Friday 8 July 2016

The Final Countdown

We are almost at the end of Year 3!

This will be the last piece of homework you do as Year 3's, so we are going to reflect on the journey you have been on this year.

Your task is to write a short paragraph reviewing your year. You might want to think about;

  • what you have enjoyed most
  • what you have enjoyed least
  • what you have learnt
  • your achievements and successes
  • what you want to achieve in Year 4.

This homework must be completed by Wednesday 20th July. 

A few important notices;

We have now completed all tasks on Mathletics so please use the next few weeks to practise your 3, 4 and 8 times tables. 

Next week is Transition Week and you will be spending the week with your new teacher. On Friday afternoon you will return to Year 3 and your parents must pick you up from your normal classroom.

After Transition Week we will be making Moving Monsters. Please bring any cardboard boxes and cardboard tubes you have at home (no toilet roll tubes) on Monday 18th July. 

Have a great week in Year 4!


  1. My favourite part of year three was doing all of our interesting science topics. My favourite lesson was the one was the one, when we investigated what is the most important to a plant between the options warmth, sunlight or water. Water was the answer. My second favourite subjects was doing the BLOG because it was so much fun and it had some interesting topics.

    The subject I least enjoyed was Mathematics because sometimes it was easy and I could do it in 2 seconds and some were so hard I couldn't finish them in time. I didn't really enjoy R.E. but the one thing I enjoyed the most in R.E. was the Buddhist Assembly. I also liked a couple of lessons that we did on Hinduism and Sikhs.

    I have FINALLY achieved playing Star Wars on the recorder and now I want to learn how to play it on other brass instruments. I answered many science questions apart from one. If a plant needs sunlight to grow how does seaweed grow???? I also know the tiniest information on cooking and food so I am hoping to learn some more on that subject in Year 4.

    1. Wow I wish I was there and you have wrote some detailed paragraphs

  2. what I enjoyed is computing and handwriting because it is fun and what I enjoyed the least is topic and science because some times it
    is boring and some times it is not it is not boring .

    I achieved my handwriting and my computing too it is very,very fun in computing and handwriting too I like handwriting lot
    some times I don't like it some times I do that why some times I like some stuff and some times I don't

    1. The End Of Year 3!
      What I Have Enjoyed The Most
      I have enjoyed ICT the most because I love going on power points and publisher. I like ICT because I like searching and finding websites. I have enjoyed swimming as well because I really like learning more swimming and it helped me more too win a swimming tournament. My third favourite thing I have enjoyed is mathematics because I like cracking codes and playing maths games.
      What I Have Enjoyed The Least
      I have not enjoyed R.E and science. I have not enjoyed R.E because I do not like learning about religion. I have not enjoyed science because I don’t like plants and soil. I have not enjoyed mathematics because I don’t like division and percentages and all sum’s I really on like maths games.
      What I Have Learnt?
      I have learnt most of the interesting things I know now because of year 3 and I am very good that I know all of this stuff. I have learnt all about Tim Peakejejskj.,kskjde. I know lots of stuff now.
      What I Have Achieved
      I have achieved Mystery Stories and Letters because I know now that you can use informal language and formal language. I have achieved multiplication and division in maths. In science I have achieved plants and light because I worked hard. For ICT and Topic I have achieved everything. I love to cook and have achieved lots of it at home.
      What I Want To Achieve In Year 4
      I want to achieve history and dividing by 12. I want to achieve cooking and reading. For year 4 litracey and hadwriting I want to achieve that too. Everything I need to know for year five I want to achieve in year 4.
      BY SIENNa

    2. Star: you have told what you want to achieve and answered the questions.
      Wish: write a bit more
      from siennalaa

  3. The most enjoyed part in year three was when Phil the circus instructer came to show us some circus trics.The second
    thing was when we made the houses because i had so much fun making it.

    The subject that i least enjoyed was R.E because i didn't know much obout other religons.The third thing is litrecy because some stuf ar hard so i dont finish and times tables shapes and puting all the piecis together.

    I have finally learnt how to understand Roman numrials beacause at first i thaught they will be hard but at the end i understand them now.I think I am going to learn more intresting stuf in year 4 and I am going to remember wat i done in year three.

  4. My favourite part of the year in year 3 was my teacher because she is nice fun, nice kind, funny and there are so many other words to describe my lovely and kind teacher Miss Tracey.

    My second favourite part in year 3 was the school trips because all of our school trips where amazing and fun . I was a bit board when I heard all of the trips I thought that they where going to be boring but they weren't.

    There are so many other things that I could mention but it would take to long . I am so sad that we have to leave year 3 . I am so sad .Hope fully I see more interesting things and have a lovely teacher like Miss Tracey. I LOVE YEAR 3.

  5. In year 3 I have enjoyed swimming because I didn't know how to swim now I love it.The most part was circus Phil told all of the things to but he put a ladder on is chine.In maths I loved doing time table and playing with my friend.The subject I really love is maths in maths we have done shapes out of artstwas and I really like it. In year 4 I want to achive is hand writing I think it is rubbish.

  6. i just love sience AND I HATE mathes my favrotrt thing to do at home i like playing games on the play station 4 i cant wait to sine in to google crome so i can do my blog on the ps4 i like to do some lictrose by h@y@n!

  7. The most subject I most enjoyed in Year 3 is Math because it was a little bit easy and we got to do “Crack the Code” puzzles and also like math because we all learned about fractions and we did hard work like percentages.

  8. I enjoyed to be in year 3. my favirout subject was Ict beacause I love useing computers and scratch publisher power point and movie maker.My best thing was when we done movie maker and going to trips like buts at furm Naturnal history museum and the history museum.
    and i do not want to leve year 3.
