Friday 17 June 2016

Health Week

This week has been Health Week at Chatsworth. We have been learning about eating breakfast, getting your five a day, exercise and many other things to do with staying healthy.

Your task this week is to tell us what you do to stay healthy and why.

  • Do you go to any sports clubs or classes?
  • Do you have a healthy breakfast every morning? What do you have?
  • How do you get your five a day?
  • How do you make sure you are drinking enough water?

Tell us all about your healthy lifestyle!


  1. I wake up and I some times go to the park to run and when I come back I get ready and have fruits with a glass of milk. After that I go to school and do lots of my hour of my hour a day and I eat lunch which is normally a buttered sandwich and after school I have rice and do my school work till dinner . I have homemade pancakes mostly. Then I have a good night sleep.

    1. STAR: you have written some very healthy choices
      WISH: you could write some more and have something in the sandwich because butter isn't too healthy every day.

  2. Introduction:
    I stayed healthy by fasting and I didn't eat anything that contains sugar.
    Do I go to a club?
    I go swimming witch helps you to exercise my arms and legs because I kick my legs and move my arms. I also go horse riding witch is a little bit of exercise.
    Do I have a healthy breakfast?
    I have French toast that contains egg and eggs contains protein. Sometimes I have cereal that contains carbohydrates.
    How do I get my 5 a day?
    I get my 5 a day by eating a variety of foods like fruits and vegetables and beans.
    How do I ensure I drink enough water?
    I drink water with every meal.

  3. I wake up then I run for at least half an hour.
    Then I eat 2 bananas with a cup of milk.
    next I walk to school.
    after I do some work.
    I normaly have a sandwich, fruit, bottle of water...
    I come home and eat fruit salad I make in the morning
    I have a cup of water and exercise and go to bed.

    1. STAR: very healthy and lots of exercise
      WISH: you could add the mile a day

  4. I wake up and I have a healthy breakfast. I have toast and sometimes cerial. When i finish my breakfast i go to school. And do hand writing. After that I do litrecy then i go out for break. After break i do math after that i have lunch on friday we have golden time then we go home.
    Then I have some fruit after I eat all my fruit then I drink some water or some milk then I eat my dinner for dinner I have meat and vegtibals then i go to sleep again.

  5. My Healthy Lifestyle

    Clubs and classes
    The only class I go to is a swimming class. I go to William Byrd Pool on brickfield lane. We get their by bus so we don't do that much exercise getting there but sometimes when me and my mum are late we have to run rapidly.

    After school exercises
    If I bring my bike to school it is likely I ride it straight home but sometimes we go for ten minutes to Inwood Park. Sometimes in the morning I cycle to school. I always walk to school and try to stay healthy.

    On Fathers Day I went to a BBQ ( Barbeque ) and ate lots of heathy things but some weren't that healthy.

    1 cup of milk + some butter biscuits
    1 chapatti with cottage cheese

    Food ( at the BBQ )
    Corn on the cob
    4 cubes of chicken
    2 and half scoops of jelly
    2 slices of chocolate cake
    An hot Dog

    1 chapatti and cooked lady finger

    1. STAR: you are very healthy and do quite a lot of exercise
      WISH: I can't think of one it's too good.
      QUESTION?? what is a cooked lady finger?

    2. To Yuvika
      star:I liked how you laid it out and you wrote the things too.
      wish:you could added what you did on Saturday and sunday too.

  6. I wake up in the morning and have a healthy lunch. My favourite lunch for breakfast is a cucumber sandwich and sometimes a Weetabix. Next I sometimes do my Mathletics or blog if there's one. Then I go to school. The first thing that I do in school is do our hand writing. After that we do literacy and then it was break. A bit later on we did maths. After a while we have lunch. In my pack lunch I had a butter sandwich and a yogurt. After that we have R.E or Science. Then it is home time. When I get home I eat a burger without ketchup or mayonnaise.

  7. Heal:
    Eeating is realy good for you so that we can live.
    At breakfast, I some times I have a little glass of mik.
    Later, when I come back from school I do my home works (like now.)
    To much fruit can be bad for you!
    Having five a day makes me feel better.

  8. I wake up i have breakfast it is a sandwich and milk and i always walk to school and we do are mile a day and then break i play football we go in and then lunch which is mostly a sandwich with cucumber and carrots. Then i play football then P.E i do for an hour and when i get home i have alot of unhealthy foods.

  9. Every morning I have a cup of milk to ensure I get calcium for healthy bones. My toast gives me carbohydrate for energy. Daily walk to school is a good exercise to keep me fit. My school meal is full of nourishments. We bring our water bottle so we can stay hydrated on a hot day. After school I have rice with vegetables for five a day. During the week I participate in many sports to keep me healthy. I go to bed at half past 7 to get enough sleep to re-energise my body for another early healthy start.

  10. I believe I'm a healthy person, I wake up in the morning and have my breakfast a healthy sandwich with salads and cheese and then I walk every day about 10 to 15 minutes to school I try to don't eat sugar and during the day I eat good food in the school once a week I go to football club and in the school break I play mostly football so most of the time I'm running and it make me very thirsty and all the time I make sure that I have enough water to drink, so I drink water every time.


  11. Clubs and Sports
    The only club I do is swimming on Saturday’s in Hanworth Airpark Pool. I go in the car so I don’t get much exercise but when my sisters are swimming I play racing with my cousins. On Mondays I do P.E for 2 hours. Throughout this year I have done Netball and gym clubs.
    On Saturday I had some very healthy foods and a few unhealthy foods.
    For breakfast I had shreddies with cheerios on top and milk. I have some water with my breakfast everyday. If it is a weekend or no school I have a fruit with my breakfast.
    I had a cheese on toast and beans with a cup of flavoured water. It was a yummy lunch because for pudding I had chocolate cake and custard.
    For dinner I had macaroni and cheese pasta and for pudding I had toffee bread and milk. In night time I had feeling sick so my mum gave me peppermint tea with lots of milk and mint.

