Thursday 11 February 2016

Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age

Since the beginning of term, we have been learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. We have been finding out about the homes, tools, food, clothes and structures that were made by the people that lived during these periods.

This week, your task is to tell me which period you would prefer to live in and why. Write your answers in the comment box below.

Here are some websites where you can find a bit more information;

I would prefer to live in the Iron Age because the people that lived during this period were much more sophisticated than the previous two periods. The people of the Iron Age had begun to farm vegetables and animals, so they had access to many different types of food. They were also able to use fire, which meant they were able to cook their food in the large iron pots they had made themselves. Furthermore, the Iron Age people had invented soap, so they were able to keep themselves clean, and they decorated their bodies with jewellery. They also had access to much better tools and weapons, which made hunting and fighting much easier.
However, these people had to live alongside the Celts. The Celts were a ferocious group of people who had access to very sophisticated weapons. They enjoyed fighting and this led to many bloody battles with the people of the Iron Age.

Art Week
After half term we will be having another Art Week. Our focus will be digital media and we will be creating pictures of our fears. Over half term we would like you to think about what you are most afraid of and try to find the proper name for that fear. For example, a fear of spiders is called arachnophobia and a fear of the dark is called nyctophobia.


  1. I would live in the iron age because they had Iron tools and
    they had fire to keep warm and cook.In the Iron age they went short
    or tall the where the right size but we are a
    little taller than the people from Iron age.
    I would live in the Iron age because they had lots of farms so
    that meant they had lots of food and not run out of carrots cucumber.They had water because how would they
    water the vegetable.

  2. Between these periods I would prefer the bronze age. In the iron age I don't think it was that fun because you knew how to use every thing but all that was left to do was, use the things that were invented. But the best thing that I like in the bronze age were the amazing cave paintings and I bet I would be famous because I am very good at art. And every day was a new day to enjoy and explorer. But the worst thing about the bronze age is the amount of people that died because the weren't trained to hunt and were eaten by bears, tigers and lions. Before in the stone age people had small houses but in the bronze age the houses were as big as digital age houses. Also the seats and beds were so comfortable because they were made out animal skin, the softest material in whole period of the bronze age.

  3. KAIVALYA PULLAKANDAM12 February 2016 at 06:41

    Thursday, 11 February 2016
    Stone Age,Bronze Age and Iron Age
    The Bronze Age began in the Near and Middle East, around 3300 BCE... and although the discovery of the bronze-making process was an important step in human evolution, there were certain other events that also occurred around that time, which were of even greater significance.Without
    doubt, the event which had the most profound impact on the course of western civilization was the Kurgan invasion, which brought radical changes to every aspect of life in the indigenous cultures. These included the establishment of violent and barbaric kingdoms whose prosperity was based upon the enslavement of innocent people, large-scale organized warfare, and the reduction in the status of women to mere property... supported by a religious belief-system in which violent male war-gods encouraged and sanctioned such behavior.

    I would live in the Bronze-Age because of the Bronze-Age warriors.Some of the tools they used where a Yetholm Shield, named after a site where similar shields were found in Scotland and a Bronze-Age helmet.Some
    archaeologists find treasure-Laden tomb of Bronze Age warrior.

    1. Star: Amazing vocabulary
      To good Kaivy I have no wish

    2. KAIVALYA PULLAKANDAM17 February 2016 at 10:44

      The Late Bronze Age Collapse, often alternately referred to as the Mycenaean Palatial Civilization Collapse, was a period of time — roughly between the years of 1250-1000 BC (3250-3000 years ago) — that was violent, and catastrophically disruptive with regard to cultures, social systems/practices, government institutions, languages, ethnic identities, trade routes, literacy, and technologies.

      During these years, all of the large urban centers and governing systems of the Mediterranean, the Aegean, and most of Southwestern Asia, collapsed — leaving behind, after a period of turmoil and mass migration, the isolated village cultures of the Greek Dark Ages.

      This period of time saw the end of the various Mycenaean kingdoms of the Mediterranean, the Hittite Empire in Anatolia and Syria, and the New Kingdom of Egypt in Syria and Canaan.`

  4. I would like to live in the Iron Age because they had fire. In Iron Age they learnt how to cook and melted gold.They also had pot or pan to cook with and they ate meat.In the Iron Age people were small but they were a little bit tall.I thing it is better than Stone Age and the Stone Age people were a little bit clear.Girls in Iron Age they wore animal skin and was so smooth and a little bit rough boys were the same but some boys were up to there heap.The Iron Age people live cave but other do not they built there own houses i think cave is a good idea.

  5. I would like to live in the Iron age because the had great tools.
    The Iron age some times had fire. They also ate animal skin.
    In the Iron age they leant how to cook and they leant how to melt
    gold. The Iron age some people were small or tall but he small people weren't as little as a ant.I think that the Iron Age is
    better than the Stone Age and the Bronze Age.In the Iron
    Age the girls worn dresses like animal skin and when the girls wore it inside it was smooth and a litte bit rouge boys were the same
    but some boys were only up to there heap or knees.The Iron age
    people lived in cave or they just made a cave there self but in the Iron Age other people do not live in caves some of them build there own houses. I think iron ages are really fun. I would like to lean
    more about the Iron Age.

