Friday 4 March 2016

Stories Set in Familiar Places and Science Week

This week we have been learning about stories set in familar places. We have been looking, in particular, at a story called 'One Sweet Too Far', which is set in a school.

Your task this week is to think back to a memorable day that you have experienced at school, and turn it into a story. Remember, this is NOT a diary entry so you must write in the past tense and the third person.

Science Week
During the week beginning the 21st March, we will be taking part in an exciting Science week.  

On Wednesday 23rd we will hold annual Science fair. If you would like to take part, you will need to investigate a scientific problem or a science question that interests you. Ideally, you will carry out an experiment, survey or test, rather than researching the answer to a question in books or on the internet. You can present your work on up to A1 (84cm x 59cm) paper and can bring in objects or photographs to show the results of your experiments.

The work will be displayed in classrooms on Wednesday 23rd March, with classes opening at 3pm for parents and carers to come and see the children’s work. Children will leave school at the usual time of 3.30 (KS1) and 3.35 (KS2).

We look forward to seeing what experiments you will bring this year. The projects will be judged by our guest judges.  Judges will be looking at:
- Presentation of work
- Knowledge and understanding
- Curiosity and scientific enquiry skills


  1. On a sunny day I brought a toy to school.
    It was small and purple it was a toy plastic car.
    I went to the toilets and played with it when a girl came.She was in year five.
    She took the toy and said to me “no toys in school.”
    Well she was obviously pretty silly
    Because she went out and took toy.The teacher saw
    And she got in lots of trouble.
    Sienna in year 1.

  2. One day I brought a toy to school. It was my tablet. My mum would not allow me to take it to school. I didn't really care so I took it to school

    Finally it was break time so I went back to the class to get my tab from my tray and went back to the toilets. Then rushed into one of the cubicles thinking maybe someone was about to come in… it was a squirrel coming to eat a hazelnut. Then I heard real foot steps of a human. They came closer and closer and closer.

    It was Linder, the rudest and bossiest girl the whole school. "Shoo away you silly scoundrel" she screeched as she tried to catch it and set it free from the toilet. It came into the cubical I was in ,then she saw my feet and was surely going to tell me off to the head teacher which was very bad news for me. She pushed the door and snatched the tablet out of my hands." You’re a silly baby" she teased and burst out of the door looking very proud.

    As soon as she got out of the main door she bumped into the teacher and the teacher saw the tablet in her hand. " You young lady can be well on your way to the head teacher's office right now" squawked the teacher crossly .It isn't my fault she was sent to the head teacher's office because she snatched the tablet away. She should have known way better than that because she is in year 4.

  3. On Friday the fourth of march at 6:15 to 7:20 I was touching very
    scary animals. First I let a big hairy tarantula crawl on my hand it felt like someone with hairy hands tickling me. Then two snakes were put around my neck, the first one was a royal python it was slithering. Luckily it was not poisenus. The other one was long and slimy and guess what it WAS POISENUS!!!!!!!!!!! but it was only at its mouth I held her at her tail and her chin. then I held a tortiose it was hard and sharp and very fast then I held a turtle it kept on running away and it was wet. finally I held a igwana it pooed on the floor it looked like brown toothpaste nd the wee looked like yellow froth.

  4. One day I brought a pet to school.It was a mouse. My mum would not allow me to take it to school. I didn't really care so I took it to school.It was science week so I made my science product in a mouse cage .The mouse was so cute I decided that I will play with it at lunchtime instead of eating my packed lunch.

    Finally it was lunchtime I went back to the class to get my science product from my messy and sloppy bag and told MISS TRACEY that MISS MCGILLIVRAY needed her help . What Miss Tracy doesn’t know was I spent my whole lessons making a trap for he and she was stuck in my trap. REAL footsteps of a human. They came closer and closer and closer. Maybe it was a squirrel coming to eat a hazelnut.

    It was Linder Lovelock, the rudest and bossiest girl the whole school and she looked at me like I was a squirrel coming to eat a hazelnut. "Shoo” screeched as
    She treated me like a squirrel. She snatched my mouse.

    As soon as she got out of the main door she bumped into the teacher and the teacher saw the mouse in her hand. “You young lady can be well on your way to the head teacher's office right now" squawked the teacher crossly .It isn't my fault she was sent to the head teacher's office because she snatched the mouse away. She should have known way better than that and I got my mouse back

  5. One day I brought something to school it was a iPad it was not mine it was my mums.It was new and shines i went on the car and at last I came to my school and we learnt about English we had to do toolkit you had to write all of the tools.At last it was break time I wore my coat and went to the playground and asked a tall teacher to do the toilet then I got mums iPad. It was in my pocket like as a star in the sky got it out and i played games in the iPad camera she said"HELLO HOW ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING".Then something happens it was just a small ball then I picked it up and
    putted in my pocket. After that for a moment I heard really steps then someone pushed the door it was Holly and she said "you silly girl give me the iPad" while Lovely gives the iPad to Holly she goes out.Something happens a teacher came and said " you can stay with me"and Holly gets in trouble.

  6. A few days ago Dziugas wanted to take some sweets to school but his mum didn't let him because it is not healthy for him. But he didn't care. So he took the sweets from the sweet jar when he got to school he had one hour to write a story. When he finished it was break time he went to the end of the playground.He was waiting for his friends to come and eat all the sweets.

