Friday 1 July 2016

Voices in the Park

This week we have been reading Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne. We have been looking at the different perspectives of four different characters and their experiences at the park.

Your task is to choose one of the characters and write a description of them.

  • What sort of personality do they have?
  • How do they look and dress?
  • Would you be friends with this person in real life? Why?
  • Do you think they are a happy person? Why?


  1. Mum

    She is very mean and only likes people that are rich but her son, Charles, wants to be friends with a girl called Smudge. Of course Charles's mother does not like old and poor people so she snatches Charles away from her as fast as she can. She is also rude to the dog that Smudge owns and as soon as it came to Victoria ( The pedigree Labrador that Charles owns) she shooed it off ,as if it was harming her.

    She wears very rich clothes as she is rich. She wears a shiny red leather hat. She wears a dark blue coat that has golden buttons. For jewelry she wears a pearl necklace and 2 oval, golden earrings. She wears a soft pinkish colour top underneath her scarf that is decorated with yellow, pink and purple flowers known as petunias. On her legs she wears leather black boots but wears no socks.

    Would you be friends with this person?:
    NO!!!!!!!!! I would not like to be friends with the mum because if she thinks I am not rich she would be mean to me and also not let me talk or play with her. She would also not let me talk to Charles stroke Victoria. She did the exact same thing with Smudge ,her dad and her dog, Albert.

    Happy or not:
    She is not happy because she never lets her children play or never even does fun things herself. There is only one kindest person in this story and that is smudge because she has a great imagination and she has a pure and cheerful mind and heart of color and fun.

    1. Star: really good information and lovely writing word
      Wish: you could carry on wrtifgdj loads in stead of slowly stop writing loads and wirte smal

  2. Voices in the Park
    Saturday 2 July 2016

    She’s kind hearted, she listens to her dad, and she makes people happy (mostly her dad or Charles) by talking. She really, really sporty. Sadly she doesn’t go to school. So she plays with Albert (her dog) or she plays with her toys. She only has 1 or 0 friends. She’s AMAZING on the equipment in the park. She has sort a funny name. She has a lovely voice it sounds like Elsa. I would love to be friend with Smudge and she will let me stoke Albert. She wears very poor clothes. She has a pink hair band. She also has a red t- shirt. She always happy.

    1. Star: You gave the key information about Smudge
      Wish: You could write in paragraphs and maybe add a bit more

  3. Mum

    Mum's behavior is so unkind because she always doesn't let her child called Charles to play in the park. She even says loathsome words to smudge. Mum is so rude that she doesn't let Charles play at the park.

    what she wears:

    Mum only wants to wear fancy clothes because she wants to be rich. Mum wears a blue thin jacket when she is going to the park. She always wears like a flower necklace. Mum always wears wears a black boot.

    would you be friends with mum?

    I would not be friends with mum because she is unkind to me and rude.

  4. Dad

    cloths what she and he wear

    the Dad is poor he wears a blue jumper because the Mum is rich she wears nice cloths lick a blue jacket a dress and some shoes.

    her and his behaviors

    the Mum is rude because she is rich because the Dad is poor he is very friendly.

    would you lick to be friends with the dad or the mum

    i would like to be friends with the dad because if i was in the book i will give money to him so he can have a job i would not like to be friends with her because she is strict and she i more kind to the dog than Charles.

  5. Voices in the Park- The Mum
    The mum wears a long, thin, deep blue, silk coat with golden buttons. On her head she wears a dark red trilby hat, around her neck she wears a dark blue bandana scarf with bright coloured flowers all around and the rim is dark red. Her boots a knee length and are black, the heel is high. Too look posher she wears black silk gloves. Her face is gorilla and has small, golden, hooped, dangly earrings. She does not wear lipstick but does wear lip gloss and powder on her cheeks. Her eyes are black and wear flowers on a white bead necklace on her neck to her chin.
    The rich lady is a very mean lady and self-centred. She is not kind and nice. The kind of lady she is an extremely rude and miserly lady even though she has a dog she is still a greedy, thoughtless lady. She would be also thought of as grasping. Her imagination is full of herself and her dog not even Charles her own son is in her imagination just herself and Victoria her dog. She also is mean because she does not let Charles play with a fun girl called Smudge.
    Would I Be Here Friend Or Not?
    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would absolutely NOT like to be her friend because she is so mean and when I would like to go to the park with her she would be bossy and tell me to sit on the bench not play and she goes to sleep on a cushion whilst I am sitting on a rock hard bench! See how mean that is to your only friend! If I was her best only friend she would not let me stroke Victoria (their dog) or talk to Smudge, Albert or Smudge’s dad.
    Happy or Not
    She is happy because she is rich and gets her own way. Charles obeys her and does what she says, she calls people what she wants even if it is rude and no one retaliates or backchats to her. No Way! Not Her! It must be a hard life for her but what does she care nothing. People will think that she is not real and how god could have made her because she is so mean.
    By SIENNA!!!!!

