Friday 20 May 2016

Extreme Environments

Over the last few weeks, we have been learning about the Polar Regions. In particular we have learnt about the differences between the Arctic and Antarctic, how animals are adapted to live there and how climate change is affecting these regions.

This week, your task is to choose an animal that lives in the Polar Regions and write a paragraph explaining how they are adapted to live in these extreme environments. Think carefully about the colour of their fur, where they live, what they eat and how they survive the cold.


  1. Arctic Fox
    Friday, May 20, 2016

    Arctic foxes have something called body fat which is created by eating lots in summer and eating less in the winter. To make sure the warmth that the body fat creates is safe, arctic foxes have a thick coating of fur. The fur is a snowy white fur which helps it to camouflage from its prey and whilst catching its prey.

    These foxes have a very special diet. It includes lemmings, voles ,other rodents, hare, birds, eggs, fishes and carrion. This harmless creature is hunted by arctic wolves and polar bears and some humans. Humans that are living in the arctic kill them for their soft fur and fleshy meat.

    That’s all you need to know about an arctic fox's diet and all of its adaptations. In the future please try to keep this species safe and do not harm these soft and cuddly creatures.

    1. To Yuvika
      Star: That information could tell me everything about an Arctic Fox
      Wish: I can’t think of a wish it’s to good

  2. polar bears live in the arctic.
    1.polar bears can live in the cold
    because they have lots of layers
    of skin and they fur is thick so they
    can live in the cold.
    2.They have white fur so if and
    other big animals try to attack it
    the polar bear can camflage in the snow.
    3. polar bears are carnivores.
    4.They eat harp seals and beluga wales.

    1. Star: Some good information
      Wish: you could explain your facts a little more clearly

    2. Star:Some good information
      Wish:capital letters

    3. To Prachi
      Star: I love that information you have given me
      Wish: you could check over your work and write more

  3. Penguins
    These little animals stay in packs near the coasts of the Antarctic instead of the artic because the Southern Hemisphere (the Antarctic) has a hotter temperature. They stay in packs to be safe from predators. The penguins prefer these places because the ice gives them a slide into the cold water.

    What they eat.
    Penguins feed on fish,krill and lots of other seafood in the water. They stuff them selves with food in the summer because they won't have any food to eat as all of the animals go to hibernate and start eating again in the Summertime.

    Their bodies are streamlined to reduce drag in water. Their wings, shaped like flippers, also help them "fly" underwater at speeds up to 15 mph. Penguins have to keep high body temperatures to remain active. They have thick skin and lots of fat (blubber) under their skin to keep warm in cold weather.

    1. To Adarsh
      Star: thank you for all that information and you have written loads
      Wish: I can’t think of a wish it’s too good

  4. HASSAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!22 May 2016 at 09:09

    Pola Bears

    P b eat lots of food in the summer because lots of animals hybernate in the winter witch is 6 months.P b hybernate for 3 months they have to survive for. 3 months they have to survive.They use their fat from food for energy.They have sharp claws , they climb mountains but very very slowly.Pola Bears can camouflage in the snow whilest their sleeping.Pola Bears have very thick fluffy skin to survive the cold in the Antarctic it keeps them warm.

    1. To Hassan
      Star: I know more information about Polar Bears Thanks
      Wish: Check your spellings

  5. Walrus
    The Walrus lives in the coast of sandy beaches in the Arctic. They normally stay in huge groups of 50. It says that at one a Walrus can eat more than 6,000 clams (sea creatures with shells) in one go. The huge tusks can stay up to 1 meter. They have oily skin. The oily skin camouflages in rocks and is water proof. There relative is the Fur Seal.

  6. Walrus
    The Walrus lives in the coast of sandy beaches in the Arctic. They normally stay in huge groups of 50. It says that at one a Walrus can eat more than 6,000 clams (sea creatures with shells) in one go. The huge tusks can stay up to 1 meter. They have oily skin. The oily skin camouflages in rocks and is water proof. There relative is the Fur Seal.

    1. To Kaivy
      Star: This information is so good
      Wish: You could write some more.

  7. Poler Bears: polar bears live in the Arctic because if they live in a hot country they die because they have lots of layers of skin and very thik fur. Poker bears use their fur to camouflage in the snow to catch their pray. Poler Bears are meat eaters so they can eat humans. It is to difficult walk on snow but it is easy for poler Bears because poler Bears have big paws and sharp claws.

    1. To Oviya
      Star:I didn't even know that Polar Bears have fur to amoflage in the snow aswell
      Wish: Check it and write some more.

  8. Penguins have a lot fat around their body to keep warm. They have webbed feet so that they can swim fast(they can swim up to speeds of 15 MPH).Emperor penguins balance their egg on one foot to keep it of the ice and go without food until the egg hatches. To keep warm the baby goes under the dads feet squeezes him and everyone huddles together.

    1. To Hamza
      Star: You have given me loads of new information about penguins
      Wish: you could write a bit more

  9. Polar bears, where they live:
    Polar bears live on the top of the world called the Arctic.
    Polar bears live in the Arctic because thy have thick fur. If the polar bear lived in the dessert they wold of bein soaking wet and they might die.