  6. Star:I have written a lot
    To good hansa:You haved used amazing short sentences

  7. I would rather live in the Iron Age because the weapons were really strong and it was easier to hunt. If I was in the Iron Age I would not have to build stone henge and no one would tell me what to do so I could go on adventures. They had access to lots of different foods. They invented farming so I could eat any fruit and vegetables furthermore they were amazing miners so I could get rubies, emeralds and sapphires.
    However I don’t like the ways of communication with each other. They expressed themselves by making high pitched noises which I couldn't imagine myself using this way of communicating with my friends.

  8. I would like to live in the stone age - Iron age because I would really like to see the houses that existed. The stone age where also very good at hunting food. I like stone age because they were the first people to invent FIRE!!!

    I also would like to be in the Stone age - Iron age because they were very good at drawing's.(carving's). I like the Stone age because they have got a little movie called the Croods.

  9. I would like to live in the stone age - Iron age because I would really like to see the houses that existed. The stone age where also very good at hunting food. I like stone age because they were the first people to invent FIRE!!!

    I also would like to be in the Stone age - Iron age because they were very good at drawing's.(carving's). I like the Stone age because they have got a little movie called the Croods.

  10. I would like to live in the Iron Age because they had strong tools and
    they had fire to keep them warm and cook.In the Iron Age the were short
    or tall they were the right size but now we are a
    bit taller than the people then.
    I would live in the Iron Age because they had loads of farms so
    they could grow lots of food and not run out of vegtables.They had water
    because how could they
    water the plants.
    The houses were warm.

  11. I would prefer to live in Bronze age when the stone is replaced by bronze. The Bronze Age is the name given to the period of time between the Stone and Iron Ages.I like it because its specific type of metal , which is very shiny. In that age they made tools and weapons.Some of the best known Bronze Age civilisations include those of the ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Mycenae, the Indus Valley and the Shang Dynasty in China.
    The potter's wheel and textile production meant that better pottery and clothing could be produced.The Bronze Age in Britain lasted approximately 1,700 years.

  12. I would like to live in the iron age because lots of things invented on this period. Everything is iron and I like iron because it is strong. The iron age people invented soap so they could make them very clean. In the iron age they used lots of technology. The iron age people ate bread and vegetables. The life style and culture was made of iron.

    1. Wish:Write some more
      Star: You told us somthing wedident know

    2. Wish: Give more information about why you like the Iron age
      Star: You told us the main reasons why you liked the Iron age

  13. I would live in the Stone Age because I would like to know how they found gigantic rocks to make Stonehenge. I would like to know how disgusting it was to eat the organs of the animals. I would like to be good at stone carvings. I would like to know how the weapons were used. I would like to know how they made fire to cook and keep warm. I would like to know how they made their houses out of wattle, daub and stone. I would like to know how they died. I would like to know how they built everything.

  14. I would like to live in the bronze Age because i want to find out what they ate and how they lived in the bronze Age and what did they made there clothes and how they made there houses and how they were fard in the bronze Age the tools were made of fish and whale bones.First they cut the animals tummy and eat what the animal ate.

  15. I would prefer to live in in Bronze Age ßecause they made fire they used animal stomachs to carry water , they used animal skin to make clothes.They used everything around them to help them survive.

    First metal workers
    People learn bronze tools and weapons.Bronze took over stone and is much stronger.Bronze Age started in the2300 BC.

    Their roofs are made of wattle and dwarb it is cow poo and other disgusting things.It protects the people from rain.In their house they have a fire in the middle they have beds around.I think living in a cave is better because you don't have to build a house.In my opinion I think Bronze Age is better than Stone Age and Iron Age because they are very creative people.

  16. i would like to live in the iron age because they had really good weapons and tools. Also because they devolved fire and technology. i would like to know how they made a iron age house. what materials they used to build the house. how they decorate it. how they would remember which house is theirs did they have numbers or something like that. how did they make money, did they even have money?

  17. I would like to live in the Iron age because people's life was a bit more easier than in the Stone age or Bronze age. People began to make lots of useful tools out of iron. Iron age farmers grew crops and vegetables. They kept goats and pigs and had large herds of cows and flocks of sheep. They use sheep wool to make clothes. They prepared for winter with grains and they started making bread. Meat or fish could be preserved by salting or smoking. They enjoyed music and poetry.The thing I don't like about the Iron age is that it was lots of violence. Men and boys were trained as warriors. Many people lived in hill forts to keep safe from attacks.

  18. Adarsh :I would rather live in the Iron Age because they are the richest in all three famous periods. Compared to the other two periods the Iron Age were the richest and had a lot more tools than the others.
    Coins were invented in Bronze Age but were developed in Iron Age .In the Iron Age they don’t only use iron. They also use stone and bronze.
    I don’t like the toilet bit because they don’t even have toilets!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Poor men wore animal skin from their knees to their hip but rich men wore a full body covering piece of animal skin to keep them warm. Poor women and rich women wear the same clothes.
    They wear a full body covering piece of animal skin………………………………………..@d@rsh

  19. I woud like to live in The stone age because stone age people used to make houses out of sticks, rocks, leaves and they made tools out of rock, leaves and sticks and The stone age people are a little smaller than people but they are more clever than now because they invented the fire


  20. my fear is acranophbia
    fear of spiders
    by sienn@
