Friday 26 February 2016

Butser Farm

Well done everyone! You were so sensible and well behaved on our trip to Butser Farm. We were incredibly proud of all of you.

We would also like to say a massive thank you to the parents that helped us throughout the day. You were so helpful, kind and patient and we couldn't have done it without you!

Your task this week is to write about your favourite part of our trip and tell us why you liked it so much. Try to give more than one reason! We would also like you to think of any questions you had about the things you learnt/saw on the trip and we will try to explore these in the classroom.

We will be sharing your comments in class so please remember to check your spellings, punctuation and grammar before you click Publish!


  1. My favourite thing was making the jewlary and making the fence
    because the jewlary making was fun and I got to you's something
    like sharp sisarse.i like doing the fence because we got to do it in
    Partnes and work together as a team.i liked the huts because
    They were really good and inside it was big for every one to
    Sit in.

    1. Star: You some good information.
      Wish: Check your capital letters and spellings.

  2. My favourite part of the trip was making the jewellery because we were using real copper. I also really enjoyed being an archaeologist because me and my friend found a sheep skull. How did they get copper strings to make the jewellery?
    What did the stone age people eat?

    1. I like your bit of writing

    2. Star: you write a lot and told us lot of what you like
      Wish: you didn't write much sentence

    3. wish:you didn't write much sentence

  3. Butser Ancient Farm

    In Butser farm I was thrilled about the exiting day and what incredible things I was going to learn. My favourite part was the jewelry making. Apart from all that wind and cold air It was almost like I was in heaven. 'It’s a surprise for mothers day. I was also surprised to know that they actually had jewelry invented in the Bronze Age. The tradition of wearing a wedding ring on your index finger came from the Romans. They believe this because they discovered there is a vein which goes from you finger to your heart.

    1. star:you write a lot and told us lot of what you like

    2. Star: You some good information.

  4. My favourite part of the trip to Butser Ancient Farm is to make the fences . It was really hard but good fun. I have liked the jewellery making because it was really easy to make. The jewellery and fences were different things. I had 3 goes , so I was 2 times the anchor and 1 time the person who had to get the stick over . Sienna , Asma and one of the twins asked me to help them to do the jewellery but í couldn't finish doing my two jewellery .

  5. My favourite part on butter farm was making jewellery and doing the fences.
    In jewellery making we had Copper wires and twisters but I think it is a
    Different name we could make rings braslets and a pendant.I think that the rings Won.The fence was fun what we had to get trees and one person was anchor and a another person.

    1. Star: You some good information.

  6. Well done everyone! You were so sensible and well behaved on our trip to Buster Farm. We were incredibly proud of all of you.

    We would also like to say a massive thank you to the parents that helped us throughout the day. You were so helpful, kind and patient and we couldn't have done it without you!

    Your task this week is to write about your favourite part of our trip and tell us why you liked it so much. Try to give more than one reason! We would also like you to think of any questions you had about the things you learnt/saw on the trip and we will try to explore these in the classroom.

    My favourite parts of the trip to Buster pasture were the jewellery, bone digging up and the fence making.
    When I saw Matei’s bone, it was a skull when we fixed it together. I worked with Shayaan and Jacob for the
    Bone digging. I worked with Shaayan and Rishi for the bone digging up. In jewellery making we had Copper
    Wires and twisters. I got to use something like sharp sisarse. .I like doing the fence because we got to do it in
    Partners and work together as a team. I had 5 goes , so I was 2 times the anchor and 3 time the person who had
    to get the stick over .

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. On Friday we had a school trip to 'Butser' farm and I will be telling you what I liked when I got there. My favorite part of the trip to 'Butser' farm was when we carved a sun out of chalk, because it was fun and because I made the best sun - even better than the people who worked at 'Butser' farm. I also enjoyed it when we were weaving and making fences in 'Butser' farm. We were digging for bones and I found a skull of a goat which was quite scary. Later, we had lunch, which I was really looking forward to because I was very hungry. After I filled myself up with many sandwiches, we started making jewellery from the Bronze Age; I thought this was really fun and interesting, but I would have liked it if they let us take it home. Overall, it was a very fun day trip, something much more interesting than just learning in a classroom. The end.

