are in your in your home buckingham palace.My next questionto the queen is how many maids do you have(including servents and knights).My fourth question to the queen is have you ever been on a vacation or a holiday.Finally my last questionis how many crowns and clothes do you have(including rings,septers,orbs braclets).

  2. The palace is often at the center of state occasions and royal hospitality.
    It has been a focus for the British people at times of national rejoicing.
    Originally known s Buckingham House, the building witch forms the core of today's palace was a large townhouse for the Duke of Bukingham in 1703 on a site witch had been in private ownership for at least 150 years.It was subsequently acquired by King George III in 1761 as a private residence fr Queen Charlotte and was known as ''the Queen's House''. During the 19th Century it was enlarged,principally by architects John Nash and Edward Blore, who formed three wings around a central courtyard. Buckingham Palace finally became the offical royal palace of the British monarch on the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837.
    Did you know that buckingham Palace has 775 rooms.

    By Marco

  3. Buckingham palace has a flag and if the flag is waving that means the queen is there but if it not waving or there it means she is not there.
    Buckingham palaces has a a special chair to sit on.
    Buckingham palace is humeguse.
    Buckingham palace is really special.
    Buckingham palace has lots of golden things.

  4. Buckingham Palace is the Queen’s home.
    The building is a landmark.
    It has 775 rooms, It has 19 state rooms, 52 royal and guest rooms,188 staff bedrooms,92 offices and 78 bathrooms.
    It has portraits.
    More than 50,000 people visit the palace every year.

  5. In Buckingham palace has lots of stars because they have a big building and on the top they have slwoly parts on the top. the building has white on the out side and in the in side they have a lot of gold and white and then they have big doors and the have soldiers sow they can logafter the important stuff.It has a
    lot of windows and that means that it has lot of rooms.


  6. I've always wanted to know where Henry VIII lived and was he related to Queen Elizabeth? Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms and it is white from outside and gold from inside. How many grandchildren does the Queen have?The Queen became Queen when she was 25. Was the Queen alive during World War 1 and 2? If a flag is waving that means the Queen is there if not then she is at Windsor Castle. Everyday there is a parade called,''The Guard Changing Ceremony'' and many people come and visit the Palace.

  7. Buckingham palace is used also for the admiuckingham Palace was originally a grand house built by the Dukes of Buckingham for his wife. George IV began transforming it into a palace in 1826 nistrative work for the monarchy
    It is here in the state apartments that Her MajesWhen the Queen is at home, you can see her royal flag flying from the flag pole on tThe flag is split into four quadrants. The first and fourth quadrants represent England and contain three gold lions walking (passant) on a red field; the second quadrant represents Scotland contains a red lion standing on the left hind foot (rampant) on a gold field; the third quadrant represents Ireland and contains the gold Coat of arms of Ireland on a blue field.op of Buckingham Palace.tyreceives and entertains guests invited to the Palace.

    now my first question is how many guards are there in buckingham palace?
    Do you have more than ten lines?

    by thinu

  8. Did you know? Queen Elizabeth II is the longest reigning monarch in English history.
    When the queen is at Buckingham Palace the Flag is hoisted into the air to let people know she is home.
    There are 1514 doors and 760 windows in Buckingham Palace.
    During the Second World War Buckingham Palace suffered nine direct bomb hits.
    There are more than 350 clocks and watches in Buckingham Palace.

  9. Buckingham palace has loads of rooms to be exact it has 755 rooms. This palace has been a home for the royalty since 1837. The place where Buckingham palace stands was actually a mulberry garden planted by King James I. Buckingham palace has a special flag that waves when the Queen is home but when she is not the Union Jack flies. Inside Buckingham palace there is a throne room and in there lies a gold and velvet throne you can see the throne.

  10. • Buckingham Palace has been the official London residence of Britain's monarchs since 1837.
    • The palace has 775 rooms, including 19 state rooms, 52 royal and guest bedrooms, 188 staff bedroom 92 offices
    • Buckingham Palace is 108 metres long across the front, 120 metres deep (including the quadrangle) and 24 metres high. The total floor area of the Palace, from basement to roof, covers over 77,000 square metres.
    • There are 1,514 doors and 760 windows in Buckingham Palace. All windows are cleaned every six weeks to keep them clean
    • A flag always flies above Buckingham Palace. When The Queen is in residence, the Royal Standard flies. When the Sovereign is not present, the Union Flag flies instead. A flag sergeant has the role of raising and lowering the right flag as The Queen arrives at or departs from the Palace.

     I would like to know how many kings and queens have lived in Buckingham palace??

  11. The palace was first originated as Buckingham house which was built by John Sheffield.In 1703 he was the duke of Buckingham house.George III purchase Buckingham house for his wife Queen Charlotte in 1761 so to create a comfortable family near st James.George had 15 children born at the palace.James planted a mulberry in the garden.However a king used the wrong type of mulberry bush and unable to succeed any skills.

    How many TV s does Buckingham palace have?

  12. Buckingham Palace is The Queen's official London residence, but St.
    James's Palace is the ceremonial Royal residence. Even today foreign
    ambassadors are formally accredited to 'the Court of St. James's'.
    Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms. These include 19 State rooms,
    52 Royal and guest bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices and 78
    bathrooms.Vital statistics: Buckingham Palace is 108 metres long across
    the front, 120 metres deep (including the quadrangle) and 24 metres high.
    The total floor area of the Palace, from basement to roof, covers over
    77,000 square metres.The site where Buckingham Palace now stands was
    originally a mulberry garden planted by King James I (r. 1603-25) to rear
    silkworms. Unfortunately, he chose the wrong kind of mulberry bush, and
    silk production never took off in Britain. Buckingham Palace ets its name
    from an eighteenth-century Tory politician. John Sheffield, 3rd Earl of
    Mulgrave and Marquess of Normanby, was created Duke of Buckingham in
    1703. He built Buckingham House for himself as a grand London home. In
    1761, George III bought Buckingham House for his wife, Queen Charlotte, to
    use as a comfortable family home close to St James's Palace. Buckingham
    House became known as the Queen's House, and 14 of George III's 15
    children were born there.Buckingham House was transformed into
    Buckingham Palace in the 1820s by the architect John Nash for George IV.
    But the first monarch to use Buckingham Palace as their official residence
    was Queen Victoria, who moved there in 1837. The previous monarch -
    William IV - had preferred to live at Clarence House and to use St. James's
    Palace for State functions.
