Thursday 1 October 2015

Ancient Egypt

Over the last few weeks we have been learning about Ancient Egypt. I would like you to think about all the different things you have learnt and tell me your favourite thing about Ancient Egypt and why you found it so interesting.

Here are some pictures to inspire you:


My favourite thing about Ancient Egypt is mummification. I think it's really interesting that they believed so strongly in an afterlife that they put so much preparation into mummifying and burying their dead. Did you know that they placed lots of treasures into the tombs of their dead pharaohs so that they would have all their worldly possessions in the afterlife? These are just some of the amazing things that Howard Carter and his team of Egyptologists found inside Tutankhamun's tomb:


  1. We have learnt about Egypt. In Egypt people made mummies by:mashing brains putting cuts placing 2 finger amulets and they put salt and left it for 40 days.In the after life there is a special girl and she makes food for the after life. My favourite thing is mumification because we Iearnt a lot. In Egypt they used a lot of hieroglyphs and the did not use normal writing like us.

  2. My favourite part of Ancient Egypt was how prepare a mummy because it was as horrible as horrible histories. I found it interesting because of the conopic jars that were used for putting in the intestine, liver, lungs and stomach when someone was mummified.

  3. In 1336 BC Tutankhamun, a vey important person who became a pharaoh in the age of 9 years old and died in the age of 10. Cleopatra Vii was last queen of pharaoh. She was born on 69 BC and died on August the 12th 30 BC.

    Famous pharaohs died inside pyramids in the valley of kings, Cairo, Egypt.

    The ancient Egyptients didn't talk, they had to draw things in hieroglyphs.

    My favourite thing about Ancient Egypt is Mumyfication. It is a process of dead bodies in bandages to keep it for 1000's of years. I saw mummies in British Museum and Belgium Museum.

  4. 100 years ago pepol bean sent into a too moom of gold and tutookumoon was beryd some where speshl under ground and there was a lot of gold and julry tutookumoo he wasnt very poplu but tutookmoon was fanous and tutookumoon had a bleu baerd.

  5. my favourite part was when we leant about mummy's because it was fun and intresting.I enjoyed learning about how to make a mummy to because it was fun.

  6. I found the mummification lesson pretty interesting because its weird how the Egyptians did so many preparations for pharaohs when
    they are leaving in to the afterlife.We England people just bury people and put flowers around them to show respect for them.Here are some preparations the Egyptians do when pharaohs take their journey to the afterlife. These are some preparation the Egyptians do to their victims when leaving to the afterlife .

    .They wash the victom with wine and herbs
    .They wrap the victom with a long bandges called linen

    1. I like your paragraph ��������������

    2. I love your work Yuvika.

  7. My favourite ancient thing is Hieroglyphics because they are better then letters and they pictures. Pictures are very fun and they are colourful. I know how to spell my name with hieroglyphics. O is a snake, V is a chick, I is with 2 chips , Y is with 2 green flag`s and A is a owl . On the Hieroglyphics their is one A , two of B , one of C , one D , one E , one F, one g, two of H, one I, one J ,one K, one L, one M, two of N, one O ,one P, one Q , one R, one S, two of T, one U, one V, one W, one X, one Y, and one Z.

    Hieroglyphics are very special because they are very ancient. Hieroglyphics can spell anything just like letters . Hieroglyphics are known in Egypt first because the Egyptians thought of Hieroglyphics and that`s why they are famous. Egyptians are famous for other things as well.

  8. We have been learning about ancient Egypt.
    My favourite ancient thing is the discovery of Tutankhamuns and the mummifications.
    It is incredibly intresting that the Egyptians, so long ago could achieve to do what they were doing.
    It shows that Egypt had a civilisation which was quite advance.
    Hayan Saafi

  9. My favourite thing about ancient Egypt is there gods because they had thousands of gods and goddesses. My favourite goddesses is Bastet because she had a cat head and she was the daughter of Ra the Egyptian god of the sun. Bastet looked after the cats and sometimes she looks like a lioness to protect the king in battle. My favourite god was Osiris because Isis was his sister\wife and his appearance was a mummified man wearing a white cone-like headdress with feathers.

  10. My favourite Egyptian thing is GODS because each GOD has their own job that they do. My favourite GOD is Bes because I like what he wears. The skin of the Lion and he is actually a dwarf with Lion features. His job is to project from enemies taking new born babies or come near pregnant ladies. He is very ugly so he can scare enemies away. I even like Anubis and Ra, because he is the Sun GOD. Anubis has the best job of all. He has to mummify the people who are dead. He is mostly seen on top of tombs.

  11. Egypt is a great country for history about pyramid , pharaohs and mummies .
    My favourite thing was knowing about the tall pyramid is amazing and the language is called holographic and its about pictures which I found it quite interesting language .

  12. My favourite part of learning about ancient Egypt is hieroglyphics as well as mummification. I found out how to write my name in hieroglyphics. It looks like a story map. Mummification is extremely interesting because it makes me wonder how did they put a stick through the nose of the dead persons to reach their brain? How did they remove the inner organs!?

  13. My favourite thing about Egypt is all about the Pharaohs,Theres a king called Tutankhamun and a queen called Cleopatra .Did you now that in Tutankhamun's tomb there was thousands of golden treasures. Mens are the most important poeple in Ancient Egypt and Do you know that a lady pharaoh discise herself like a boy .When the pharaoh has died it geos to the vally of the dead.

  14. my favouite thing about egypt is all about when
    they take out the lungs,and they take a stik it
    and smach the brain and take it out.They take
    and I like Bastet looks after the cats and i like

  15. My favourite part about ancient Egypt is about the pyramid there is a famous person who was buried in a huge huge pyramid. Most of the time famous or rich people
    Get buried in a pyramids most of the time mummy's get buried in a pyramids. The pyramids are even bigger than a houses and high buildings.

  16. My favourite thing about Egypt was learning about the mummification. It was interesting to find out how mummies were made.
    One thing I found to be disgusting was that kings and princes had to marry their sisters to keep the royal bloodline.
    I want to keep on learning more about the Egyptians because it is fun.
