Friday 5 February 2016

Spooky Settings

This week we have been revisiting stories of mystery and suspense. In the story 'Staying Out', the author shows the characters moving from one setting to another.
Your task is to look carefully at the picture below and write about travelling to that setting and what it was like when you got there. Think carefully about;

  • where you would have been beforehand
  • how you would have travelled there
  • why you were going there
  • what it was like when you got there.

Remember to use short sentences and lots of description!

Write your descriptions in the comment box below. Please remember to write your name on your comments.

I'm really looking forward to reading them!


  1. There was a park that was a very old park.I was very sure that it was
    spooky.It was a trip day in school we where going next to the park.
    So I sneaked out and I went to the
    gates but it was unlocked so I went in it was scary it was really
    spooky.I went by coach I was very hungry so I ate it was all ready
    lunch that was perfect."someone was coming i was not by my self".Iran and ran
    I got away I quickly to the grope.My friend asked were was I.I
    did not tell her.


  2. KAIVALYA PULLAKANDAM6 February 2016 at 05:03

    Spooky Settings
    Blogging Task Friday 4th February 2016
    • where you would have been beforehand
    • how you would have travelled there
    • why you were going there
    • What it was like when you got there.

    This is a park in England central park and it looks like a forest. This bridge leads to Chatsworth Primary school but the most pacific place it leads to is the Shard. I would bring a suitcase with me. To visit there I would first go on a bus to central England .Then I’m going to look in a place that says England central park. When I got there I didn’t expect to see.....Night time!!! When I went out of England central park I saw it was sunny. I was so scared I screamed as loud as a loin’s last roar. I explored this Wild West. My heart rapidly thumped like a exploding bomb. Then I saw 2 flashing lights .I thought it was a train but it was ..... Iron Man.What an exciting day I had.

  3. At night me and my friend were walking to the old factory. As we were walking to the old factory we got lost in the forest. We were going to the factory to play and have a midnight feast.
    There was once a very old bridge that was near a house. The house was in the woods. There was a light that never ever stopped flickering that was in the woods.

    1. KAIVALYA PULLAKANDAM7 February 2016 at 08:49

      How old was that bridge ?
      How did you get lost?
      Other than that it was fantastic.Awsome!

  4. At night me and my friend walked to a old factory.Our friends wanted to know if they were scared of nothing so they went to the old factory.It was creepy they were a little scared there was a statue of a old man and some bits of the old factory were demolished.

  5. The Story

    There I was at home packing to go on an adventure to the Dead Forest. Then I got in the coach but the coach terminated so I walked along nervously then I found a good place to camp so set my tent up. I had a few oranges and a sandwich so I started eating. The rain started pouring over the forest. I packed up and walked on. I saw a village in the corner which meant that this wasn't a super dangerous adventure that no hunter or any human being had done before. I was actually looking forward to an adventure and being on the newspaper.

    I approached the scenery by coach and it terminated half a mile away from the entrance of the Dead Forest. I was going there to just have a good adventure. When I got there I felt lonely and scared because I could see no one and I wanted to go home but I couldn't give up now so I kept on wandering down the road.

  6. At night there were two children who were both home alone. They were both feeling bored and wanted to go to the old park down the street. It was getting dark and the entrance to the park looked creepy, but they didn't care.

    It was only a short walk to get there. they go in to the old park, and spot something moving in the distance. they heard a voice someone was there but who was it. They wanted to know who it was so they went closer, but still they didn't know. Suddenly, a bear jumps out of a bush and the bear starts chasing the children out of the park and back home. Just in time for dinner. THE END

  7. There was a very old park.I was sure that it was
    dark.It was a day on a school trip we where going
    to the opposite park but I sneaked out of my group
    and went to the spooky park.The gates were unlocked
    i went by coach I was very hungry so I ate some sweets
    it was lunch time so that was good.Somebody was coming
    so I ran and ran very fast
    to my group.My friend asked my where did I go
    but I did not tell her where did I go
    but I did not tell here where I went.

  8. Their was an old abandon factory.Me and Tim we're walking to the abandon factory because we were bored.

    Ten minutes later we were at the gate of the abandon factory.It was wobbling like a shadowy ancient zombie.The flash lights were opening and closing it was very creepy.

    I tried opening the gate but it was locked so we went under the gate.Me and Tim heard a creepy noise sounding like a zombie biting someone on the tummy.We couldn't believe our eyes it was a ......bear "Aaaaaaa"we both screamed.We were too petrified to go to the abandon factory so we never ever went to the abandon factory ever again.

