Friday 29 January 2016

Finish the Story

I had no idea that there was a secret room in our house. Not until I heard the noise....


  1. Mystery Story

    I had no idea there was a secret room in our house. Not until I heard this sound of a breaking vase. I went through the door. I was amazed to see a ball room filled with beautiful decorations but there was one thing missing. "I'VE GOT IT, it’s the guests and music of course" I screamed to myself. Then I thought maybe someone lives here so I shouted" HELLO, ANYONE HERE" but still there was no answer. So I just wandered around the halls nervously hoping if someone would show up. A while later as I was getting to an entrance to another hallway when suddenly I heard a cough, and another then as the noise continued so I ran rapidly.

    My heart started to beat rapidly. As I got closer I felt nervous but also brave. When I got to the place were coughing was coming from I saw an old lady kneeling down on the floor and wiping it . I was to scared to ask her what she was doing but I asked her anyway. "Umm, what are you doing " I asked her. "Well, as you can see am polishing the floor and could you not ask me so many questions because I have a lot of work to do and I can't waste my time in answering some silly questions, Good day". "Well what a busy lady" I said to myself. As I walked around I got sleepy and tired. Then I found a bed room but there was no light but I could still see a few things so I snuggled into the bed. After a few minutes I heard a bang on the door and then another. THUD,THUD, BANG, BANG. Then I woke up from the dream and saw my mum shouting "GET UP, GET READY FOR SCHOOL ".

    1. wish: you could some similies
      star: you have written lots
      opinion: it is a great story

  2. Kiranjyothi Pullakandam30 January 2016 at 06:17

    I had no idea that there was a secret room in our house. Not until I heard the noiseuntil I heard the door creaking.Mum was not looking so I quickly
    went in. Luckily there was a switch I thought it would on a light but instead it opened a spiralling staircase. When I went down it I saw a very strange
    looking pig, which seem to be chasing a mouse. Upon seeing me it said 'Ola', I thought it was just a dream as the pig was talking Spanish. The mouse
    said 'help', and I thought could this day get any stranger.I picked the mouse up, so that the pig would stop chasing it and went deeper into the tunnel.
    On the other side of the tunnel was a lot of light and I went towards it. On coming out I found a farm and it looked like the one my neighbours had.

  3. I had no idea that there was a secret room not until i heard a noise in the secret room. When mum was busy went into the room and there was lots of tresure there was a window in the room so my neighbours could see me in the secret room.

    1. Star: you have used good suspense.
      Wish: You could wright a bit more.

  4. I had no idea that there was a secret room in our house. Not until I heard a lever going up down ,and something banging to the left and right.
    I got into the lever and went down to explore more. After reaching down to the secret room immediately stopped the lever . Good I had a torch which I lit up as I was going into the dark room .Having seen something shining like gold , Started walking towards it where i came across a small bridge.
    Crossed the bridge and put some light on them ,to my surprise in big bold letters it is written on them " DIAMONDS BELONGING TO QUEEN ELIZIBETH". Looked all around gone through other rooms, small passages. Everywhere was able to see big portraits of queen ELIZIBETH.
    oh!!!! I was so excited of being sure and certain that my secret room is linked with BUCKINGHAM PALACE.
    With joy, jumping around and I came out of the palace meeting the Queen.
    What an exciting day I had.

    1. Star: Great punctuation
      Wish:Do a few corrections

  5. I had no idea that there was a secret room in our house. Not until I heard the noise. It was a sunny day and I was sat reading in my bed then I heard a sound it was like a robot speaking to a person. I jumped up and tiptoed to the door of wear the sound was coming from. I opened the smooth metal door handle and walked in nervously. The room was gold and shiny it was full of people wearing very cool clothes, then one lady came up to me she was small and had long golden hair and was wearing a skirt which was short and silver and a matching top. Then she asked me with a voice like chocolate “do you know anybody because we are all singers see there is Taylor swift just behind Sam smith and I am crystal grinner as I am only 15 I live in the training room come on I will shows you around” she said quietly as Millie Kara was coming “what’s your name” I replied “sienna.” We walked past the group room and knocked on the door. “Come in “someone said in a deep voice, we entered and sat on the bench I watched young children sing all their voices were beautiful. Soon a loud bell rang and a sweet girlish voice said “please it is time for singers sleep” and so I left the training room and headed for the brown shiny door and then a girl said to me “you are so cool” and that made my day happy. I left singer world and ran outside to play with my friends Maja, Amelia, Tanvi and lots of other girls from my school.
    BY SIENNA BPyear3

    1. Wish:add conjunctions
      Star:you wrote lots and told lots

  6. Sienna, I really like your story,
    but you said there was a 15 year-
    old boy and you called him a she.

  7. star:you wrote lots.
    wish:few spelling mistakes.

  8. I had no idea that there was a secret room in our house. Not until I heard the noise. There was a beautiful room full of fragile gold. I did not want to touch the gold so it would not get dirty. I thought somebody rich might live here. I walked quietly . The door was made out of gold and jewels . The room made a crack noise. There was a another door . The other door was old and brown. The crack noise seemed to be coming from the old door.

    When I looked up there was a huge sealing made of gold, ruby, emerald, and pearls. the old door made a crack noise again and again. I was quite annoyed with the crack noise. I went to open the old door. When I opened the door I saw a staircase. I began to go up the staircase. On the top of the room there was a paper of sums. I thought some rich child would have practicing maths. I thought it was too warm on the top, so I went down the stairs and went back.

