Friday 22 January 2016

Stone Age Animals

Last term, we learnt to write non-chronological reports. We want to see what you can remember from this unit of writing.

Your task this week is to write a 150 word non-chronological report on a Stone Age animal of your choice.

Here are some websites to help you;


  1. Today I am writing about the tiger one because in the stone age the
    tiger one had big long teeth so that's why I am writing about the tiger one tiger are some times big so that's why I wote about the tige one tigers are usuly big but they are some times small too.

    1. WISH: check your work write some more
      STAR: told me a little bit about the sabre tooth tiger

    2. interesting tigers are big and sometimes small. it does have big teeth. Great job

  2. Wooly Rhino

    The wooly rhino was a mystical creature that lived in the stone age period long ago. It had long, shaggy and grey hair. Although that original rhinos have one horn the wooly rhinos have two. The wooly rhino has very short legs and tail but the rhinoceros's back and belly are the longest part of the body.

    The wooly rhinos are endangered all around the world but are very peaceful. Only when they troubled they start charging and start destroy villages. This is weird that humans kill rhinos. Why do they kill rhinos?

    1. What did the Wooly Rhino eat?

    2. Wish : Write some more please

  3. The sabre-toothed tiger is one of the most well-known prehistoric animals along with giants such as the woolly mammoth. Sabre-toothed tigers roamed the mid-western US and parts of both North and
    South America and were named for the enormous canines which skeletons show, protruded quite far out of their mouths.It became extinct in the Quanternary period(the end of the dinosaur period) and
    during the ice age. Despite it's name, the sabre-toothed tiger was not actually related to the modern tigers that are found throughout the jungles of Asia. It is thought that the sabre-toothed tiger
    would have roamed across the grassland plains and open woodlands throughout both North and South America where individuals would of varied slightly depending on the area which they inhabited.The
    sabre-toothed tiger is one of the best known ice-age animals but little is really known about them as they are thought to have become extinct around 10,000BC which is a long time ago. The sabre-toothed
    tiger was named for the canines that could grow to more than 7 inches in length and were capable of fatally wounding their prey with one bite.

  4. kiran pullakandam23 January 2016 at 05:38

    The sabre-toothed tiger is one of the most well-known prehistoric animals along with giants such as the woolly mammoth. Sabre-toothed tigers roamed the mid-western US and parts of both North and
    South America and were named for the enormous canines which skeletons show, protruded quite far out of their mouths.It became extinct in the Quanternary period(the end of the dinosaur period) and
    during the ice age. Despite it's name, the sabre-toothed tiger was not actually related to the modern tigers that are found throughout the jungles of Asia. It is thought that the sabre-toothed tiger
    would have roamed across the grassland plains and open woodlands throughout both North and South America where individuals would of varied slightly depending on the area which they inhabited.The
    sabre-toothed tiger is one of the best known ice-age animals but little is really known about them as they are thought to have become extinct around 10,000BC which is a long time ago. The sabre-toothed
    tiger was named for the canines that could grow to more than 7 inches in length and were capable of fatally wounding their prey with one bite.

  5. Mammoths are like elephants but mammoths have teeth that are huge teeth if you hit a mammoth they will chase you around and the mammoth will hit you with there huge teeth and it is very/very/ very fast and it is very/very/very strong.


    In the Stone Age there was type of cat called the saber toothed cat it was orange , black and white just like a real tiger but had two long teeth at the front the saber toothed cat was part of the mammals group and followed the woolly mammoth around. The saber toothed cat has been in lots of movies for example Ice Age. In the Ages the saber toothed cat lived in caves and normally for exercise the saber toothed cat would walk or run around the desert. About his name the saber toothed cat or sabre toothed tiger was not a tiger or cat in fact it was not really related to the modern tigers found in Asia. The tiger or cat ate meat because it was a carnivore. The tiger lived in Brazil and America and became extinct in 10,100BC in the Stone Age. The cat was a fighter.

    It has gigantic tusks.Its trunk is as long as a tigers tail.It belongs to a family of elephants. Woolly mammoths lived in the Arctic during the ice age.the ancient Arctic was probably cold.Mammoths ate plants because in those times they had carrots and sunflowers.

  8. Mammoths are elephants in the stone age.And they lived in times like that.A mammoths has a fur on its tummy it was bigger than a normal elephant.They were neerly the biggest stone age animal.its chrunk was gigantic and its tail was short.The mammoths were very, very ,very strong.

  9. Introduction

    The saber tooth was extincted in 10000 BC (ice age). Its relatives are cat, grey wolf, lion and tiger. They were native to south and north America.


    It had short legs, tail neck and ear. Surprisingly its teeth are fragile. They can grow up to 3 feet and its colour is orange, white and black. Saber tooth tigers can open their mouth incredibly wide and its teeth can grow to 7 inches.

    Way of living

    They ate buffalo, deer, antelope camels, bison, mammoth’s ground sloths, tapirs and mastodons. They lived in grassy areas. Unlike other carnivores the saber tooth tiger is a sit and wait predator (hides and waits for its prey then pounces on its prey). Its jaws are awfully strong so it can rip the flesh of the animal it is eating. They lived in packs.