  7. A few days ago Dziugas wanted to take sweets to school but mum said no because its not healthy for my teeth. But he didn't care so he took the sweets from the sweet jar. When i got to school i had one hour to write a story. When it was break i went to the end of the playground.He was waiting for his friends to come so they can have some sweets without being in trouble.

  8. One week ago in a far away (not that far away!)Jazzy jack wanted to take sweets to school but mum said no because its not healthy for my teeth. His uncle Miguel had given them to him. when he went to school all his school career he had been called - Minnie, middle aged, midget nut today Jack didn't care because he had something in his pocket the he was not allowed......... It was a .... BIG BAG OF JUICY GUM DROPS!!!After he finished the science it was break time and Jack was so so happy that it was break time. as soon as the doors opened Jack RUSHED to the doors and... got told of so he had to go to the back of the line. Then Jack carried on rushing outside
    and finally got out to the playground and then he ran to the end of the playground (because) it was rally smelly over at the end. He took out the red and most juiciest gumdrop, then Mad Max came along glaring at the terrible creatures.he shouted "GIVE ME ONE" but Jack knew there was a chewing gum (old) stuck under the table so he took it for an emergency so he gave it to Max, Max started chewing it slowly after fifteen minutes the teacher came creeping upon Max and said "Are you chewing?". Max replied "Yes" in a scared way. So the teacher told Max to spit the old chewing gum in the bin and he got punished. (THE

  9. My tooth was wobbly in November 2015. My mum sent me to school with a wobbly tooth. It was wobbly at break time and my tooth fell out itself. I was as excited as a monkey that saw bananas. The tooth was as white as snow and the blood on the top of the tooth was as red as a red rose. I accidently dropped the white beautiful tooth. Luckily the tooth fairy still gave me money.

  10. It was the first day of swimming. we were all prepared. the coach had arrived. I sat next to my friend Matei ,we talked about some funny things. we arrived at the swimming pool. we changed. We had a good wash. we swam and found out which levels we were on. swimming was fun. we found out felt like the pool so now we are ready for our next lesson.

  11. Ben was the fattest in his class.One dayhe wanted to bring his mum's iPhone to school. It was Microsoft. Ben told best friend Michel that he had brought his mum's Microsoft iPhone. Michel was delighted to hear that, but he was not very shore Ben was allowed. Soon it was break. Ben dashed into the toilet. He started playing games. Suddenly Ben heard some footprints. It was Money mottle. He was the bully. Everyone call him a dummy because he ccall's them a dummy. Money mottle was also unclever. Ben heard the footprints walking towards Ben's toilet! Money mottle snatched the iphone." GIVE IT BACK"! Shouted Ben. Mr.Thomas Ben's teacher saw the iPhone in Money mottles hands. Mr.Thomas shouted I AM TAKING YOU TO THE HEAD TEACHER. When money mottle came back money mottle came back he had tears on his face. So Ben snatched his tablet back.

  12. One day I decided to bring to my school my father's smart watch and then on the break time I sneak to the reading room with no one around. The smart watch can play little games, make calls and access to the Internet, I enjoyed the situation that nobody was inside the room and started to play games few minutes later without I realised my teacher was right close to me. She took the watch from me and later I was in trouble with my dad.
    The End

  13. Ruby was the oldest girl in her class. She was called the queen
    of the problems every time she solved problems. Today she didn't solve any problems because she had a packet of strawberry laces in her pocket she was excited to try one.
    She waited and waited intill it was finally lunch she did it at lunch because you get a longer lunch time. She ran to get her friends and went into the classroom when the teacher wasn't there. There teacher was in the staffroom eating there lunch they brang from there home. When they arrived outside there classroom they went in and ruby took a fine and long lace and ate it then another and another intill mean moody Margret came and saw ruby chewing some thing and she said'' GIVE ME ONE so they gave her one but it wasn't a lace it was one worm that she picked and she painted it red. Then Margret found out that she tricked her but there were foot steps coming closer and closer and nocked on the class door it was miss Tracey she made Margret open her mouth and she did and the teacher never knew it was a worm. She even never found out that it was the girls who did it and ruby tricked Margret. Margret got told of Margret should have known better.
    The end

  14. One day in reception was the best day ever in school because we got to search for bugs outside. We also got to put them in a little plastic box to look at them. I found ants, wood lice, millipedes, centipedes and worms. At the beginning I was a bit scared but a few minutes later I was fascinated by this very interesting and amazing world of billions of tiny legs.I started picking them up and holding them in my hand. Next we put some soil and some tiny rocks in the plastic box and then we put the bugs in to make them feel like there at home. After that we took them in the class to study them. It was great fun I really enjoyed it.

  15. Alice was the smallest girl in her class. But today she
    did not care she had something know one was allowed in school, it was a tub of whipped cream. Finally, it was break time she had to ask the teacher to go to the toilet and she did.

    Then she got the tub of whipped cream and dipped her finger in it
    and licked it. Suddenly she herd foot steps stomping across
    the floor it was Bossy Bill. "gimme one" he grumbled. but Alice gave him a old piece of chewing gum. he grabbed it and stuffed it in his mouth suddenly the teacher walked in
    and Billy was in trouble.
    The End
