Friday 15 January 2016

We Are Pirates!

This week we have been enjoying Maths week in school. Our theme was pirates so every lesson this week has had a link to both maths and pirates! We completed lots of swashbuckling activities, including making treasure maps and designing pirate ships.

Your task this week has been set by Pirate Pete....

Aye, aye me hearties. I have one last task for all you scurvy dogs. We have just docked on a new treasure island. I want you to write a description of the island, using as many interesting adjectives, similes and verbs as you can. Anyone that forgets their capital letters and full stops will be forced to walk the plank! Arghhhhh!


  1. The island is very small. You can go treasure hunting on the island. There is a big palm tree in the middle of the island. The palm tree has a rough and bumpy trunk that is as long as an elephant’s trunk (13 feet long). It has bright green long leaves. It has hard brown coconuts that are on the tree. There is hot golden yellow sand. Under the palm tree there is X marks the spot.

    1. Star: Great describing words
      Wish: Maybe you could type in a bit more information about your island

  2. Hello pirate Pete! I think this island is a little bit small for your pirate ship.You can hunt in this island and you can find. Pirate Pete i think you can find more money!

    from hansa

  3. Island Description

    The island is silent and no one knows that this island is cursed. There is a temple in the middle of the island and in the temple lives a sorceress who rules the island.

    The X that marks the spot is at the end of the tropical forest. In the forest lives man-eating trees, poisonous spiders, biting bears and terrible tigers. Diagonally to the forest is a river that contains the most delicious fish in the world.

    Every full moon night six animals gather around ,have race and eat the all the sorceress's breakfast and the sorceress gets angry. So as a punishment she makes the next day extremely cold and does not let the animals come out of their caves.

    1. star: island is very good
      wish: you could use some more similies

  4. My island has palm trees are as big as two elephants on top of each other The pirates ship is so rusty and old that it looks like if it lived for over 1,000,000 years old. It is a summery reflect from the shimmering,blue,sparkling sea. I hope you find some treasure. Arghhhhh

  5. My island has palm trees are as big as two elephants on top of each other The pirates ship is so rusty and old that it looks like if it lived for over 1,000,000 years old. It is a summery reflect from the shimmering,blue,sparkling sea. I hope you find some treasure. Arghhhhh

  6. My island has palm trees are as big as two elephants on top of each other The pirates ship is so rusty and old that it looks like if it lived for over 1,000,000 years old. It is a summery reflect from the shimmering,blue,sparkling sea. I hope you find some treasure. Arghhhhh
    from Marco

  7. The island is very big .The trees are very very big .as to elephant stacked on top of each author . The treasure beahond to big booshis as bigger than a rabbit scin !

    1. WISH: need to correctly use more punctuation, write a lot more & spell

  8. The island is big and very sandy, there is a small village near the beach and some happy families live there. There is one law about the robbing every night one person from each family has to stand outside the door with a torch. The island has a forest palm trees there is a long bridge in the sea leading to the closest country (America). The middle of the island on the outskirts of the village there is a big red x marks the spot and the middle of the x you will have to dig and you will not find treasure instead you will find a green bottle inside the green bottle there is an old piece of paper you have to read and it will say something that you will have listen to and follow what it says. Here’s a clue of what it says:
    You will cross the bridge and search for another green bottle follow that and you will find the treasure

    1. Star: You included a lot of information and very good and interesting words

  9. This island is very small .If you measure the island it
    could be 100 cm which is 1 m.It could be 90 grams . The island has a secret room in the middle because you
    can see there is a barrle by it self, many years ago
    some body put a barrle there so no body can see the
    hide out. You see that ship thats your unkles ship (Captian Badoncles). It is 900,000,000 years old.How old are you ? Are you famouse ?

  10. This island is the most ancient island of all. Since 1656 a big ship full of pirates crashed in to the island. After the island had been crashed by the ship, the island broke in to pieces. The biggest piece was the part were the boat crashed.