  12. I also do a mile a day every day and normally do 7 to 6 laps.

  13. I am a healthy person because I have a healthy breakfast : serial or sandwich and fruit.
    I don't eat too much fat food because they make my fat.
    I walk to school every day , it takes 10 to 15 minutes.
    I also run a mile around the school field .
    I drink a lot of water to keep hydrated .
    I get my five a day by having fruit before and after school.

  14. I wake up in the morning and do some exercise around half an hour.After that I get a cup of milk to drink and I do my bath.For my breakfast I have serial it is called wheatbisks. And I always walk to school for my lunch I have a bread with cucmbers with butter. In night for lunch we have rice with lady finger.

  15. I believe that I'm a healthy eater, because when ever I wake up
    I have for breakfast a salad with so me water and some times I
    have a hole fruit boll with grapes apple, or strawberry cut into two pieces every time.After school I have my dinner but first I have to wash my hand before I eat my dinner for dinner I have
    all of the fruit and salad and I'm the only one that eats all of the salad and fruits too and when ever I'm going to school I walk every day to school and some time I go to the park and get my scooter out and have a little scooter around the track a do it about for 4 or 3 laps around and then I put my scooter in the house and I walk to school then.When I get to school I do my literacy and maths to some time science.

  16. I know I am a healthy person because I have a mix of healthy foods everyday! For breakfast I normally have cereal which is wheatbix!
    At school, we do the Mile of day it makes us healthy because it keeps us fit. P.E helps us in health because it keeps us powered!


  17. In the morning i have a fruit salad and a smoothie i have a apple
    grapes and oranges.Then i go to school sometimes I go to school with a bike or walk ten after we do our mile a day we do five laps
    but if people are fast they do more laps then it is maths and lunch.In my lunch i have a sandwich with ham or butter and then i fave a yogurt.Then i go to class we do some work go home and then i have my lunch.

  18. I wake up in the morning and I have my breakfast. Sometimes I have toast and fruit or cereal and fruit. Then I get to school and we do our daily mile . Sometimes we do 5 laps or more. Then we do maths or ICT then we have our lunch. I have fruit in my packed lunch. Then I do some work and I go home and have some fruit.

  19. On breakfast i have some times hav some toast with butter.Then brush my teeth and get ready and put some clothes up and go out and do 3 laps around my flats.Then when i am finished i need to wait antil my dad or mum go to school but for lunch some times i have some sandwitchs and for puding i have fruit salad.

  20. Health Week
    I believe that I'm a healthy thing (not that healthy about 99%) because I always have a healthy Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Sometimes I have a packet of chips. Every day I walk to school which takes me 25 minutes but if I go on my scooter it takes me 20 minutes and 30 seconds. On my mil a day I try to do 2 miles but I do 8 laps because there’s not enough time. I go to two sport clubs which are Karate, Netball, Basketball and Cricket. For Karate I go to this place that’s called Baron martial arts. It takes me 10 – 12 minutes. It starts at 6 pm and ends at 7.25 pm. My Cricket club is in school. It’s to 3.30 pm to 4.45 pm. I have a variety of fruits and vegetables every day! For example I have raspberries and strawberries. For breakfast I have 3 bananas and 2 cups of milk. For lunch I have chapatti and a banana. For Dinner I have rice with beetroot.

  21. Health Week
    I believe that I'm a healthy thing (not that healthy about 99%) because I always have a healthy Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Sometimes I have a packet of chips. Every day I walk to school which takes me 25 minutes but if I go on my scooter it takes me 20 minutes and 30 seconds. On my mil a day I try to do 2 miles but I do 8 laps because there’s not enough time. I go to two sport clubs which are Karate, Netball, Basketball and Cricket. For Karate I go to this place that’s called Baron martial arts. It takes me 10 – 12 minutes. It starts at 6 pm and ends at 7.25 pm. My Cricket club is in school. It’s to 3.30 pm to 4.45 pm. I have a variety of fruits and vegetables every day! For example I have raspberries and strawberries. For breakfast I have 3 bananas and 2 cups of milk. For lunch I have chapatti and a banana. For Dinner I have rice with beetroot.
    By Kaivy

  22. When I wake up I have my breakfast. I mostly eat toast and sometimes egg. I also eat cerial and fruit followed by a glass of milk. I go to football club and I also go to swimming club every week and at break time I go to the field and play football with my friends. Every week I go swimming with my class to Isleworth swimming pool. In the afternoon I go outside to play with my friends and I also practice playing football there. When I come back home I eat fruits like bananas,apples and grapes. Next my mum makes delicious dinner using lots vegetables.She cooks meals with pasta, meat, rice. She makes tasty salads and soups. My favorite fruits are apples,cherry's,bananas and peaches. I drink plenty of water everyday.

  23. Wen i wake up i have my breakfast and i get dress up.Next i go to school and do handwriting the we do lictricy and then we break time .Then we do maths and then its lunch after lunch and some more work and then its home time.

  24. When I wake up I have my breakfast and I mostly have weetabix for breakfast. Then I walk to school and I do handwriting then I do literacy after that I have break then I do the. Mile. After that I do maths after that I have lunch. On Monday I do p.e for 2 and a half hours . Then we go home.
