Friday 24 June 2016

Writing Prompt

Use this picture to help you write a story.

  • Who lives here?
  • Why do they live here?
  • What is special about their life?
  • What might happen to them?


  1. The legends say there was a lost island called Hillbury. The village was built in the middle of the sea so there were no robbers and everyone was quite friendly. In the middle of the village was a school named Hillbury Independence school and many children came to it because the teachers taught well and the students were well behaved and very friendly. It was also the only school in Hillbury It was a school for little fawns ( 1, 2 years) to big grown up Collage and University children. Sailors would have gone down a passage way to the bottom of the village with a boat and go sailing like that. One day just before the baking street there were two tree that scraped and fell on top of each other and scraped so hard that it caused a fire and the spread fast as the baker street was all dry and made of wood. The fire spread faster than Usain Bolt and soon burnt down three quarters of the school. All the people in Hillbury died and burnt wood and ashes scattered every were, the school gates, shredded to tiny dark oak wood pieces. All the hard work destroyed. Even the land crumbled away to tiny winy chunks of rock and sank into the sea. All that was left of Hillbury was the school assembly hall and the headmasters office. People now say it home to a school of ghosts and No one dares to go there and we also know there are no graves as they all died during a fire.

    1. kiran pullakandam28 June 2016 at 10:44

      Nice story. Its queite spooky!
      How do poeple now that there are no grayards when no one went in there?

  2. Saturday, 25 June 2016
    Writing prompt

    I believe that an Acheri which is an Indian disease-bringing ghost lives here. Legend says that they lives on mountains and in castle like homes. It also says that the first one was a girl and she had all the Acheri’s as her guards and did not treat them as her children. She lives there because she loves to hypnotise sea creatures. She also loved to live there because she made all the animals and she trys her best to keep them safe. So then one of her sons (the only one she treated as her son). One day she came out at night and saw a little girl she accidently turned her into a ghost. Ever since that she had bad nightmares’ and those nightmares’ turned her into a zombie. This is something bad about her life. Shes never happy just because what she had done to that girl.

  3. The legends say there was a lost island called Hillbury. The village was built in the middle of the sea so there were no robbers and everyone was quite friendly. In the middle of the village was a school named Hillbury Independence school and many children came to it because the teachers taught well and the students were well behaved and very friendly. It was also the only school in Hillbury It was a school for little fawns ( 1, 2 years) to big grown up Collage and University children. Sailors would have gone down a passage way to the bottom of the village with a boat and go sailing like that. One day just before the baking street there were two tree that scraped and fell on top of each other and scraped so hard that it caused a fire and the spread fast as the baker street was all dry and made of wood. The fire spread faster than Usain Bolt and soon burnt down three quarters of the school. All the people in Hillbury died and burnt wood and ashes scattered every were, the school gates, shredded to tiny dark oak wood pieces. All the hard work destroyed. Even the land crumbled away to tiny winy chunks of rock and sank into the sea. All that was left of Hillbury was the school assembly hall and the headmasters office. People now say it home to a school of ghosts and No one dares to go there and we also know there are no graves as they all died during a fire.

  4. Once upon a time there was a happy village with birds singing from tress and flowers growing and this village lived on a sandy beach and everyone’s houses were normal tepees or huts. That the kind of houses they lived in for many years.

    A big house rose up from the flowing water. This wasn’t a house like a tapee or a hut it was a posh brick house on top of a gigantic mossy rock that the village have been trying to pull out for many days to weeks to months and to years. The only strange feature of the house was there were voices from the house and a humongous hand holding the rock. The hand did not move for a few days and the first time it moved was when a small boy rode on his cycle and out the water as fast as the wind a green and blue giant with stupendous fangs and sharp class came running at the village destroying everything it saw and it even injured lots of people. Luckily none died but there was no hospital nearby so they got water and poured it over blood.

    The village did not like this and they called the military soldiers with their biggest melee weapons and attacking vehicles and by the time they got there were 6 giants. The villagers did not understand how this happened but well that the army were at their side. The tanks were first to attack when they launched giants just caught them threw it back.

