Wednesday 23 March 2016

The Tudors

After Easter, we will be learning about the Tudors, in particular, their daily lives, buildings, religion and kings and queens.


To prepare for our topic, you must find ten interesting facts about the Tudors. Write them in the comments below. Make sure you read everyone else's facts, you might learn something new!

Here are some websites that will help you;


    The Tudors were from 1485 to 1603.
    There were six Tudors called • Henry VII (1485-1509)
    • Henry VIII (1509-1547)
    • Edward VI (1547-1553)
    • Lady Jane Grey (for nine days in 1553)
    • Mary I (1553-1558)
    • Elizabeth I (1558-1603)
    The Tudors were mostly famous because of Henry VIII having six wives, Elizabeth I changing the catholic religion to Protestant and Mary I burning the Protestant people to death.
    They were called the Tudors because Henry VII’s surname was Tudor and he won the battle between him and Richard III.
    Lady Jane Grey was queen for only nine days because Edward VI had died and Mary I was not there yet.
    Elizabeth I did not marry because she did not want another King to rule and the Tudors would finish and she wanted that to happen.

  2. The first king was King Henry VII :

    Name: King Henry VII
    Father: Edmund Tudor, 1st Earl of Richmond
    Mother: Lady Margaret Beaufort
    Born: January 28, 1457 at Pembroke Castle, Wales
    Ascended to the throne: August 22, 1485 aged 28 years
    Crowned: October 30, 1485 at Westminster
    Married: Elizabeth of York, on January 18 1486
    Children: Arthur, Margaret, Henry, Elizabeth, Mary, Edmund, Katherine
    Died: April 21, 1509 at Richmond Palace, aged 52 years, 2 months, and 21 days
    Buried at: Westminster Abbey

    The oldest King or Queen was Queen Elizabeth I :

    Name: Queen Elizabeth I
    Father: Henry VIII
    Mother: Anne Boleyn
    Born: September 7, 1533 at Greenwich Palace
    Ascended to the throne: November 17, 1558 aged 25 years
    Crowned: January 15, 1559 at Westminster
    Married: Never married
    Died: March 24, 1603 at Richmond Palace, surrey, aged 69 years, 6 months, and 15 days
    Buried at: Westminster Abbey

    The last king is King Edward VI :

    Name: King Edward VI
    Father: Henry VIII
    Mother: Jane Seymour
    Born: October 12, 1537 at Hampton Court
    Ascended to the throne: January 28, 1547 aged 9 years
    Crowned: February 19, 1547 at Westminster
    Married: Never married
    Died: July 6, 1553 at Greenwich Palace, aged 15 years, 8 months, and 23 days
    Buried at: Westminster Abbey

    The youngest king is King Edward VI :

    Name: King Edward VI
    Father: Henry VIII
    Mother: Jane Seymour
    Born: October 12, 1537 at Hampton Court
    Ascended to the throne: January 28, 1547 aged 9 years
    Crowned: February 19, 1547 at Westminster
    Married: Never married
    Died: July 6, 1553 at Greenwich Palace, aged 15 years, 8 months, and 23 days
    Buried at: Westminster Abbey

    The king who had the most wifes is King Henry VIII :

    Name: King Henry VIII
    Father: King Henry VII
    Mother: Elizabeth of York
    Born: June 28, 1491 at Greenwich
    Ascended to the throne: April 21, 1509 aged 17 years
    Crowned: June 24, 1509 at Westminster
    Married:(1) Catherine of Aragon, on June 11, 1509
    Married (2): Anne Boleyn, on January 25, 1533
    Married (3): Jane Seymour, on May 30, 1536
    Married (4): Anne of Cleves, on January 6, 1540
    Married (5): Catherine Howard, on July 28, 1540
    Married (6): Catherine Parr, on July 12, 1543
    Children: Mary, Elizabeth, Edward + Henry Fitzroy
    Died: January 28, 1547 at Whitehall Palace, aged 55 years, 7 months,
    Buried at: St Georges Chapel, Windsor

    The Queen whose name changed is Queen Mary I ( bloody mary)

