Friday 23 October 2015

Ancient Greek Plates

After half term we will be learning about the Ancient Greeks. In Week 1 we will be concentrating on Ancient Greek artwork.

Your task over half term is to create an Ancient Greek plate on the paper plate that your teacher has given you.

Here are some pictures to inspire you;



  1. Ancient Greece is amazing.In Ancient Greece the men got to decide if the baby should stay alive or not and if the men said "Alright I do not want the baby",the people would leave the baby to die but if there was someone in time the baby would not die.Gils were not important in this country,they stopped school at the age of 7 and helped with the chores whereas the boys got to do:music,French,reading and writing.If a boy and girl wanted to marry the girls mum and dad would have to give money to the boy to buy the girl.

  2. 2,500 years ago Greece was one of the most important places in the ancient world .The ancient Greece, were great thinkers ,warriors, writers , actors, athletes , artists ,architects and politicians. The ancient Greece called themselves "Hellenes" and their land was Hellas;.

    The name` Greece` was given to the people of Greece later by the romans . They lived in mainland Greece and the Greek islands, but also in colonies scattered around the Mediterranean sea. There were Greeks in Italy, Sicily, Turkey , North ,Africa, and as far west as France. They sailed the sea to trade and find new lands.

  3. Ancient Greek Was The Language Spoken By The People Of Ancient Greece From The 19 th 14 th Century B.C. Ancient Greek And Latín. Are The Most Important Ancient Languages Of English Today.

    By Marco

  4. Grjityrjytrjytftfth

  5. Replies
    1. marco stop being silly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Ancient Greek daily life was very different to ours because they did not have computers and smart phones or electricity but they had fun for they could do sports and play games and work. In ancient Greece you would either be rich or very poor. Most people were poor and did not have money so they would work hard and earn money. People would go to the market and buy food with their money that they had earned. When you were old enough to get married (around 15) a man would come and buy you. The night before you were married you would burn all your toys. Did you know the Greeks invented the Olympics?

  7. Sports in the ancient Greek times were very different.In relay races they held the baton while it was on fire so the Greeks had to run really fast before it reached there arm.It is a bit strange that at the end of the contest the loser had to kill the winner to show respect for them. In some races the racers had to run naked and in some races the ran in full armor and carry a shield for no reason. I think carrying a shield in races as a tradtion made by a king or queen.

  8. Sports in the ancient greek times were very different.In realay races they held the baton while it was on fire so the greeks had to run really fast before the fire caught their arm.Its a bit different that at the end of the contest the winner had to kill the looser to show no mercy for them . In some races the racers had to run naked and in some races they ran in full armour and carry a sheild for no reason. I think carrying a sheild in races was a tradition made by a king or queen.

  9. The earliest Greek civilization lived nearly 4000 years ago . The ancient Greeks lived in countries we now call Bulgaria and Turkey . The anceint Greece empire spread over Europe as far as France in the east. The Greek empire was most powerful between 2000bc and 146bc

    By hayan

  10. Ancient Greece people have baby's and if the dad said that he didn't like the baby they just put the baby on the road to die.ancient Greeks tried
    to sense the world.even they liked ancient Greeks pets.ancient Greek soldier's have crazy weapons like a angry face shield.