  9. I had no idea that there was a secret room. Not until I heard a noise of falling books while I was having my afternoon tea in our tea room. Then I spotted a door which I have never seen before. I crept inside and saw this amazing collection of books belongs to my grand father. It looked like no one had touched them in ages. It was full of dust. It was arranged in alphabetical order. I wanted to read all of them in one go. But I wasn't sure which one to pick first. I decided to chose one title begins with an "A". I read for about 3 hours. I will keep this room as a secret as no one will believe that such a treasure is hidden in our house but I day will invite all my friend for a reading day to surprise them with our book collection.

  10. I didn't know that there was a secret room from my bedroom until I took a book from my shelf, then a door opened. I entered nervously, couldn't believe my eyes.

    It was totally amazing!!! I WAS ACTUALLY IN A GLOOMY HAUNTED HOUSE. No one had ever found one but enough talking he muttered to his imaginary friend. We have to explore.

    I tiptoed inside and the house looked like Suhard’s house. I walked as quite as a mouse to the living room. There was a creepy noise from the kitchen. First I didn't go in because I was too scared. In a second I defeated my fear and stomped in to the kitchen.

    When I went in there were lots of spiders but I just took my diamond sword and killed all of them. I was still following the sound. The sound was coming from the Cupboard, so I opened it. As soon as it opened something started throwing eggs at me, then I looked up at the roof and rice grains fell on my face. The lights were switched on by themselves.

    I was petrified, then Suhard and Aahil came out of the cupboard and shouted boo and just woke up from my dream and got ready for School.

    The End.

  11. I had no idea that there was a secret room in our house .Not until I heard a noise of a terrifying monster shouting in terror I could not believe it. I was speechless. I saw the huge shadow behind me and ran into the door .I waited till the coast was clear to come out again . Just as I stepped into the corridor I could hear the noises I tried to run back to the room .The door was locked .What was I going to do?
    Then I banged on the door to try to smash the door open but I couldn't . My only chance was to go to the terrible beast and kill it . I was really scared I didn't know what do. I slowly walked to the door and twisted the door handle . I took a deep breath and opened the door when ..... i found out my little sister was playing monsters .

    1. WISH: after the elipses you did not do a capital letter
      STAR: really good story I love it so much

  12. I never knew that there was a secret room in my house. Not until I heard a table falling. It came from the book room. So I went there and picked out a book. It was as old and as dusty as an old Grandfather clock that has never been used in the past. Suddenly the whole bookshelf opened! I went in. To my surprise it was a Jewellery room. So I cleaned it up, tidied it and decorated it. I realized that something was missing. It was jewellery and people. Where could I find it? How could I get them?

  13. I didn't know their was a secret room in our house.Not until I heard a breaking vase. I turned on the light.Then their was a secret room.I didn't believe my eyes. The light flickered off and on.Their was a mystery noise from the kitchen.I was petrified,but I stomped in the kitchen with my iron sword.Their were a 100 grown up spiders I killed them all in 1 go.Custard fell on me."Aaaahhhhh I shouted.I stomped out of the kitchen.My Mum shouted "wake up Hassan "announced my Mum.

    The End

  14. I had no idea that there was a secret room in our house. Not until I heard the noise of scratching. When I went in everything was opposite. I found the dumbest person in the world and when I met him he was really clever!! All the houses were upside down. When I looked up there were no clouds instead the clouds were under me!!!!! I even found DINOSAURS!!! I saw a baby using a knife and he knew how to use it. But adults weren’t allowed to use it. It was so crazy. After a while I went to sleep. My mum shouted ‘‘get ready for school!!!!!!!!!’’

  15. I had no idea there was a secret room in our house.Not until I herd this sound.
    I was really surprised of this room so I went further and then I
    saw this door but I was a little scared but I had to opened it.I opened the door and there was this huge wooden chest that
    was opened.It was field with jewels and gold,diamonds and all kinds of expensive stuff there was a small room in the
    corner of the room with gold it was very old so i did no
    touch anything.Mum was shouting get ready FOR school.


    1. that is really good story maja

  16. I had no idea that there was a secret room in our house. Not until I heard the noise when I opened the wardrobe and behind the clothes there was another door, when I opened the secret door I could not believed what I saw. It was a room full of toys and full of lego sets so I started to play but I noticed there was another door, so I pulled the door and I saw some gold trophys of a famous football player they were there from many years ago.


  17. star:I like the dinosaur bit.
    wish:you could write some more.

  18. I had no idea that there was a secret room in our house. Not Until I heard the noise and it was rather loud and then I saw the room when I pulled the book out of the shelf and it led to an dusty and a antique room it was full of old things we didn't need any more like old pictures,chairs and other antique stuff the room was not that important anymore.

  19. I had no idea there was a secret room in our house. Not until Iheard a very strange noise coming from somewhere in th e house. Step by step I seemed to be getting more and more closer to the noise. what was it? where was it coming from? I really wanted to tell my dad but I thought it was to special to even tell my dad or maybe not even my friends.FINALLY I knew what it actually I discovered two thing's. The noise first of all was a book witch has fallen library.

  20. i had no idea that there was a secret room in our house. Not until I heard the noise of a bang.i pushed open the fragile book shelf as the bang grew louder.when i crept in the room it was so dark that i couldn't see a thing. i manged to see a switch that lit the whole room with light. when i got down to the bottom of the creepy staircase i saw something amazing. i found my mom's secret chocolate cake. yay! cake for life!!!!!!!