    Name: Queen Mary I
    Father: Henry VIII
    Mother: Catherine of Aragon
    Born: February 18, 1516 at Greenwich Palace
    Ascended to the throne: July 19, 1553 aged 37 years
    Crowned: October 1, 1553 at Westminster
    Married: King Philip II of Spain, on July 25, 1554
    Died: November 17, 1558 at St James Palace, Whitehall, aged 42 years, 8 months, and 29 days

    by kaivy

    1. AMAZING!That is some SUPER information


  3. Tudors
    Monday, March 28, 2016
    If you were a Tudor slave then you would have a very smelly house because you would cover your floor with rushes. Rushes are a mixture of rubbish, rotten food and animal poop. If you were a rich person you would have a very big house but if you were a slave you would have little house or little room. The richer you were the bigger your house was. Each room in a Tudor house would have fire in it and at night they would blow out the fire and put little candle sticks around the room.

    Like the houses the clothes also showed how wealthy and rich you were. Did you know that purple was the most expensive colour because it was known to be a regal and royal colour. By the time Henry the VIII was king, men wore tights and a tunic called a doublet. When Elizabeth I
    took over men wore breeches. Men also wore ruffs around their necks and their wrists. Woman would basically wear 2 petticoats ,a velvet gown and a woolen jacket to keep warm. Woman would usually tie their hair into a bun and decorate their hair with golden chains. Children had no difference compared to their adults because they would just wear the same thing their parent would have worn.

    Fun and Entertainment
    Just because this period was a hundred years back it doesn't mean there was no football or tennis. There were also a lot of arenas and tournaments were knights fought in a battle. Instead of movies they had plays and one of the most famous play is Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare. Most grand and famous people would invite their friends over to a feast. In the Tudor times the water wasn't so clean so rich people would drink ale or mead. The food would have been only meat like mutton, chicken and duck.

  4. 1. The Tudors ruled England and wales for 181.
    2. They were called the Tudors because Henry VII was otherwise known as Henry Tudor.
    3. They are famous for lots of things including Henry VIII and his six wives, new religious ideas and exploring different countries.
    4. The Tudors were the ruling family in England between 1485 and 1603. They were:

    • Henry VII (1485-1509) , Henry VIII (1509-1547) ,Edward VI (1547-1553) , Lady Jane Grey (for nine days in 1553) , Mary I (1553-1558), Elizabeth I (1558-1603).

    5. The balls King Henry VII played with in tennis were stuffed with dog hair.
    6. The Tudor villages were much smaller then todays.
    7. At a Tudor feast it was bad manners to scratch or put bones back on the plate or to blow their nose with fingers.
    8. Henry died in January 1547.
    9. When Queen Elizabeth I died it was the end of the Tudors.
    10. Once Queen Mary I sent Queen Elizabeth I to prison

    1. Wow, amazing information about the Tudors

  5. 1. When Queen Elizabeth I died it was the end of the Tudors.
    2. They were called the Tudors because Henry VII was otherwise known as Henry Tudor.
    3. The Tudors were a Welsh-English family that ruled England and Wales from 1485-1603 - one of the most exciting periods of British history.
    4. The Tudor reign lasted from (1485-1603).
    5. The Tudors ruled England from (1485-1603).
    6. Life had many problems. Towns were becoming overcrowded, roads were muddy tracks and travelling was difficult. The overcrowding caused danger from fire and disease.
    7. During 118 years of Tudor rule, England became richer than ever before. As the country became wealthier, towns grew, beautiful houses were built and schools and colleges were set up. Arts and crafts flourished too. England was home to great painters, writers and musicians.
    8. The first Tudor king was Henry VII. He became king after the battle of Bosworth Field, which ended the War of the Roses. He was followed by his son, Henry VIII, who was famous for marrying six times and beheading two of his wives! His son, Edward VI ruled after him, followed by his daughters Mary l and Elizabeth l.
    9. They are famous for many things, including the Henry VIII and his six wives, the exploration of America and the plays of William Shakespeare.
    10. The Tudor people ate a lot of fresh food because there was no way of storing food to be eaten later. There was no such thing as freezers or fridges in the Tudor times.

