Friday 10 June 2016


This week we have been learning about the daily lives of the Romans.

In a few weeks, we will be learning about the different Roman gods and goddesses. Your task this week is to find information about one of the gods or goddesses and tell us about them.

  • What were they the god of?
  • What did they look like?
  • Why were they important?


  1. Introduction:
    The god I am writing about is Diana the goddess of the night. Diana was not worshipped that often, she was only worshiped when a person had problems with bad dreams, not being able to sleep or if they need to stay awake in the night. Some animals worshipped her like wolfs and black cats.

    She would were a flowing dark blue cape that would twinkle with glitter to represent the nightingale sky. On top of her beautiful golden hair she would wear a shimmering gold crest with golden leaves. She has blue eyes with silver stars in the middle. With a long blue silk dress and carrying a crystal bow with moons and crests hanging from it, she marched in Prussian blue boots across mountains and rivers spreading her magic over the world.

    Diana had only one sibling who was Apollo, God of the sun. Diana was also one the gods that didn't have an husband. Mars and Venus are married and so are Jupiter and Juno. Diana hates Apollo even though Apollo likes her, she hates him because he is silly and tries to cheer her up but the only time when she smiles is when someone in the world worships her.

    1. wow you wrote alot I had to read this in two day's

  2. HASSAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 June 2016 at 06:07

    Mars the God of war

    Mars' is the God of war.Mars' was most strongest , fearsome God exept for Jupiter because he was the master of all the gods and Romans.Jupiter had thunderbolts witch hurl and hurl from the sky.In Greek you would pronounce "Mars' as "ares".His mum's name is Juno and his dad's name is Jupiter.Mars' children were called Eros,Anteros,Phobos ,Deimos ,harmonia and Adrestia.

    Mars was very tall and handsome.Mars is very popular in the mortal world.Mars did not care at all who won or who lost.Mars just liked to watch the people die!Most other Gods stayed as far as they could.Mars and Venus got married.

  3. Venus goddess of love
    Cupid God of love was her son. Jupiter king off all gods and goddesses was her father.
    What was she goddess of?
    She was goddess of love and beauty.
    What did she look like?
    She had golden long hair and had a white cloth around her. She was thin and she was as beautiful as a rose.
    Why was she important?
    She was important because she was responsible for spreading love and beauty around everyone.

  4. Children of Saturn
    1) AITHLIOS King of Elis
    2) ENDYMION King of Elis
    3) Krinakos, king of Oleos
    4) Maia, nymph of Mt Kyllene
    5) Kallisto, princess of Arkadia
    6) Hermes, god of flocks
    7) Arkas, king of Arkadia
    8) ARKAS King of Arkadia
    9) Semele, princess of Thebe
    10) ONYSOS God of Wine
    11) HERAKLES Hero of Thebe
    12) Zeus
    13) Jupiter
    14) Hades
    15) Neptune
    16) Pluto
    17) Ceres

    Saturn was a Roman god with a similar history to Crocus. Saturn is a cruel god because of his long history. Used to be the God of Roman Gods but sadly he was defeated by his children. He is also known as the Greek God Crocus. The Saturnalia festival, named after him, was one of the most important and lively events in the Roman calendar.

    1. He had 50n more children that are not inclueded in the list

  5. Mars the god of war.Mars was the most portrayed warrior in full battle Armour he was wearing a helmet and a shield.his scared animals is a Woolf and a woodpecker Mars was speaking Latin this is how you write Mars name in Latin Mārs

  6. Pluto god of death

    Romans were afraid to say Pluto's real name because they were afraid he might notice them and they would die.Pluto sometimes got confused with the Greek god, Pluto, the god of wealth. This is not surprising, since the names sound alike, and also wealth, like gold, silver or jewels, are found underground, where Pluto ruled.

  7. Mars was the god of war he was fierce, brave, strong and unafraid.
    After Mars was god then it was Jupiter.
    Realy Jupiters favourite was donuts.
    So why is a chocolate bar named after MARS.

