Thursday 17 September 2015

Finish the story

This week we have been learning to write stories of mystery and suspense. We have been focusing on using short sentences to build suspense and creating a spooky atmosphere.

Your task this week is to finish the story below. Try not to write more than 100 words.


I had no idea that there was a secret room in our house. Not until I heard the noise....


  1. Tis scary house scary then ever

  2. When I went in I heard errie sounds they were saying my name.The light was flickering. I did not know what to do.I sat down and thought, just then a paper flew right in and a message written in blood was on there.The floor boards were creeking and I thought that there was a monster and there wasactually one.It had dark eyes and slurping tenticles.I went further I knew this was not right.Then I saw the most horrible thing ever.IT WAS A SLIMY SNAKE.I screamed and ran out.I was really scared.

  3. All I could hear was high pitch screaming. I didn't know were it was coming from so I looked all around the house. Where is that noise coming from? Im gong to ask mum and dad. Mum and dad said they can't hear any think. I know, ill look in the old cellar. I coudent see any thin. I no i will come back tomorrow so i can see. There was know one there but me. I don't like it here it is still dark and it was morning!


  4. Not until I heard the noise of a bang then a loud crash. My fingers were trembling when they got closer to the metal smooth handle. Suddenly there was a howl and a cry of pain. I opened the door and there I saw the was slimiest hairiest ugliest monster of them all. The monster looked old and needed help he was very upset. Then that very moment the monster did a tremendous burp it smelt of old onions and garlic

  5. I had no idea there was a secret room in our house. Not until I heard the noise — CREEAK — coming from the hallway.

    This went on for sometime and no one in my family could hear it except me. One late night everyone was fast asleep but me, I was awaken by scratching noise coming from downstairs from a tiny cupboard. I was so scared, I felt like screaming but I didn't want to wake everyone up. I knew that I could not go on like this; being scared night after night, I had to find out what this terrifying noise was!

    I walked downstairs shivering and sweating, not knowing what to expect. I walked to the cupboard and for a moment I froze, my legs felt like jelly. I knew it was too late to run back up the stairs so I decided to open the door. The cupboard was full of old things and it smelt of cold, it gave me a really creepy feeling. Suddenly, as I started moving things around I tripped and fell on the floor, a hatch opened underneath me and swooped me beneath our house, I started screaming for help but nobody could hear me. It was wet and cold and it gave me the creeps. I could hear the noise louder and clearer, I had a lump in my throat, they were giant rats — lots them.

    I had just discovered a creepy, slimy, stinky cellar that no one knew about, I knew that I had to get out quickly or else!!!

  6. I had no idea that we had a secret room in our house. Not till I heard the noise of a creaking door. I went to see what it was. It was a werewolf waiting for a victim so he can eat it. I ran all the way to my room and shut the door.

  7. I had no idea that we had a secret room in our house.Not until I heard this sound of a weird creature with lots of hair and sharp claws walking near the staircase.It was 12:30.At 2 O'clock I had to catch a plane to Canada but I want to finish the mystery. What decision should I take.

    After 5 minutes I finally decided take an action,'I am going to finish the the mystery right now' I said to myself. I took a turn and saw a door. I did not now where that door lead to but I went in anyway.I was so curious that I did not notice
    that someone was lighting a metal cone. As it got bigger I noticed it . Before I could get even a step closer to it , it blew away.Then another light lit . As I tried to get closer to it, that too blew out. Another and another and another, soon all the corners of the room were lit up and blew out. I kept chasing the lit up cones with the fire but all of them kept blowing out. Who was it lighting the cones and why were they blowing out?

  8. I was speechless when I heard that there was a secret room in our house I didn't belive it. Until I fell into it instantly I heard a skeeeeaaakkkkkk. It looked like a fury animal

    By hayan

  9. I had no idea that there was a secret room in our house . Not until I heard the noise it was night and the secret room had a light flashing like a star . Down the door was a hall just as the size of a mouse . Suddenly the flashing light went off the secret room was as dark as the night sky. The secret room was really small it could not even fit a single person in.

    I heard something it was like someone getting out some sharp claws from there finger nails then it did not sound like sharp finger nails it sounded like someone was going to roar .I thought it was a monster .It did roar it went ROAR then it roared again ROAR. I run and came back in ten minutes this time I was scared if it roared again I would never come back next to the secret room.

    Nothing roared I let a bit of fear get away from me because I was not scared a lot but the flashing light went on again I Peaked through the mouse hole and there was a tiny monster family that were very good at roaring I was not scared everyday I came to see the monsters every night.

  10. I had no idea that there was a secret room in our house. Not until I heard the noise. It was a sunny day and I was sat reading in my bed then I heard a sound it was like a robot speaking to a person. I jumped up and tiptoed to the door of wear the sound was coming from. I opened the smooth metal door handle and walked in nervously. The room was gold and shiny it was full of people wearing very cool clothes, then one lady came up to me she was small and had long golden hair and was wearing a skirt which was short and silver and a matching top. Then she asked me with a voice like chocolate “do you know anybody because we are all singers see there is Taylor swift just behind Sam smith and I am crystal grinner as I am only 15 I live in the training room come on I will shows you around” she said quietly as Millie Kara was coming “what’s your name” I replied “sienna.” We walked past the group room and knocked on the door. “Come in “someone said in a deep voice, we entered and sat on the bench I watched young children sing all their voices were beautiful. Soon a loud bell rang and a sweet girlish voice said “please it is time for singers sleep” and so I left the training room and headed for the brown shiny door and then a girl said to me “you are so cool” and that made my day happy. I left singer world and ran outside to play with my friends Maja, Amelia, Tanvi and lots of other girls from my school.
    BY SIENNA BPyear3