  9. My favorite part of Buster Ancient Farm is when done the jewellery. I liked when the done the ring with my friend. Wendy helped me to do the and part to make the ring.I also liked when i done the fencing
    it was great fun also with friend.Me and Akshita found a teeth when we where digging the it
    was fun i liked when i had a turn to dig i liked diging and finding bone.I liked Buster Ancient Farm
    next it was drawing on chalk first we done a huge hole in the hole in the middle first then we done
    a lines outside the chalk then i putted orange powder then i put it in a box. I liked when
    we sat around the fire it was amazing and i saw man blowing the fire so the fire has
    lots of flames. :)

  10. I loved Butser Farm . My favorite part was when we ate lunch and when we carved and saw the sheep .My second favorite part was when we dug for pig or cow bones. It was also a bit funny because we scrubed the pig or cow bones with a tooth brush.After that every class in year 3 sat in a big stone age house and sat down and said good bye.Every one had a nice time even the teachers.Finally we went on our coach and the coach driver drove us back to school after that exiting and lovely trip.

  11. I liked Butser Farm because we got to do some weeving , LUNCH TIME!!!,and dig up some SKULL'S !!! It was so much fun.
    The part that I liked the most was when we made Jewlery.

  12. My favourite part on butter farm was making the jewellery and doing the fences
    In jewellery making we had Copper wires and twisters but I think it is a
    Different name we could make braslets rings and a pendant.I think
    That the rings Won.The fence was fun what we had to get trees and one person was the anchor and a another person was the weaver.
    I also loved lunchtime and sitting around the fire.

  13. I liked butser farm because we did lots of fun activities. My favorite part was all of it. I can't choose one favorite part. I also enjoyed lunch. I liked it when we were in the coach because I brought my note book so I could write and draw on it . When we were back in class miss Tracey said what was our blog.

  14. My favourite part on butter farm was making the fences and painting the sun. After everything I was so hungry we were eating in a big stone age house and we were sitting around the fire on the animal skin. When we finished eating we done some more things and we went to stroke the sheeps then we so two chikens called Sam and Samen they were boys and they were brown.

  15. Hello All.. To talk about the trip, let me start with my favourite bit which was jewellery, fence making and feeling as a archaeologist within myself. Firstly, we were given three options where I had chose to make a ring for my mum and sister.

    Secondly, got a chance to build fences. One person was holding the sticks and another was the weaving. We had to collect sticks and fixed them through wooden poles.

    At last, got to the creepy part. Being an archaeologist, I found a head of a goat and skull of a pig while digging up activity.

    Last but not the least travelling in a coach and lunch was a brilliant time talking and sharing feelings with my friends. Hope to have more trips like this. Thanks Ms Tracey for arranging such a wonderful trip.

  16. The trip was amazing (except when we were on the coach.)My favourite part of the trip was digging the bones of animals. I found a pigs bone that was so small. I also liked making carving with chalk and flint and we made suns and made a huge fence all of this was so hard but I still enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    We made jewelry before lunch with copper bars and twisters. We could make a ring necklace or a wrist band. I chose a ring. It was epic!!!!!!

  17. My favourite part of the trip was when we made the jewellery because we made the it out of copper wires and my second favourite part of the trip was when we made the fence, someone was the weaver and someone was the anchor. Kiavy, Shayaan and I were in a group. My third favourite part of the trip was when we were using the chalk to make a really big spiral and at the back of the chalk we had to write our own initials on it and then put orange powder on our initials and the spiral.

  18. My favourite part of Butser Farm was when we were making the rings out of shears and my friends helped me, we could do rings wristband and necklace, I chose the ring it was fun but it was a little bit hard for me I even liked when we were making the fence because it was easy and fun. At the afternoon we were eating lunch around the fire. I had a amazing time.
    The End

  19. The trip to Butler farm was very interesting. I really enjoyed making the jewellery. We made rings and bracelets out of copper wires using some pliers.I gave the ring I made to my mum who was very impressed.She said it looks cool. It was really fun. I also liked being an archaeologist because me and my partner Emil found a sheep or goat skull. Most of all I liked making the fence. We got to do it in partnership. We got to build the fence and then take it down. I liked this trip a lot and I wish we could go in this kind of trips more often.

  20. my favorite activity {i really like lunch and break but apart from that} is fence building because we did challenges like Miss Tracey vs the butler farm helper. it was really fun to watch. It was really fun to also help was really competitive.