  8. Maia- Goddess of Life
    Maia had long wavy golden brown hair that she wore in front of her face. She wore a long white dress and gold belt, collar and over the dress was a silk dress. Her shoes were normally sandals that went just above her ankles. Information
    Maia was the goddess of life so she controlled life. If she got angry with someone she would make something bad happen so to get told of or be angry with their friends or stuff like that. She could make people tall or short, clever or not very clever she could even decide what their parents called them and if their father picked them up. Lots of good things happened to people she respected for goodness and bad things happened to the ones she did not.
    Maia was lucky to be related to all other gods like every other god but her mother was Luna the goddess of Night and her father Neptune the god of the sea asked one of the other gods to put a lifelong charm on him and his family, the god did but it wore of so that’s how the are not our gods now.

  9. Picus, a Roman god who took the form of a woodpecker, was Mars's companion. Mars did not care if he lost a Mars was the god of war he was fierce warrior and he looked like a roman gladiator with a very long cape with a spear and tiny shield. According to legend Juno (Jupiter's wife) gave birth to Mars after being tapped by the magic plant. He had birth to Romulus and Remus 2 twin boys and they were both priests and raised by a wolf. Picus, a Roman god who took the form of a woodpecker, was Mars's companion. Mars did not care if he lost a war he just liked to fight.

  10. Mars was the god of war he was fierce warrior and he looked like a roman gladiator with a very long cape with a spear and tiny shield. According to legend Juno (Jupiter's wife) gave birth to Mars after being tapped by the magic plant. He had birth to Romulus and Remus 2 twin boys and they were both priests and raised by a wolf. Picus, a Roman god who took the form of a woodpecker, was Mars's companion. Mars did not care if he lost a war he just liked to fight.

  11. Picus, a Roman god who took the form of a woodpecker, was Mars's companion. Mars did not care if he lost a Mars was the god of war he was fierce warrior and he looked like a roman gladiator with a very long cape with a spear and tiny shield. According to legend Juno (Jupiter's wife) gave birth to Mars after being tapped by the magic plant. He had birth to Romulus and Remus 2 twin boys and they were both priests and raised by a wolf. Picus, a Roman god who took the form of a woodpecker, was Mars's companion. Mars did not care if he lost a war he just liked to fight.

    1. Star: Interesting information
      Wish: Too Good

  12. Pluto was the god of the Dead. Romans were afraid to say Pluto's real name because they were afraid he might notice them and they would die.

    Pluto sometimes got confused with the Greek god, Plutus, the god of wealth. This is not surprising, since the names sound alike, and also wealth, like gold, silver or jewels, are found underground, where Pluto ruled.

    The metal Plutonium is radio-active. It was discovered soon after the planet Pluto. It is not only used for nuclear bombs, it is deadly by itself. It deserves to belong to the god of Death!

  13. Neptune was the lord of sea his brothers were Jupiter the king of all gods and Pluto the king of the underworld.
    Neptune was very good looking he had deep blue eyes and steaming green hair he had quite temper and lots of energy
    he seemed always to be on the move.The ancient Roman built temples to honor Neptune they brought special gifts
    to the temple every day hoping to keep him happy.who did Neptune married?Neptune was the brother of Jupiter
    and Pluto. Neptune child name is called is Doris.

  14. Minerva is the daughter of jupitor and juna and she is the goddess
    of wisdom.Sh wore a white dress and on the top she wore a golden necklace but it is on the dress she had sandals and thet where gold
    and she had a small button so she looked nice and every one could look at her.

  15. Neptune - The God of the Sea

    Neptune was the name that Romans gave to the Greek God of the sea and earthquake Poseidon. He was brother of Jupiter(Zeus) and Pluto(Hades).After the defeat of their father Saturn (Cronos),the three brothers divided the world in three parts.
    Jupiter took the Sky, Neptune the Sea and Pluto the underworld. Neptune had the reputation for having a violent temper.Tempests and earthquakes were the reflection of his furious rage. He was depicted as a bearded man holding a trident and seatead in a seashell drown by sea-horses. One day Neptune saw the water nymph Amphitrite dancing in the island of Naxosand fell in love with her.Neptune and Amphitrite had several children.