  6. 1.I think Qeen Elizabeth died in the Normans times in 1066?

    2.I know that king Henry married six times and whenj he married the six laddie king Henry divorsed the other laddies

    3.I think king Henry ruled the world When it was the 29 November 1489.

    4.I think Who ruled the would first was As far as we know, the world's first empire was formed about 2250 B.C., by Sargon the Great, in Mesopotamia.

    5.Did you know that shakespear lived bookes.

    6.The Tudoor reig lasted from [1485-1603]

    7. Did you know that there were schools in the Tudoors time
    and beautiful sounds of music and even people where writing music in the tudoors every one was happy and joyful there.

  7. 1. The Tudor reign lasted from from 1485 to 1603.
    2. The Tudors were a English family that ruled England and Wales.
    3. They ruled for 118 years
    4. during their reign they encouraged new religious ideas and overseas exploration.
    5. One of the Tudor kings was Henry VII who ruled from 1485 to 1509.
    6. There was also Henry VIII who ruled from 1509 to 1547.
    7. second one was Edward VI who ruled from 1547 to 1553.
    8. 3rd one was Jane Grey who ruled from 1553 to 1553.
    9.4th one was Mary I who ruled from 1553 to 1558.
    10. last one was Elizabeth I who ruled from 1558 to 1603

  8. 1)The Tudors were ruling England between 1485 and 1603.

    2)Elizibeth I was queen by herself wich was unusual for the time she also didn't have any children so when she died in 1603 the Tudor dynasty came to an end.
    3)They were called the Tudors because Henry VII was otherwise known as Henry Tudor.
    4)Henry Tudor became Henry VII when he won the throne from king Richard III at the battle of bosworth in 1485.
    5)Edward VI was Henry VIII 's only male heir.
    6)Henry VIII was handsome and clever , he was also good at sport , music and dancing.He wanted to be a soldier and a famous king.
    7)Henry was the king of England who had six wives , but Henry did lots of other things beside Marring six times.He wanted to make England strong.Most of all ,he wanted a son to be king after him.
    8)paintings of Henry VIII show a big , looking man in fine clothes.People think Henry VIII looks scary and many people are scared of him.If the king Henry VIII didn't get his way he got cross.People got risked having their heads chopped of!!!!
    9)Mary I was married to prince Philip of Spain but she didn't produce an heir so her half - sister Elizibeth I became queen when Mary I Died.
    10)The Tudors are famous for lots of things Including Henry VIII and his six wives.

  9. The Tudors
    Tudor is a member of the Tudor dynasty.[If you don't know what dynasty mean it is a succession of people from the same family who play a prominent role in business, politics, or another field]Tudors ruled England between 1485 and 1603
    MARY I
    Henry Tudor, who reigned as King Henry VII between 1485 and 1509
    English royal dynasty which held the throne from the accession of Henry VII in 1485 until the death of Elizabeth I in 1603.

    3.During his reign religious changes occurred which have shaped society ever since.

    4. Henry VIII was born in 1491 and reigned from 1509-1547.

    Henry VIII. He was a larger than life character whose extravagant lifestyle, ruthlessness and succession of wives have fascinated people for centuries.
    Henry married his first wife, a Spanish princess called Katherine of Aragon, in 1511. Katherine and Henry had a daughter, Mary, who would later grow up to be queen of England. However, Henry desperately wanted a son so in 1533 he decided to divorce Katherine so that he could marry someone else.

    He liked horse riding, jousting and archery and as a young man he was very fit and energetic.
    He also liked music and holding feasts at his palaces including Hampton Court.
    Henry’s second wife was called Anne Boleyn. They had a daughter, Elizabeth, who was also destined to become queen.

  10. 1. Henry had 6 wives.
    2.Henry had lots of other stuff besides marrying 6 times.
    3. People remembered Henry VIII by pictures.
    4.Young man Henry was handsome.
    5.HENRY died in January 1547 His son Edward age 9 became king Edward VI.
    6.Henry did not go to school because he didnt want long houres of studying.
    7. Did you know there were no police in the TUDOR time.
    8.Did you know they take a rope and put it around your neck tie it on a high branch to kill them.
    9.The Tudor houses have wood around the house.
    10.They had spires for there weapons.

