Friday 4 December 2015

Non-Chronological Reports

This week we have learning about the features of non-chronological reports. Next week we will be writing reports about dragons. In the final week of our unit you will be writing a non-chronological report about a dinosaur.

Your task this week is to find out information about a dinosaur of your choice. You must gather information that you can include in your report, such as;
  • where they lived
  • when they lived
  • what they ate
  • what they looked like
You may find these websites useful;

You must write your information onto the planning grid given to you by your teacher. Please let your teacher know if you don't have one. Everyone must bring this to school on Friday 11th December.



  1. Dinosaurs live in every continet exept from antartic . Dinosaurs lived over about
    65 millon years ago . Dinosaurs huntted dead animals and plants too.Dinosaurs are
    some times fluffy or maybe hard .

    Thank for reading this i hope you have a lovely


  2. KAIVALYA PULLAKANDAM5 December 2015 at 05:08

    A DINOSAUR that name means " spine lizard ". Its a dinosaur that is the largest carnivor . Current figures say they weigh 7000kg-20900kg(7 to 20.9 tons). This dinosaur is higher the GIGANOTOSAURUS ( WHICH is bigger than the t-rex ) .They lived in the CRETACEOUS PERIOD . Did the spinosaurus live in the time of the Trassic or Jarrasic or the Cetaceos ? He weighed 41 to 59 feet long .THE SKULL IS MORE THAN 5.6 FEET LONG .
    Their length was up to 18 metres (59 feet ). They weighed up to 20 tons (about 3 elephants!).The Spinosaurus had powerful jaws with straight teeth.Most other meat eating dinosaurs have curved teeth.Scientists thinks this means they would shake their prey to tear off pieces.This dino had an amazing sail coming out of its back. The sail was made from spike shaped bones, joined together by a layer of skin.Scientists are not sure what the sail was for. It may have been used to control its body temperature. By turning the sail to the sun it could have warmed its blood faster than other cold-blooded reptiles. Skeletons have been found in North Africa.There is still a lot of discussion among scientist about the true size of this huge dinosaur, as lots of estimates have to be made. Current figures say they weigh around 7000kg-20900kg (7 to 20.9 tons) and could grow 12.6 to 18 metres (41 to 59 feet) long. The skull alone was 1.75 meters long (5.7 feet).King of the meat eaters, it is believed they ate fish, and lived on both land and water (like a crocodile).They are the only true aquatic swimming dinosaur!

    1. star you told us about big they were and how much weiht
      they had and no whish.

  3. dinosaurs lived in very very hot playses
    they lived thousonds of years ago
    they all so ate
    and lam

  4. Scientists use some basic rules to decide which ancient creatures are dinosaur's.

  5. The dinosaurs
    Their length was up to 12 meters and 40 feet.
    They have large teeth and powerful jaws, the tail is used for balance and they have a very tiny arms and a big legs.

  6. Dinosaurs lived long time ago. Some dinosaurs eat meat and some eat plants like trees and palm trees and they live in very hot places.

  7. My Dinosaur is called the Stegosaurus and it lived about 150 million years ago in the Late Jurassic/Early Cretaciaous Period. The first fossil was discovered by Professor Othniel Marsh in 1877.The large, bony plates he found on its back reminded him of roof tiles - so the name he gave it means 'roofed lizard'.

    Some of the bony plates can be very large - over 1 meter (3 feet) high. Scientist are not sure how how the plates lay - or what they were for. Some believe they were for defence, but others that they may have acted as a way of controlling temperature.

  8. A star you told us about when they lived and why and where they lived .
