Thursday 8 October 2015

Michael Rosen

As it's National Poetry Day, we have been listening to some poems. Here are our favourite ones from today...


  1. Michael Wayne Rosen was born 7 may 1946 he is an English children novelist and a poet the author of 140 books.He served as children Laurent from june 2007 to June 2009.He has been on TV presenter ,political ,columnist and an advocate of British Republic. Some of his books are called bananas in my ears and this is not my nose

  2. One day my mum did the cake for my dad's birthday . It was a chocolate cake -my favorite ! at night I could not sleep . so I got up and I went to the fridge. I ate some cake. mum got up in the morning and saw my face was all dirty in chocolate.She was a little angry at me ,then she just started laughing at me.

  3. Chocolate Ice-Cream

    I think I am mostly like a normal person because I wake up in the morning,get out of bed go to school,Come back home and do my homework,but my favourite thing to eat after coming back from school is a giant scoop of chocolate ice-cream.Oh how I loved chocoalate ice-cream.It was my favourite food ever in my hole life.My mum would say listen Yuvika if There is any iec-cream left over at the end of the day you can have some of for desert or we are watching the movie.So I waited till 9:30 and after eating a big plateful of chicken and rice . I finally got pudding . There it stood on the high table . The delicious mountain ofchocolate ice-cream with chocolate sauce dribbiling down from the sides.Then I gulpped it all up in one second . That night I was in bed fast asleep in bed and so was every body else.In the middle of the night I woke up and said to myself " ICE-CREAM!!".I thought and said maybe I could have a little taste of it to make sure it tastes good enough for school . No one would notice.So I creeped out of bed . Ooohhh! don't awaken my baby brother ."Now go into the kitchen,open the freezer.And..."WHOO!!!!" I screamed"I FOUND THE CHOCOLATE"I found mum and dad glaring at me .The next day mum banned me from playing with digital gadget for a month

  4. Chocolate cake
    Chunky chocolate cake
    Hot from the oven
    On top of my plate
    Chunky chocolate cake
    On my plate
    Lumpy frosting on the top
    And I ate it all up
    Till the last crumb
    Every crumb was delicious

    Chunky chocolate cake
    Amazing taste
    King of cakes
    Every crumb was delicious

    1. lovely acrostic poem fatima

    2. Nice acrostic poem Fatima

  5. michlel roisn and
    his brother
    never got

  6. michlel roisn and
    his brother
    never got

  7. My poem is about my favourite food biscuit
    Brilliant biscuit
    Impeccably soft
    Super different types
    Cool flavours
    Unique shapes, sizes
    Incredible feelings
    Terrific taste
    Biscuit by Sienna!

  8. My favourite treat`s are donut`s so delicious donut`s they are covered with icing and sprinkles . One day my mummy put the delicious donuts on for of the oven and she asked me
    Do you like spaghetti?
    I said yes,
    Do you like donuts?
    asked my mummy,
    and I said yes,
    Then my mummy said ,
    Do you like spaghetti donuts?
    and I said no

  9. One day me and my mum went to buy some tuna wrap for my pack lunch at school on the way we went to the park and my mum sat down and behind her she put her bag I crept to the bag quietly and then I noticed that I stepped on a bottle and she didn't even noticed so I went even closer so then i kicked a rock and I didn't even noticed so I quickly got the tuna wrap and ate it so I woke up in the morning and she said you haven't eaten the tuna sandwich have you?
