Friday 9 October 2015


This week we have been learning to write letters. We have also listened to some of Michael Rosen's poetry in which he gets into trouble for eating all the chocolate cake or breaking his watch. Your task is to combine both of these things....

Have you ever held a grudge against the brush that pulled your hair or the vacuum that sucked up your shoelaces? How did you feel when a pen leaked ink on your favourite shirt or the toaster burned yet another bagel? Think about a time when an object caused you a bit of distress, and write a letter to this object to express your disappointment.

For example:

Dear Pen,
I am so disappointed with you.
Today was school photograph day. I spent all morning fixing my hair and ironing my clothes. I scrubbed my face hard and even cleaned under my nails.
So, can you imagine my shock when I queued up to have my photograph taken and looked down at my shirt pocket? There it was. A big black smudge of ink in the middle of my shirt. How could you do this to me? You knew I needed to look my best! Now you've ruined the photograph that is going to sit on my mum's mantelpiece forever! My family and friends will be laughing at me for the rest of my life.
I hope you're happy with yourself.
Yours sincerely,


  1. Dear fudg im disapoint id in you beacause you nue it was
    pictuer day so it raind on you and you meltid on me
    then nobe ady
    woud be my frend
    so i crie im disapontid in
    my name is riccardo

  2. Dear Tooth Brush,
    I cant believe how irritating you are. Everyday I have to use you to brush my teeth. I hate brushing my teeth and when I see you it makes me angry that I'm going to have to brush my teeth. Do you know how that makes me feel? I feel like crying and screaming. Also when I do end up brushing my teeth you hurt me. Your bristles are so sharp they poke me in my gums. So tooth brush I hope that you will try not to make me upset every time I look at you.
    Your Sincerely

  3. Dear face cloth
    I’m so cross with you because when I rub you upon my face you just hurt me so why are you so harsh? You can just soften yourself with the water and make my face smooth.
    You’re sincerely
    Dear soap
    I’m incredibly cross with you because you are very runny why you drip into my eyes maybe you should just go down my back not my front.
    You’re sincerely

    1. Nice sienna really nice.prachi

    2. Dear chocolate cream
      I'm really disappointed because
      It was a lovely party and I was having fun
      My mum decorated you and the cake broke and spread chocolate on my
      Sparkly dress.I am really angry.I didn't know you had such torture in store for me.
      Yours sincerely

  4. Dear Chocolate Cream
    You are so annoying .Remember that day , it was the best birthday ever.Until a cake decorator came to decorate the cake .Then suddenly the cream pouch burst
    open and all the cream spread over my wonderful , white dress.I am so angry at you.I didn't know you had such torture in store for me.
    Yours Sincerely

  5. Dear hair brush,

    I am extremely furious . You have a silly behaviour . Why don not you stop pulling my hair of I already have short hair and you stop making shorter hair for me. How could you hurt my hair I hate it and don not make my hair wriggly like a worm because I prefer having straight hair . I heard some one say my hair is a bit wriggly and that had happened by you you caused this . I want straight hair not wriggly hair .

    your sincerely

  6. Dear Ice-cream,
    I am so disappointed with you because me and my mum brought you and I was excited.I was licking you and you did something horrific,
    you just fell fare an square that was really very horrid of you.
    I screamed and cried because I could not eat my Ice-cream
    I hope you are happy with yourself.

    Your sincerely

  7. Dear socks,

    Why do I have to wear you?
    You are like a dry cotton prison for my feet. You make me feel like my feet are suffocating. You live little squiggle marks on my ankles. My mum always says I have to wear you to keep my feet warm and prevent my shoes from getting smelly. I hate you all, white socks, black socks, colourful socks. You can't even keep it together in the laundry basket. You're forever losing your twin. During the colder parts of the year you are a must, but as soon as I get home, you come off. Oh, dear socks I wish you were never invented.

    Yours sincerely,


    1. I like Your story about socks Matei.

    2. Dear tooth
      I'm so disappointed with you because you have spoiled my new smart and clean good t-shirt, I wasn't so HAPPY WITH YOU my mum said that we have to go to a party when you suddenly fell out.
      There was blood on my t-shirt, you should be a shame of yourself and you should be ashamed what you have done.

    3. Your letter to your socks is ever so funny and crazy Matie.

  8. Dear cake ,
    why do I have to eat you
    you are like a walnut's skin but instead you go all over my face
    you leave big smuges on my face my dad sais I have to eat you because you are so tasety in my tummy. I hate you all, white chocolate cake , black chocolate & broun chocolate. During the colder parts of the year you are a must, but as soon as I finish you all youare gon. Oh, dear chocolate cake I wish you were never invented.

    Yours sincierly,


  9. Dear Lego.
    I am so disappointed in you.
    I tried to make a ship out of you at the weekend.
    It took me 4 hours and the minute I nearly finished,
    You broke in to peices.
    Oh dear! I wanted to scream. I took a break and started again. This time I made the ship, suddenly my little brother came and smashed you again.
    I wish you weren't so easy to break.
    By Hayan

  10. Thank you yuvika......,

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Dear School Jumper

    I am so disappointed with you .
    It was a bright and sunny day at school and I was playing happily .
    Suddenly, I started to itch my chest with anger .
    Simply you ruined my day and I wanted to run like crazy.
    Do I have to wear you?
    Although I almost like your colour .
    I wish you were extincted a LONG time ago!!!!!!

  13. Dear water bottle,

    I am so dissapointed with you because you ruined the whole thing of my house.
    do you know why. when I was holding you , you were
    spilting and shivering all over my cleaned brand new jumper and
    l was punished for that by my teacher.
    l wish you wasn't here and l had a
    water bottle that didn't spilt or shiver all over me

    your,scincerly thinu


  14. Dear glasses

    Why do I have to wear you all time ?

    You make my eyes red .
    I lost 2 glasses and broke 2 glasses .
    I have to wear you when I am reading , watching and playing .
    I am so disappointed because I have to wear glasses all the time .
    My new glasses are Avengers Assemble , they are Hulk , Thor , Captain America and Iron Man .

    Best regards


  15. Dear pen,
    I am not imprest with you because when I was writing with you and the inc went on the table and had to have time out in the corner for 1 minute .I was saw desempointed with you and she had to take my best teddy for a week I hate you pen so I trod you in the bin and then the hole bin was coverd in inc.
    then my mom was very angry and she wasted her money for a new bin it was cream.

    1. star: you have done an exellent work
      wish check through work