    The polar bear has thick fur so it can protect Its self from getting bitten or getting hit.The fur has no gaps between them, otherwise they will get bitten so hard that they might die.

    how they hunt:
    Polar bear are the best hunting animal in the Arctic. They have white fur so they can be camouflaged in the snow. When they are camouflaged in the snow they need to wait for there prey to come closer so they can kill them.

    how big are polar bears:
    Adult males normally weigh 350 to more than 600 kilograms.

    by thinu

    1. To Thinu
      Star:you have written loads and I have learnt loads of new information about polar bears.
      Wish:Check you punctuation

  10. Arctic wolves
    Arctic Wolves are mammals. They live in places that can go as cold as -30 degrees. Their thick, warm fur keeps them warm. You would normally find an arctic wolf in countries like Arctic Circle, Alaska, Northern Canada, Iceland and Greenland.
    Arctic Wolves have 42 very sharp teeth and they are around 3-6 feet long. They can weigh up to 150 pounds but the average weight is 75 pounds. Arctic Wolves are from the same family as Grey Wolves although Grey wolves are bigger and have less fur. They also have shorter legs, muzzles and ears than grey wolves.
    What They Eat
    Arctic Wolves eat eggs, voles, hares, small coastal birds and forest berries. When they eat they normally find their food in forests and other cold places.
    Where They Live and Information
    They live up to 7-10 years. They live in forests and icy caves. Their layer under their fur is all flesh it is very thin but the fur makes them look bigger. They walk in packs and their prey is normally hard to get so that is a brilliant idea. If their prey is bigger than them they spread out around them so basically trapping them.

  11. Polar bears.

    Polar bears are covered in thick white fur witch makes the polar bear feel warm. Especially in winter. In the winter polar bears need to hibernate so in the summer they stuff their tummy's with food so that they don't starve to death in when they hibernate. They have rough so they can walk in the snow easily and jump across each peace of ice.

    1. To Tanvi
      Star:I have learnt that Polar Bears hibernate
      Wish:write some more and check your spellings

  12. Polar bears are cute but they are dangerous also they have thick fur so they don't cold.In the summer they eat so lot until they have a big fat tummy.In the winter there tummy gets thin and it always happens.Polar bears are carnivores they white fur so they can camflage from there prey.There feet is so rough so they don't slip and polar bears live in Arctic.

  13. Polar bear
    Polar bears have lots and lots of layers of thick fur. They live in the artic. They have white fur to camouflage in the snow. They live on the snow. They eat fish and travel around to find food. Polar bears have sharp claws and rough paws to jump onto ice. Polar bears are carnivores. Polar bears are the largest type of bears.

  14. Polar-Bears:
    Polar Bears are my faverouit animals.
    On the snow they have big feet so they could attach to the snow.
    Layers of fat keep Polar Bears warm during the whinter.
    At the Arctic Polar Bears are the biggest mammals...
    Raw fishes are their faverout food '_'

    Bears are all around the world.
    Even .... Polar bears.
    Amazing, cute, fat awesome... Polar Bears.
    Remember DON'T KILL Polar BEARS....

    you ................

  15. Polar-Bears:
    Polar Bears are my faverouit animals.
    On the snow they have big feet so they could attach to the snow.
    Layers of fat keep Polar Bears warm during the whinter.
    At the Arctic Polar Bears are the biggest mammals...
    Raw fishes are their faverout food '_'

    Bears are all around the world.
    Even .... Polar bears.
    Amazing, cute, fat awesome... Polar Bears.
    Remember DON'T KILL Polar BEARS....

    you ................

  16. Polar bear
    Polar bears lve in the arctic.Arctic is a realy cold place to be
    in.Its not just polar bears living in the arctic even wales,arctic
    foxes,beluga wales,greenand shaks,ocra,narwal.

    You whant to know how polar bears live in this deadly place.
    they have lots of laers of skin.The polar bears can be found
    in alaska,u.s,canada,russia and norway.Polar bear is one of the best hunters in the world.
    I hoped you enjoyd it.:)

  17. Marco]star]intresting information
    wisha bi moor facts

  18. The Penguins are a group of aquatic, flightless birds they are living in Antarctica. spend half of their life's in the water and on land they eat fishes and seafood they caught while swimming underwater.

  19. Polar Bears

    Polar Bears live in the Arctic they are very cuddle but their are also very dangers because they have hard paws that can scratch you
    polar bears have lots of layers because in the Arctic it is very cold it is like 30% and it is very cold.Would you like to live in the arctic? i would not because it is extremely cold so that's why i do not want to live there.polar bears really like to live in that cold but I think people can't live there.
    I hope you liked it.

  20. To FATIMA
    star:I liked that you put full stops.
    Wish:You could write a little bit more and ad some more punctuation?.,'!"()][ like these punctuation.

  21. polar bears

    Weight: 350 kg (771.62 pound) – 700 kg (1,543 pound) (Male) · 150 kg (330.69 pound) – 250 kg (551.16 pound) (Female)
    Height: 4' 0" – 5' 3" · 4' 4" on average (Male

    The polar bear is a carnivorous bear whose native range lies largely within the Arctic Circle, encompassing the Arctic Ocean, its surrounding seas and surrounding land masses. It is a large bear, approximately the same size as the omnivorous Kodiak bear. A boar weighs around 350–700 kg, while a sow is about half that size. Although it is the s…

    thank you

    1. Wow a lot of interesting information.
      Star:You told us lots about polar bears
      Wish:You could have gone back and checked also carried on your last sentence

  22. HAYAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!7 June 2016 at 10:26

    Female poler bears woud rather bild their dens in thee old snow in the preaveas years

    Poler bear cubs lean to freeze and reman still will their mother hunts if they move the mother disciples them WITH A WACK TO THE HEAD!!!! the END