  9. there was a very old building it was a normal school day and it was very dark and wet so after that they went home and they turned on the television they saw this huge theme park and they went to ask there parents but they said no suspiciously so they were up set so they went to the bed room and they packed and tom said were going to visit grandma but they were actually they were going to the huge theme park they snuck out the bed room window and they found a debit card on the floor and they saw a taxi and they showed the debit cared and went to the theme park 20 minutes later they arrived at the theme park they went every were then the debit card ran out of cash and got stranded on the theme park then they asked for money nobody cared about them so they saw big shadow every body vanshed but that shadow looked familiar it was tom's dad he was in trouble and the next day tom could not do anything he had to stay in his room all day

  10. I had been travelling long time to get to a scary place. It was fogy. I could see everything even if its fogy because there were street lights. I thought why didn't I come here earlier so that it wouldn't be spooky. I saw an old scary mansion.

    As I bravely went to see the mansion closer there were lights on. I could see bats. maybe it is not very scary, I whispered to my self as I walked home.

  11. There was spooky old hotel and next to it there was a park so we went to the park when we arrived we were playing. After that I went to the hotel by my self when i arrived I saw the front door had cobwebs everywhere and the hotel used to be a hospital a long time ago, the hotel looks so rusty when i opened the door it was a terrible squeak this old hotel was not opened for years.


  12. One day I was watching a house opposite and just when I did, I saw a strange, extraordinary and unusual house. It looked like if nobody ever passed through so then I knew it was a bit far away so I took my dad's car keys and drove of to the strange,extraordinary and unusual lane. Soon I stepped forward and then step by step I went along the spooky, dilapidated bridge.I thought I would go there because it was strange, extraordinary and unusual.

  13. One day I was watching a house opposite and just when I did, I saw a strange, extraordinary and unusual house. It looked like if nobody ever passed through so then I knew it was a bit far away so I took my dad's car keys and drove of to the strange,extraordinary and unusual lane. Soon I stepped forward and then step by step I went along the spooky, dilapidated bridge.I thought I would go there because it was strange, extraordinary and unusual.

  14. I was at my friend’s house until I heard a creepy sound coming from the gloomy misty abandoned Graveyard. I told him I wanted to check it out. I would travel either by bike, running, car or motor bike and I picked running so I would not disturb the neighbours. It was dilapidated scary frightfully. The graves looked like they were made centuries ago and they loomed above us like a huge ancient decaying zombie. The lights were flickering on and off without anyone pulling the switch. We heard noises of wolfs howling zombies growling bones clinging and withes cackling. It was petrifying and horrifying

  15. One autumn night Rhythm and Ted went out searching for the Rhythm's cat. Ted said'there is a abanded hospital near by'.
    Both of them started walking towards the hospital.As they were coming close to the hospital both were really scared looking around them,the died out trees,broken bridge ,hooting owls..
    Ted noticed the paws marks as they walked and they started following them.

    Paws lead them into the spooky hospital . They opened the creaky door and saw the little cat sitting in the corner of the room.

    Rhythm rushed to the cat lifted her and both came running back home.

  16. My parents decided in a autumn day that we were going to visit a old aunt of my mum. She hasn't seen her in years and she missed her a lot. The aunt lives in a big old mansion in the country side. It was a very long trip by car that took us a few hours. On the way, we stopped to eat in a small pub in a village. We had a wonderful fish meal. When we got there the Sun was setting and it was getting dark. It was a bit cloudy and a strange light was coming from the sky. The garden of the old mansion was huge and full of all sorts of trees. We could see lots of shadows. We were walking on a bed of dead lives that were rustling under our feet. Under the weird light the tree's branches looked like giant arms with huge fingers. I froze. I was holding my mum's hand with despair. We saw a light flickering from the house. We went over a wooden bridge that was creaking and then we got to the house. We knocked to the old door. In a second the door open with a creek and in front of us was standing my mum's aunt with a very large smile on her face. She was waiting for us and she was very happy. Actually inside the house it wasn't spooky at all. We had a nice time with our aunt who is a nice a very funny person.

  17. i was supposed to go to a party but had got the wrong address that
    led me here. it was spooky,damp and horrifying . i was exhausted from all the travelling.i could see many black bats nibbling on rotten apples. i felt as frightened as a hedgehog that was seen at day time.
