Friday 18 December 2015

Stone Age Projects

After Christmas we will be learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.

Your task for over the holidays is to produce a project relating to the Stone Age. It can take any form you want! Here are some examples of projects completed by another Year 3 class in another school.

A model of Stonge Henge, made from cardboard, clay and felt.

A model of a Stone Age man made from felt and clay.

A poster depicting a timeline from the Stone Age.

A poster containing lots of facts about the Stone Age.

A cake depicting Stone Henge!

You will have four weeks to complete this project. It will be due in school on Friday 15th January. If you need any resources such as card, paper or clay, please ask your teacher. 
We are really looking forward to seeing them!


  1. Happy Birthday miss Tracey,

    from Oviya

  2. Happy Birthday miss Tracey,a merry christmas and a happy new year .See you soon in monday 4 January 2016. And on the same day im going to marcharl arts . Im going to piano class as well.

  3. KAIVALYA PULLAKANDAM25 December 2015 at 06:37

    A long time ago, in a town called Nazareth, lived ​a young woman called
    Mary. ​One day she was visited ​by an angel named ​Gabriel.​Gabriel told
    Mary that ​she was going to have a ​baby. The baby would be ​God’s son.​
    Gabriel said that God wanted ​her to call the baby Jesus.Mary was engaged
    to a carpenter ​called Joseph. ​Mary told Joseph what Gabriel ​had told her.
    Joseph and Mary got married and prepared for the ​arrival of the special
    baby.When it was time for the baby to ​arrive Mary and Joseph travelled
    to ​Bethlehem.​Joseph was from Bethlehem and ​they needed to go there to
    pay ​taxes.​It was a long journey so Mary rode on a ​donkey.Bethlehem was
    very busy and Joseph and Mary could ​not find a place to stay.Eventually an
    innkeeper found ​them a place to rest in his stable.It was in this stable that
    ​the Baby Jesus was born.At the same time some shepherds ​were sitting on
    a hillside watching ​their sheep.​An angel appeared in the ​sky. She told them
    not to ​be afraid.​The angel told them that ​the Son of God had been ​born in
    Bethlehem.The shepherds walked to Bethlehem to see this ​special baby.Far
    away in the East three wise ​men saw a very bright star.They knew it meant
    that a ​new King had been born and ​followed the star to find ​him.Far away
    in the East three wise ​men saw a very bright star.They knew it meant that
    a ​new King had been born and ​followed the star to find ​him.Far away in the
    East three wise ​men saw a very bright star.They knew it meant that a ​new
    King had been born and ​followed the star to find ​him.Soon afterwards,
    Joseph also had a dream.​An angel told him to take Mary and the baby
    away ​to Egypt as Herod wanted to kill Baby Jesus.​In his search for the Baby
    Jesus, Herod ordered ​that all baby boys in Bethlehem be killed.​But Joseph
    had made sure his new family were safe. ​He had already left Bethlehem
    and travelled to Egypt.

    A merry christmas and a happy new year to every one.

  4. A long time ago, in a town called Nazareth, lived ?a young woman called
    Mary. One day she was visited by an angel named ?Gabriel.?Gabriel told
    Mary that ?she was going to have a ?baby. The baby would be ?God’s son.?
    Gabriel said that God wanted ?her to call the baby Jesus.Mary was engaged
    to a carpenter ?called Joseph. ?Mary told Joseph what Gabriel ?had told her.
    Joseph and Mary got married and prepared for the ?arrival of the special
    baby.When it was time for the baby to ?arrive Mary and Joseph travelled
    to ?Bethlehem.?Joseph was from Bethlehem and ?they needed to go there to
    pay ?taxes.?It was a long journey so Mary rode on a ?donkey.Bethlehem was
    very busy and Joseph and Mary could ?not find a place to stay.Eventually an
    innkeeper found ?them a place to rest in his stable.It was in this stable that
    ?the Baby Jesus was born.At the same time some shepherds ?were sitting on
    a hillside watching ?their sheep.?An angel appeared in the ?sky. She told them
    not to ?be afraid.?The angel told them that ?the Son of God had been ?born in
    Bethlehem.The shepherds walked to Bethlehem to see this ?special baby.Far
    away in the East three wise ?men saw a very bright star.They knew it meant
    that a ?new King had been born and ?followed the star to find ?him.Far away
    in the East three wise ?men saw a very bright star.They knew it meant that
    a ?new King had been born and ?followed the star to find ?him.Far away in the
    East three wise ?men saw a very bright star.They knew it meant that a ?new
    King had been born and ?followed the star to find ?him.Soon afterwards,
    Joseph also had a dream.?An angel told him to take Mary and the baby
    away ?to Egypt as Herod wanted to kill Baby Jesus.?In his search for the Baby
    Jesus, Herod ordered ?that all baby boys in Bethlehem be killed.?But Joseph
    had made sure his new family were safe. ?He had already left Bethlehem
    and travelled to Egypt.

    1. you have done a lot of question marks in the wronge places

  5. Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

  6. The stone age was the early humans life. The stone age people lived in caves and jungles. The stone age ended between 6000 BC to 2500 BC. people in the stone age made tools from stone. The oldest stone was 3.4million years old, it was found in Lower Awash valley in Ethiopia. stones were used to make fire.

    The people in the stone age only ate plants and animals. They wrapped themselves in animals fur and they sat around fire to keep them warm. The stone age people could communicate with written symbols all their words and ideas were expressed in symbols. The stone age people were talented artists.

  7. I have had a great year, especially the time in year three with you.

  8. Stone Age hunter-gatherers had to catch or find everything they ate. They moved from place to place in search of food.Early Stone Age people hunted with sharpened sticks. Later, they used bows and arrows and spears tipped with flint or bone. People gathered nuts and fruits and dug up roots. They went fishing using nets and harpoons.Stone Age people cut up their food with sharpened stones and cooked it on a fire. They used animal skins to make clothes and shelters. After a good day’s hunting people could feast on meat. But the next day they had to start finding food again!
    In the early Stone Age, people made simple hand-axes out of stones. They made hammers from bones or antlers and they sharpened sticks to use as hunting spears.
    Climate change during the Stone Age caused animal life in Britain to go through several changes.
    During the Ice Ages, Britain was covered by ice and snow. Herds of mammoths, reindeer and woolly rhinoceroses roamed across the snow and brown bears sheltered in caves.
    In the warm periods between the Ice Ages, Britain became as hot as Africa is today! Elephants, hippos, rhinos and hyenas all moved north through Europe to live in Britain.
    The last Ice Age ended around 15,000 years ago and the British climate became very similar to how it is today. The forests were full of foxes and red squirrels. Wolves and bears lived in the hills.
    Britain was home to most of the species of birds, fish and shellfish we have today, so people had a wide range of food to eat.