  11. The Tudors
    Henry VII (r. 1485-1509)
    Henry VIII (r.1509-1547)
    Edward VI (r.1547-1553)
    Lady Jane Grey (r. 10-19 July 1553)
    Mary I (r.1553-1558)
    Elizabeth I (r.1558-1603)

    Henry VIII was born at Greenwich on 28 June 1491, the second son of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York. He became heir to the throne on the death of his elder brother, Prince Arthur, in 1502 and succeeded in 1509.
    Henry VIII had 6 wives
    The first wife:
    Catherine of Aragon
    m. 1509 - 1533

    The second wife:
    Anne Boleyn
    m. 1533 - 1536

    The third wife:
    Jane Seymour
    m. 1536 - 1537

    The fourth wife:
    Anne of Cleves
    m. 1540 Jan. - July

    The fifth wife:
    Kathryn Howard
    m. 1540 - 1542

    The sixth wife:
    Katherine Parr
    m. 1543 - 1547

  12. Henry was married to Elizabeth daughter of Edward IV. Henry became king when he defeated Richard III at the battle of Bosworth in 1485. Henry VII reigned for 24 years. Henry was buried in west minster abbey. Henry died on the 21 of April 1509. Henry enjoyed music and gambling and building places.

  13. Some Tudors were poor and they worked as slaves and rich people
    wearing expensive cloths and slaves wore long black dresses
    and over that a short white apron.

    rich people used to sit and slaves had to stand and that ment that the rich peoples legs did not hurt and slaves legs did hurt.
    theaters were very popular and people had to make there own

    Tudor sports
    Jousting was very popular as well what they done they where on a
    Horse and then you had a sword so who would knock of first person
    tennis was the oldest of all sport it was played in a big room to fit a net and that how it was played.

  14. The TUDORS

    ●The Tudor period is the period between 1485 and 1603. This was when the TUDORS were the ruling family of England.
    ●The Tudors Rose was created when Henry VII brought an end to the Wars of the Roses (an ongoing battle between two royal groups - the House of Lancaster and the House of York. He joined the White Rose of York with the Red Rose of Lancaster, creating the Union Rose, which is still used as the floral emblem of England today.
    ● Religion was a great problem for the Tudors.They were committed to the Roman Catholic Church at the beginning of Henry VIII's reign but by the 1600 there had been several swings between Catholicism and Protestantism led by the crown and the nobles.
    ● Education was seen as something of a luxury for most Tudors, and it was usually the children of the rich who received anything approaching decent schooling.
    There were few books in Tudor schools,pupils red from "hornbooks" instead. Pages displaying the alphabet and religious material were attached to wooden boards and covered with transparent sheet of cow horn.Discipline was much fiercer than it is today. Teachers would think nothing of punishing their pupils with 50 strokes of cane.
    There were two universities in Tudor times,Oxford and Cambridge. Some boys went to university at the age of 14.
    ● Entertainment
    The Theatre
    The popularity of the theatre rose with both rich and poor alike, during the sixteen century. This popularity was helped by the rise of great playwrights such as Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare as well as the building of the Globe theatre in London.

  15. The tudors had control of wales and england for an impressive 181 years and the first king was Henry the seventh.Henry the seventh was a cruel man but Henry the eighth was worse.
    There was also colours to show how rich you were.Mostly kings wear purple clothes or black clothes to show visitors how posh and rich they
    Royal rulers
    There quite a lot of kings and queens.Henry the eighth had six wives
    and he introduced beheading to people.He wanted a son but only one wife gave him a son was Jane Seymour. Sadly she died and Henry needed a new wife.
    There were no video games in those times to have fun so they went the theatre to watch romantic or comedy scenes and one of the most famous theatre was the globe theatre that was built by William Shakespeare.
    Education started a long time before the Tudors and there were schools.Some poor children cant afford to go to school so they do small jobs like planting or if your lucky you can also be a kings helper.In schools you only stay a bit and you will move to university really quickly.