    3 days later they were defeated and mystery house was all there’s. The END.

    1. You have some interesting imagination

  5. Once upon a time there was a misterious house on a very big rock. There was a very mean which living in the house. She lives here because she does not like people if there is people next to her house she will kill them. She does not Disterb or anyone them if they are close she will annoy them. She does not have any food up there so she will starve to death and it is dangerous to live there because a storm will come and brake. The rocks and it could sink. And maybe she cant swim and she will drown.


  6. Hundreds and hundreds of years ago at the Roman times there was a very odd looking rock with a house on top. No one knew what it was and who lived in it. One day a brave Roman went in the strange house at night. The house was both stinky and spooky. The Roman saw an alien in the house and the alien was looking rather hungry so the Roman speed on the alien and executed the alien. Then the Roman was so proud of himself that he told all the other. THE END

  7. Once upon a time there was a old house in the house there was a wizard.She thinks people are weird her best things are magic and she can trick tiny pets.
    Her name is cherry and she is a teenager so she can do magic by her self her mum is alive and her dad is too.

  8. Once upon a time there was a really old looking house and in there lived a witch and that witch was living there because she doesn't like the sun all witches love making potion even witches stay at home because people kill them for no reason that's why witches stay at home.

    THE END ��

  9. In New York there is a massive rock island people visited it every day and lots of people relaxed there. It wasn’t until September 14th a family of 9 came and lived in the castle. It was a bad idea to go there now because the family are very magical so weird stuff might happen to you.
    They live here because the other houses in New York were very normal and lots of people were there. On the day when the family came they were very hyper so they were waving their hands and throwing spells everywhere also people were screaming.
    There life is special because the house is big and cool. Also it would be fun to go down the steps and go on a boat. They are lucky yo live in such a grand castle and in the middle of nowhere and the view would be really cool and fun it would be really fun to live there.
    There could be a sudden war or fight and the house could fall or something in the water could make it crash. But it is a 50,50 chance of what could happen it could just be that they stay happy and nothing goes wrong or bad things could happen and they could be sad.
    The people who live there are a family of nine:
    Mum: Ivy aged 19. She has long blonde hair and wears a knee length blue dress and an ocean scarf. Her shoes are high and pink
    Dad: Phineas aged 21. He has short brown hair and wears blue trousers and an orange top. His shoes are Nike trainers a blue.
    Sister: Clora aged 8. She has 2 long brown plaits and wears a blue dress and blue trousers and a purple scarf. Her Nike trainers are grey.
    Sister: Scarlet aged 15. She has long red plaits in a ponytail and wears black trousers and a purple scarf and a New York cap. Her Nike trainers are black.
    Sister: Moonlight aged 12. She has long brown ponytail and wears a black dress and cardigan and boots.
    Sister: Trixy aged 1. She has curly brown hair and wears dark blue tracksuit and happy top. Her hat is black and her shoes are black.
    Brother: Sam aged 14. His hair is long and orange he wears a green onesie and black boots.
    Brother: Clover aged 14. His hair is short and blonde, he wears a red onesie and black boots.
    Brother: Allieh aged 14. His hair is waist length and black. He wears a blue onesie and black boots.
    The brothers are all triplets and like to go on missions with batman and spiderman.

  10. Once upon a time there was an old house. No one knows what's in that house. The house was on top of a ginormous rock. Every morning the people had to stand around the big rock and took photos. One night there was a big wave and it hit the rock into tiny pieces. Then the house fell down then it bounced of into the sea. After that the next day there was a green light flashing inside that house. There was a boat on the sea and it also saw the green light flashing through the house. He thought there was a alien in that house so he drove away and he told everyone in Treaty Centre. A while later the green flashing light was getting bigger and bigger. Then the light stopped flashing. After that there came out a boy and his name was Jake. One day later there was a fight in treaty center, Jake was so clever that he solved the problem out. THE END

  11. Legend says that there is a mansion in the middle of nowhere there was a big island that was a happy village and some people have been trying to hunt down the kraken because it always invades every once a year and people are fed up. One day (on a peaceful one) the kraken came back to destroy the village. It took him millions of days. One day the Kraken was about to destroy the castle. As bad results, this land (the one in the picture) has appeared in the middle of the sea. Hero arrived he was not scared of this beast he took on the Kraken for days. They fought for days and days till one day he killed the beast he never told his name and off he rode the waves till he reached home.