  10. Today I'm going to talk about my Stone Age animals and I choose to talk about Rhinoceros
    The woolly rhinoceros was a large Ice Age mammal. It was widespread throughout the tundra of northern Eurasia during the Pleistocene epoch, about 1.8 million years ago until about 10,000 years ago (the end of the last Ice Age). It was well adapted to the cold; it had thick, shaggy fur, small ears, short legs, and a massive body. Fossils of this early rhino have been found, in addition to well-preserved corpses, which were found in frozen gravel in Siberia. Stone Age humans hunted woolly rhinos; they drew pictures of the rhinos on cave walls 30,000 years ago, giving us even more information about these large mammals.

  11. The Stone Age animal I picked is Smilodon. Smilodon was the largest sabertoothed cat ( or sabertoothed tiger).It was a bit smaller than a modern day lion, but much heavier. It lived during the Ice Age in which the Earth got much colder than it is now. Ice sheets and glaciers cover much of the land and sea levels fell as sea water froze into polar ice and glaciers. Sabertooth cats lived in grassland, shrubby areas and pine forests. Smilodon was a carnivore. This ferocious hunter may have eaten thick skinned prey like mastodons (hairy extinct elephants, horses and bison). They had 2 huge canine teeth among other sharp teeth. They also had very strong jaw and neck muscles that let them stab prey with their deadly teeth. Smilodons could open their mouth wide open like a snake - perhaps because they had to keep their canines away while eating. Sabertooth ranged widely throughout North and South America and are related to modern cats. However, no real descendents of sabertooth cat are alive today.

  12. Mammoths Mammoths lived in the ice age long ago. The mammoths became extinct 11,000 years ago. Elephants are the largest living land animal on the Earth at different times over the last 55 million years. The Mammoths were 9-14 feet (3.5) metres at the sholder. MORE! There weight was 6-10 tons. The fur coat 2 layers,good for the cold weather. The thick,long,shaggy outer coat was probably back. The other was a fine, short under coat.

  13. Mammoths Mammoths lived in the ice age long ago. The mammoths became extinct 11,000 years ago. Elephants are the largest living land animal on the Earth at different times over the last 55 million years. The Mammoths were 9-14 feet (3.5) metres at the sholder. MORE! There weight was 6-10 tons. The fur coat 2 layers,good for the cold weather. The thick,long,shaggy outer coat was probably back. The other was a fine, short under coat.

  14. Mammoths
    The size of mammoths was 9-14 feet. The weight was 6-10 tons. It had a fur coat with 2 layers that was good for the cold weather. The outer coat was black. Special teeth with ridges grew so they could protect themselves. Tusks are teeth that extend from the mammoth’s mouth. The tusks helped the researchers about how old the mammoths were. The male tusks grew to 8 or 9 feet. The mammoths were herbivores and they ate bushes, leaves and plants. They ate
    00 pounds of grass every day. The mammoths lived up to 60-80 years.

    The mammoths lived during the ice age which meant that they got buried under the ice and became extinct. Stone Age people hunted
    for animals including mammoths, so that they could feed themselves and cover themselves with their fur. They kept their fur as a blanket for sleeping. The Stone Age people kept the animal’s stomach as a bag and ate what was inside it.

  15. Mammoths:
    The word mammoth comes from two words from the Estonia language."Maa"witch means earth , Mutt means mole.Estonia is a country near Russia where farmers find gigantic bones in their fields.They thought that the bones were from belonged too huge burrowing animals.

    The mammoth is a relative to the modern elephant (Proboscidea ).Like many other Ice Age mammals, the mammoth became extinct more than 11,000 years ago.Elephants are the largest living land mammals.Their have been more than 500 different kind of elephants on the earth at different times over the last 55 million years.Only two of these remain alive today:the African Elephant and the Asian (or indian)Elephant.They live in tropical climates ,but other species living long ago.

    Remains of mammoths have been found in Europe ,Asia and North America.Three species of mammoths (genus mammuths) lived on the mainland of the United States at the end of the last Ice Age.These were the columbian mammoth (mammothus columbi ),Jeffersons mammoth (mammoth jeffersonii and the wooly mammoth(Mammoth primigenius)the mammoths journey.

    They are 9 - 14 feet (3.5) meters .They are 6-10 tons.They have a fur coat in 2 layers,good for cold weather.The thick,long and shaggy outercoat was probably black.The other was a fine,short undercoat.They have special teeth with ridges,5 or 6 sets in their live they had no enamel,added a growth ring every year.
    Diet: herbivores animals that eat plants .They ate,leaves,bushes,willow,fir,They might have used their tusks to clear snow. They ate probably about 700 pounds of grass leaves each day.

  16. Mammoths were big, furry and vexatious elephants of the past. They roamed in flat and fairly cold regions. Another interesting fact is that they were herbivores and they were one of the biggest animals of their time. The mammoths only drank water. These intricating mammals were vulnerable because of their lack of speed and strength, this is why they became hunted to extinction.

  17. Saber tooth tiger had become extinct around 10,000 B.C. Apart from other possible causes for their extinction; prehistoric humans would have been supposedly responsible for the absolute extermination of smilodon.Some biologists maintain that the arrival of ice age which changed the vegetation pattern for these animals caused extinction.

  18. Mammoths were very big at that time.They where giant elephants
    and they were quite scary to me also they had horns and sometime
    they are brown and really often they are
    black.They have brown hair on top of there hair they have a really long trunk and it fells like it is wrinkle.One top of the trunk it is smooth and then it is getting harder and harder
    there horns are not clean but there
    dirty because when they want to get water they get a little bit
    of mud mixed with water.