  16. The Tudors

    The Tudors lasted from (1485-1603).


    Henry VII (1485-1509).
    Henry VIII (1509-1547).
    Edward VI (1547-1553).
    Lady Jane Grey (July 1553 for 9 days).
    Mary I (1553-1558).
    Elizabeth I (1558-1603).

    Plays in the Tudors

    Watching plays was very popular in the Tudor times. This popularity was helped by the rise of great playwrights such as William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe as well as the building of the Globe Theatre in London. By 1595 15,000 people a week were watching plays in London.It was during Elizabeth's reign that the first real theatres were built in England. Before theatres were built, actors travelled from town to town and performed in the streets or outside inns. The rich enjoyed fencing and jousting and hunting as well as hawking.

    Henry VIII born and dies.

    28 June 1491
    Greenwich Palace, Greenwich

    28 January 1547
    Palace of Whitehall,London (aged 55)

    Henry VIII Wifes

    Catherine of Aragon
    (1485- 1536)

    Anne Boleyn

    Jane Seymour

    Anne of Cleves

    Catherine Howard

    Catherine Parr

    William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare was a famous actor who wrote plays. He was born on April 21st 1564 in Stratford upon Avon and died on April 23rd 1616. He done a famous play called Romeo and Juliet and over 1,000,000 people know it and they love it.

  17. 1.king henry had four doters and one son
    2.king henry had more stuff besides marrying 6 times
    3.henry had six wives
    4.they used a spire for weapons
    5.they remembered henry by pictures
    6.henry killed some of his wives
    7.henry died on january 1547
    8.young man handsome henry
    9.the tudors had wood around there houses people had big houses

  18. In the tudor times you would stay alive until you were 35. In the tudor times king henry VIII had 6 wifves called Catherine Parr, Catherine Howard, Anne of Cleves, Jane Seymour, Anne Boleyn and Catherine of Aragon. Henry VIII wanted a baby boy to be the new king. In the tudor times, purple was the most expencive colour. When queen Elizibeth died, it was the end of the tudor times.

  19. 1. The Tudors ruled between 1485 and 1603.
    2. The first Tudor monarch was Henry VII.
    3. The last Tudor monarch was Elizabeth I.
    4. The disease in the Tudor times is the deadly plague known as the black death.
    5. In Tudor times, the black death outbreaks occurred in 1498, 1535, 1543, 1563, 1589 and 1603.
    6. The use of glass when making a house 1st happened in Tudor times.
    7. Teachers were very strict in Tudor times.
    8. They beat up pupils who misbehaved.
    9. Henry VII lived from 1485 to 1509.
    10. Shakespeare wrote many plays in Tudor times.

  20. Henry VIII lived at Hampton Court Palace. He married three times more before son was born.In total he married six times.Henry VIII wife's names are Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn,Jane Seymour,Anne of cleves,Kathryn Howard and Katherine Parr.Henry's son Edward became the next king.Edward was the son of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour.He was never a healthy king he died aged only 15 years. Henry's daughter Mary ruled for the next five years but also died without children at last Elizabeth I became Queen, and ruled for 45 years.Henry died in St James's palace, Westminster around 2 am on Friday 28 January 1547, aged 55 years.

  21. 1.The first Tudor king was Henry Vll. He became king after the battle of Bosworth field, which ended the War of the Roses. He was followed by his son, Henry Vlll, who was famous for marrying six times and beheading two of his wives! His son, Edward Vl ruled after him, followed by his daughters Mary l and Elizabeth l.
    2. Most of what we know about Tudor London comes from Stow’s survey

    3. Tudor people ate lots of fresh food because there was no way of storing food to be eaten later.

    4. people in Tudor times did not have fridges or freezers.

    5. People in Tudor times ate with spoons,fingers and knives.There was no folks

    6. People kept animals all year round and killed them just before they ate then,making sure it was always fresh

    7. to improve the flavour of some meat called game eg;deer,hare,rabbit and pheasant the Tudors would hang it for several days

    8. The Tudors preserved some meat by rubbing salt on to it