  12. Once upon a time there lived a girl called Rose. She loved exploring new secrets of legends. Rose had rosy lips, blue eyes and a fair complexion.
    One day Rosy went exploring on a ship. After travelling a while she suddenly seen a house on top of a mountain. She requested the captain to take the ship near there.
    As she was nearing by she seen a big ladder which takes her up to the door. Stepping out of the ship she slowly climbed the ladder and entered into the door.
    The house was frozen over time ,weird images still hanging on the walls ,with love letters strewn across the floor, a gown hung in the bedroom, and black-and-white photos under a film of cobwebs, it looks like a scene from a fairy tale.
    ROSY went around the house and was so proud of her new exploration. She was there for few more days and explored .she found the history of the house.
    That's Rosy ended exploration with great knowledge about the history.

  13. A long long time ago there was a big scary mansion on top of a massive rock. A while ago a crazy scientist moved there. He lived there because he wanted to find fish and take tests on them. He had a small wooden boat and a full set of diving gear. He likes people especially kids.Every day children use to come to him and he used to read them stories and told them what he found. He kept doing tests on fish and the tests didn't work so all the fish died and he had nothing to eat and he eventually starved to death. Then there was a giant storm with lightning and thunder.There was also a tornado and after that the House was no where to be seen.

  14. A long time ago ther was a house on a suspisiouse rock on top of it.There lived a shark monster his name is shark killer but he was half perso and half man.He lived in spain.Then the hunters came and nocked on the door twise and then the shark killer gumped of the roof and killed them.He kills the things he can see in his way.well now other people found him standing with a Emerald sword and Dimond armour.Then the villages got there sawds out and batteld them for ages then a poisen arrow flew down the sky and killed him and they did not know who done it but then it was safe in the village.

  15. Once there was a little girl called Sadey and she lived in a village in city and when ever she looked out of the window she saw a huge wobbly house right in the middle of the ocean . She always asked her mum what it was but her mum did not know ether . So she went to explore Sadey went into the house . When she came in and opened the door she .Ahhhh! she was dead . A mysterious boy held a knife with blood on it.

    The boy never spoke again after that moment.

  16. A few years ago there stood a majestic palace. This place was where they say Queen Mary 1 haunts it. One day a young Prince moved in, he slept in Mary's room. Ever Since, he started having nightmares! Rumor has it that once the Prince ran away when he came back the castle had gone!!

  17. One day their lived 18 ager called Haron, Harry potter is his brother. He lived on a big rock, Haron decided to give harry potter a visit. On the way Haron saw birds hipping and fruits being picked from trees.

    When Haron arrived he saw the biggest place in his whole entire life, it was huge! Haron saw magic books and wands. He also saw people learning magic, He also saw bows, swords and armour including a flying broom stick.
    He asked if he could take stuff, Harry potter said "yes”. He took kryptonite armour and ruby sword, they were the most powerful. Haron had to practice spells at home, suddenly a hundred 3 headed lions ran and attacked haron . He slayed all of them in five minutes.

  18. Once upon a time there was a haunted mansion. People from all over the world come to see it because it is an amazing thing because it is so old. It is made of brick, had a pointy chimney and a bumpy roof. The reason why it was so infamous was because a ghost of a 19 year old girl named Margaret was present. This was because, her and her older brother became orphans when their parents drowned in 1986. Later on this caused problems because their late parents were rich and both wanted all the money and riches for themselves which caused a conflict. This caused the older brother to get extremely angry and out of his anger he brutally murdered his younger sister and then commit suicide by jumping into the deep blue freezing sea because he felt very guilty.