  16. Vesta

    Vesta was very quite and very well behaved. She also did not join in in the other fights that the god and goddess held. Something else interesting about her was the she was the protector of the sacred flame. She was goddess of the home and her greek name was Hestia. Also her relation ships was sister of Jupiter.

  17. Jupiter: god of the sky, he was the most important god! The sky is the most important because we have clouds which give us rain are up there and sun! Juno was Jupiter's wife! He had a brother Neptune!

  18. Jupiter-King of all Gods

    Jupiter was also called Jove. He was the god of the sky and lightning. He ruled the heavens and also the weather, especially the thunder and lightning. According to ancient Roman myth, Jupiter was the king of all the gods.

    Jupiter is son of Saturn and his brothers are Neptune and Juno. He also had three sisters. When Saturn, their father, died, the boys - Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto - divided the world up between themselves. Jupiter took all of the heavens, Neptune took the sea, and Pluto took the underworld. Each was quite content with their selection.

    He is especially concerned with oaths, treaties, and leagues, and it was in the presence of his priest that the most ancient and sacred form of marriage.

  19. APOLLO - the sun-god of light and the oracle ; patron of poetry , music , the arts and sciences , guide muses . The son of Zeus and Latona , brother of Artemis . Presented as a god very beautiful, tall with long black curly hair with blue shade. They worshiped him also as shepherds of the flock guardian . Devoted to it : wolf , deer , swan, crow, vulture , dolphin , laurel .

  20. Neptune the god of water
    Neptunes brothers-jupieter,pluto they are the 3 gods
    are men.Neptune is the 3rd strongest roman god
    in the world.People think he is simillar to poseidon.Neptune is called Neptune because it is cold in it.Thats why he is god of water

  21. Jupiter is the same as Zeus in the Romans and most Romans believe that when Jupiter’s dad passed away the universe was carved into three portions. Each portion had a ruler. Neptune took the sea, Jupiter the sky and Pluto took the under-world provinces that were left over. Jupiter had another name which was Jove.
    His wife was called Juno and his mother’s name was Ops. He also had a sister called Vesta and his children were Mars god of war, Juventus the god’s cupbearer, Vulcan the god of fire and mostly blacksmiths pray to him.
    He holds aegis the mighty shield and his symbols are the oak tree, the eagle, a thunderbolt and the bull. He travels on the golden chariot through the heavens throwing thunderbolts on earth at people who disobey him. If he is not travelling he sits on the throne answering messages from commoners.

    THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Neptune god of water
    Neptunes brothers are pluto,Jupiter and there are 4 male
    gods they are mars,pluto,Jupiter.People say neptune is a bit the
    same to poseidon because he is god of water.
    Neptune is realy cold even water so i think Neptune is
    a good god name because Neptune is god of water.I HOPE YOU ENJOYD IT

  23. Diana
    Diana was the goddess of the moon. Her twin brother Apollo the god of the sun. Diana carried a bow and arrow because she was the goddess of hunting to. Her Greek name is Artemis.
    She was the daughter of Jupiter and sister
    of Apollo.
    Diana helped women in the roman times
    to give birth to kids.

  24. Venus was goddes of love, sex, beauty and ferility. Aphrodite was goddes of love the Romans called her venus. Veneses son was Cupid , Cupid was God of desire, erotic love, attraction and affection. Venus was born sea-form. Venus was married to Hepheastas but was affair with Mars.


  25. Neptune


    Neptune was the god of freshwater and the sea in Roman religion. He is the counterpart of the Greek god Poseidon. In the Greek-influenced tradition, Neptune was the brother of Jupiter and Pluto; the brothers presided over the realms of Heaven, the earthly world, and the Underworld. Salacia was his consort.


  26. Neptune


    Neptune was the god of freshwater and the sea in Roman religion. He is the counterpart of the Greek god Poseidon. In the Greek-influenced tradition, Neptune was the brother of Jupiter and Pluto; the brothers presided over the realms of Heaven, the earthly world, and the Underworld. Salacia was his consort.