  6. Do you think they are a happy person? Why?


    Mum is very rich because she has a big job. I can tell because of her nice clothes that she always shows-off in every image that she's in. I would not like to be friens with her at all because she is such a (show-off),in the image that she looks very mad she is a little bit scary and wierd. I don't think she is a kind person because she is unkind to Charls. Mum likes Victoria better than Charles witch is very mean and rude.

  7. Dad

    Smudges dad is a very lonely man . He has no friends and his personality is well sad .Sometimes only Smudge makes him happy . most of the time he takes Smudge to the park . Whiles Smudge runs around and plays with Albert he always looks in the newspaper and looks for a job.Because he is a poor man his clothes are a bit scruffy.I am not sure if I want to be his friend in real life because he is not that kind . I do not think that he is a happy person because he never smiles.

  8. I think smudge is kind because she helped her dad and her friend.Her personality is so nice because she thinks a lot of things like ladybirds and she dream a tree is a fruit. Unlucky she does not go to school she always play with her toys and Albert.Her dad is poor because he only has a little bit of money they live in a flat.She thinks about her dad because she loves her.When they go to the park she dreams of her dad hat like a bush.In the story for the pages I saw a page is happy on smudge side and sad on charles side.She is kind to her dad because she does every thing for him.When her dad says to make tea she make it for her.

  9. Mum
    She is really rude and she is not a happy person and she looks strict and she likes Victoria more than Charles and she wears a rich coats. I wouldn't be friend with her because of her bad attitude to Charles.

    The end ��

  10. Mum’s personality is very bossy, mean and angry and she looks very rich and sophisticated because she is wearing a shiny red hat and a blue coat as well as always smelling luxurious. In addition she wears black boots and a floral necklace to flaunt her money. I would not be friends with this person because of her negative personality and also when they were at the park she let her pedigree Labrador dog Victoria play, but not her son Charles and I think she would do the same thing to me. She does not seem happy because she gets angry easily and does not smile at all and suggests that she is unhappy.

  11. Smudge

    Smudge's personality is very cheerful. she is always happy.I would be smudge's friend as she is very kind and friendly. I realised Her dad is poor by looking at his cloths. I saw charles half side dark and smudge's half was bright,that means charles was sad and smudge was happy.
    She uses her imagination a lot of times.She dreamt about about fruit trees and a dad hat shaped bush.
    Smudge is very happy kid.

  12. Smudge

    Smudges personality is very kind because she made her friend happy. Smudge has a very happy imagination. She always has a smile on her face and cheers up everyone that are feeling sad

    What she looks like and how she is dressed
    Smudge wears a ruby red coat and blue jeans. Smudge looks like you want to be her because she is very un boring and she is very confident.

    Weather I like her or not
    I'd definitely like her because of her kind manor and I would love to be her friend.

    Do I think she is a happy person
    She is a very happy person.

  13. Dad
    His behavior
    Dad is a really lonely man with Smudge and his dog Albert and he was just a sad gorilla.While he was gloomy or lonely the only person who comes rushing towards him is his daughter Smudge.She always has the idea of going to the park which does help a bit but not too much.

    What he wears.
    He wears a normal black scruffy blazer which he ordered with a pair of black old boots.Also grey trousers and a small ancient cap that covers his bald hairy head.Nothing that he wore cheered him up and his mind was still under control with bad deeds and memories.

    Would I be his friend?
    I actually would not because
    he looks serious and grumpy
    that scares me a bit.

  14. Mum

    Mum is very strict, mean and selfish. She is rude to everyone including Charles but she is very kind to Victoria.She only likes pedigree dogs. Her favourite dogs are labradors and she dose not like any other type of dog. She expects everybody to be rich and she expects everybody to have expensive clothes. She also dose not let Charles play in the park and only let's him sit on a bench. Mum has really posh expensive clothes she has a red hat,a yellow,red and blue coloured scarf. Mum also has a blue coat, with golden buttons,black boots and black gloves. I would not be friends with this person because she is so mean I would never want to meet her. I don't think she is happy because no one likes here and she has no friends.

  15. I am doing Charles
    Charles is sad and not fun because I know that
    he is sad because of the dark grey weather.It is as dark as it could rain and a thunder storm.Even he is not that happy that he has a girl friend playing with him.And he is a bit lucky because he is rich but friends are more important!