    When the years passed the pirates were drowning in the sea. For most of the years the sun was shining so that all the sand on the island that it looked as gold as a jewel. Some birds hid some seeds underneath the sand and the seeds grew into palm trees on spring.

  11. This island has millions of palm trees on it. It looks damp, wet and hot. This ship is totally wrecked. There is a temple in the middle of the tropical island. In it there is a red X. But there are lots of risky, unsafe, threatening, hazardous and dangerous traps. If anyone tries to pass them you will suffer with pain.
    The sail is torn the windows look like pirates have jumped out of them it looks very old. There are barrels of gunpowder hidden in the trees and you never know that it might fall with a big BOOM!!!!!! The sand and the sea is sparkling I think treasure has fallen out of the ship.
    There is a mystery message that has been written on a palm tree in a special pirate language that no one knows. If you solve the riddle a passage will open up with a cavern with lots of rubies, emeralds, diamonds and etc.
    by HAMZA

    1. Star: Great punctuation nd describing words

  12. But there is a guardian protecting the jewels which is a giant chicken.
    By HAMZA

  13. My Island is not big but there are full of palm, bananas and coconut trees and the sand is very hot because most of the time the weather is very hot. There is one very old crashed ship where normally the pirates go to sleep they survived on eating fishes with all the fruits from the trees. This is my history about my island.
    Thank you

  14. My island is smaller than the united kingdom. To climb it you need a hook. The treasure has bronze, silver and gold coins.
    There are strong men to fight for the treasure. You need to buy a hook witch costs £100.99. you need an emerald hammer and shield. The island is called ME Treasure. They have big mountains, palm trees and a huge forest.

  15. My island is quite big but, on the other hand, it is barren and deserted. There is not one animal to be seen. Deep down, below the island is a shiny box of gold, jewellery and many other, precious valuables (in other words, a treasure chest). The sun sears the sand and pebbles as it pours down rays like molten rain. If anybody would dare to walk on the scorched island, they would step off with dripping skin. The coconut trees stay stationary as the gentle breeze tries to put out the sun's fire like a fire engine.

  16. This island is like a beautiful tropical paradise.Its like a fary tale garden, an ocean of wonderful flowers and exotic coconut trees, palm trees and banana trees. There live lots of beautiful and colourful birds and weird animals like the lemurs.It's beaches are covered with soft golden sands. The island is surrounded by coral reefs, it has a large lagoon and a spacious harbour. There is an enchanting waterfall in the middle of the island where the water is breaking into a mist of tiny droplets and falls down like a soft silk. There is a village on this island and nice people live there. The locals got friendly with the pirates who visit the island and make trades with them. Villagers catch fish,turtles and give to the pirates local food and pirates bring for them European food, clothes and other gifts from Europe. The locals are not interested in the pirates treasure because for them it doesn't have any value.

  17. This island is like a beautiful tropical paradise.Its like a fairy
    tale garden, an ocean of wonderful flowers and exotic coconut trees, palm trees and banana trees. There live lots of beautiful and colourful birds and weird animals like the lemurs.It's beaches are covered with soft golden sands. The island is surrounded by coral reefs, it has a large lagoon and a spacious harbour. There is an enchanting waterfall in the middle of the island where the water is breaking into a mist of tiny droplets and falls down like a soft silk. There is a village on this island and nice people live there. The locals got friendly with the pirates who visit the island and make trades with them. Villagers catch fish,turtles and give to the pirates local food and pirates bring for them European food, clothes and other gifts from Europe. The locals are not interested in the pirates treasure because for them it doesn't have any value.


  18. My Island is very big where many pirates lived. The X mark on island means treasure. There are two maps one is for the treasure and the other one is fake.[Leads to Lava] There are 10,000 Palm trees. It is a hot and sandy. IN 200BC last week of November was the only week that has been cold. There was always a guardian who protects the treasure always.
    Pirates used to eat all the available raw food on he island and live.[bananas ,coconut , berries ]
    On every weekend pirates used to go for looting the ships.
    They used to kill all the travellers on he ship and rob the money ,food, Jewells many more.
