Friday 6 May 2016

What makes you happy?

This week we have been thinking about what makes us happy.

Your task is to write a paragraph telling us what makes you happy and all the reasons why.


  1. What makes me happy is my family and friends because i can't live without my brother because he makes happy.My dad because he makes funny things. my friends because they make me happy and we have a good time with everyone and what makes me the most happy is every one because everyone is different and I like that.

  2. Happiness
    Friday, May 06, 2016

    I love chocolate because it is mega-tasty and mega-sweet. Chocolate comes in many different flavors and I think I have tried 50%of the them. Every child in the world should like chocolate and if you don't then you should be very healthy child. Sometimes too much chocolate can be unhealthy and could (rarely) give you diabetes.

    2. Art
    I love art and I love it so much I could draw and paint all day. Art is one of my favourite lessons and I think that I am very good at it. There are many art historians inspiring other artistes.

    3.My Family
    My family mean a lot to me and I think they are the most important people of my life I know. The funniest people in my family are my dad and my baby brother and the person I care about most is my mum. My family is most educated, funniest and most caring family I know.

  3. I feel happy because I love smiling and I always have fun. I think it's very good to
    be happy because it is healthy for me and it makes everyone else really happy. Happiness is the key to success.

    It makes you active and concentrate in your work. Happiness makes me shout 'BE HAPPY' to the whole world. I LOVE BEING HAPPY!

  4. Happiness
    Friday, May 06, 2016

    I love chocolate because it is mega-tasty and mega-sweet. Chocolate comes in many different flavors and I think I have tried 50%of the them. Every child in the world should like chocolate and if you don't then you should be very healthy child. Sometimes too much chocolate can be unhealthy and could (rarely) give you diabetes.

    2. Art
    I love art and I love it so much I could draw and paint all day. Art is one of my favourite lessons and I think that I am very good at it. There are many art historians inspiring other artistes.

    3.My Family
    My family mean a lot to me and I think they are the most important people of my life I know. The funniest people in my family are my dad and my baby brother and the person I care about most is my mum. My family is most educated, funniest and most caring family I know.

  5. HASSAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7 May 2016 at 12:38

    Playing , watching buying ps4 cd 's makes me happy.Doing no homework for a week and eating pizza and orengeadea or red fanta.Also not going Arabic school 6 months makes me super super happy! Hiding makes me happy because I like hidding when I don't wanna go there!

  6. My little sister lilly makes me happy wen she says new words. My mum makes me happy wen she makes funny faces. MY dad makes me happy wen he is silly.

  7. Sports make me happy because of the happiness Hermon kicks in my body to make me happy. The happiness Hermon encourages our body parts to be happy and work hard and while I move around it burns fat while I’m practicing my favourite sports.

  8. 1.The thing that makes me happy is giving people presents because it feel nice and it kind.
    2.the other thing that makes me happy is when I get something new because I like getting new stuff.
    3.A nother thing that make me happy is when someone comes to my house because its nice when people come.

  9. When I listen to happy pharell it makes me happy.
    Halloween is happy and fun.
    Eating cake and sweets also makes me happy.
    Nothing bad makes me happy.

  10. 1.What makes me happy is when I listen to the happy song
    2.The second thing that makes me happy is that I play jokes on my friends.
    3. The third thing that make me happy is eating chocolate all day
    and sweets.
    4. The fourth thing that makes me happy is doing fake laughing
    at people.
    5.The fifth thing that makes me happy is when my friends
    are happy.

  11. 1. School makes me happy because I learn staff and my wish might be granted. The wish is that I can be Doctor .I might be one. I would ❤ love to be a Doctor.

    2. Calm music makes me happy too. I tell you why. This is the reasons. 1. It makes you relaxed. 2. You focused.3. I like it.

  12. I'm always happy because I have my family and friends who makes me happy I also like to play and go to school where I can meet my friends to play and chat. What makes me happy as well is when I listen to nice musics. I spend part of my free time playing football and games, that make me very happy.
    Thank you

  13. What makes me happy.

    What makes me happy is my family because they always make me happy and make ma laugh . Also what makes me happy is my friends and my class because they are kind and happy . The most that I love is the world and unicorns because they are bright and they stand out

  14. 1.The happiest thing in the universe except for a few girls in our class would be touching an Xbox l controller which I do really rarely because I don't have one.
    2.Eeating sweets is another thing that makes me super duper happy because they are so sweet but if you eat to much you can get cavity.THis is a poem from one horrid Henry book.Chocolate chocolate chocolate sweet cakes and donuts can't be beat and ice cream is my favourite treat with lots and lots of pie to eat.
    3.Theres one more thing left and it is my family.My sister plays games with me and my dad makes me laugh more than anyone in the whole wide world and finally my mum.I love my mum a lot and spending time with them is really fun.

  15. 1. The first thing that makes me happy is art. It`s the sweetest thing in my life. It makes me happy.

    2. The second thing that makes me happy is school because my favourite teacher is miss Tracey and because I like to play with my friend`s.

  16. What makes me happy is when I listing to the happy song and eat chiclet and play on the ps4 at the same time and playing with my brother my favrot is when we go shopping and buy some stuff

    1. What makes me happy is when I listing to the happy song and eat chiclet and play on the ps4 at the same time and playing with my brother my favrot is when we go shopping and buy some stuff

  17. The thing that makes me happy is my family because when I'm sad they make me happy.The second thing that makes me happy is sports because it is fun.The happy song makes me happy.When I'm happy my friends are happy. Happiness is all around the world.

  18. Happy, I like this word. It makes me feel good even when I just hear it. There are lots of things that make me happy. Playing football and playing with my friends outdoors makes me happy. Spending time with my family makes me happy because they are really great people. I'm really happy spending time with my sister because she is really cute and she is really funny when she sounds out new words. I am happy when I get presents because I'm excited to open them and find out what's inside.

  19. What things make me happy is when I am enjoying myself so when I am watching TV or mabey being with my mum and friends makes my extremly happy. When I am shopping with my mum or playing football on the field also maked me happy. What things make me happy are: my friends, going on holiday, being with my mum and eating lunch time on school trips. I LOVE BEING HAPPY! Do you get happy when you listen to Happy by Pharrell?! BY SIENN@

  20. For me there are many things that can make me happy in the world, but the two things t hat make me most happy is sports and summer vacation. For example I enjoy playing games .It makes me Happy when I sing Happy. I love a chocolate drip. Though I don’t want to tell my other 15 awesome chocolates they would just make you hungry. It makes me happy when other people are happy. Going school, without school you would end up as a very strange being. Also when I am doing my homework I feel happy so I can share my work with my friends. Playing in the park makes me happy because it clear bad thought because it has great things to play. I love baking delicious delights of cake. I love to play fight with my brother. Learning about history gives me energy to think. I love everything. The best food is the pizza .The Topics I love is maths and the Romans. My friends are nice, helpful, supportive and kind. I think without them I wouldn't be happy!!! And I love reading and painting. I even love school and my teachers.

  21. I am happy when people play with me and make me luph even when
    they share with me.even the happy song makes me happy because
    evry one shouts the song and my family make me happy.and i like the meel my family makes

  22. What things make me happy is when i play out side with my brother.Also i like to stay inside with my mum and play games in the computer.The most happy thing is i like to sing happy because it makes me happy.

  23. I am happy when people play with me and When people let me play football.My family to because they give me lots of sweets and stuff to do if I am bored. Listening to happy pharell Williams makes me happy to.

