Monday 18 January 2016

Stone Age Projects

Here are some of the incredible projects that everyone created over the holidays. They look amazing and you should all be really proud of yourselves.

Stonehenge by Fatima

Stonehenge by Amelka

A Stone Age House by Matei

A Stone Age House by Tanvi

A Stone Age House by Maja

Stonehenge by Yuvika

A poster about the Stone Ages by Hayan

A Stone Age House by Thinu

Stonehenge by Sienna

A Stone Age House by Emil

Stonehenge by Hansa

A Stone Age House by Hamza

A Stone Age House by Oviya

A Stone Age House by Dziugas

A Stone Age man and animals by Kaivy

Which one is your favourite? Let us know in the comments below.


  1. I like emils best because he made his almost like real to me!!!!!!!!.

  2. My favourite one is Matei's one because he included a lot of detail.

  3. Kiranjyothi Pullakandam23 January 2016 at 05:52

    My favourite one Amelka one becauseAmelka she included a lot of detail.

  4. my favorite one is Majas because it has loads of detail and color and looks real.

  5. I liked Sienna's because it looked like Stonehenge
