Friday 13 May 2016

Natural History Museum

Well done, everyone! You were so sensible and well behaved on our trip to the Natural History Museum. I was incredibly proud of all of you.

I would also like to say another massive thank you to the parents that helped us throughout the day. You were so helpful, kind and patient. 

Your homework task is to write about your favourite part of the day and tell us why you liked that part the most. Try to give more than one reason!

I would also like you to think of any questions you might have about the workshop we took part in and we will try to explore some of the ideas further in our Science lessons next term.


  1. Natural History Museum

    My favorite part about the Natural History Museum was the fossil workshop because we got use so much scientific equipment. The thing that was examining was a butterfly. The equipment that I used was a microscope, a magnifying glass and measuring tape. I also felt a fake fox which was very soft and at first I felt scared but then as I touched it felt nice. The butterfly that I was examining was 7 cm wide and 7 cm in length and weighed 146 g. After my research I wrote it down on a piece of paper. At the end Jean (The person directing us)said goodbye and then we had lunch in a picnic room.

  2. My favourite part was when we saw the big wale
    because it was big and interesting.
    My second reason is because it was exciting
    to see it.The
    second thing that I liked was
    the work shop because we got to measure
    use the computer and we all had a sheet
    to fill in we got to draw, measure, how long
    the object is and we got to right what you found
    out about the object by looking at it in a box on
    the sheet that was my favourite thing because it was fun
    and we got to feel stuff or move stuff.

  3. My favourite part of the school trip was when we went to see the dinosaurs because it was big and exciting.The dinosuars are very big and black,thats what I like about it . The second reason that I like about the dinosuars is that it was that it had big scary eyes and the eyes are humungus.The second thing that I liked anout the museum is the workshop because it had bones and all the past historical things that we had never seen.At the back of the work shop there was a big row of skulls and they where very big.they could also open and close.The third thing that I likes was lunch because it was very tasty. At the end of the day we got to go on the grass and play around .The school trip was awesome and I loved it.

  4. My favourite bit of the when it was looking at me. I kept on thinking it would run out and eat everyone including me because it's right eye was looking at me it did not looklike a robot it look e like it was real. most of the children weren't scared of the T REX even if T REX could run really fast. I also liked when we did the workshop and when we were on the tube.

  5. I liked the Natural History Museum alot!

    When we arrived @ the Natural History Museum it was so exiting.
    When I entered the Museum the first thing I saw was the huge dinasaur bones all placed like a real dinasaurs but without skin.
    The bit that I liked the most was the big "PRETEND" dinasaur wich was a robot.
    thank you '-'

  6. My favourite part of the trip was when we ate lunch why? because I was absolutely starving and aslo my favourite part was the evil dinosaur was roaring everywhere and then I shouted to him "hey ugly" and then he roared at me and I was laughing so much with Yuvika. I also loved the science work shop. When I was measuring some old teeth of humans and animals. There suddenly was a big spider next to my feet and I was so frightened it ran everywhere.
    If you liked the time on the tube than I am same to you. On the whey back and you were sitting in the section with me than you would find it so funny and hilaryous because I was being so silly and so was everyone else. And on the whey to the mooseeam I was reading a weirdo newspaper from adultings. And on the train I could smell poo from a little old baby and the mum was wrapping it up.

  7. My favorite part of the trip was everything everyone was shouting "eat me". The big dinosaur moved like a real one it sounded like a real one and it also looked like a real one. We also looked at specimens and found out about them. We looked at mammals and animals in the arctic and Antarctic. The big whale was huge and it was as big as the ENTIRE room! The skeletons of the animals were amazing.


  8. My favrot part was when we got to use the computers in are worck shop and lunch TIME it was sooooooooooooooooo much FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. My favorite part was when we got to use the computers in are work shop and lunch TIME it was so much FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. My favourite part was when we saw the giant T-Rex. I like the part because it looked as if it was a real dinosaur. It was growling as if it wanted to eat me up. It looked very scary and it was very big. It was as big as the sun. I also liked the science workshop because I got to see through a microscope like I had never seen before. I looked at a butterfly through a microscope and it looked amazing.

  10. Friday, 15 May 2016
    Natural History Museum due Friday 20th May 2016

    I loved every single second. Though if I had to choose my favourite part of the trip was the workshop. My 2favourite part of the trip was when we saw the humungus whale which really surprised me and made me gasp! I had never actually seen a real whale before so it was very cool and big! It had different objects that I had never seen so lovely and huge monument statues. I liked when we went to the investigation centre because we explored new things which I had never seen before. The trip as so cool splendid.

  11. Natural History Museum

    My favourite part is when I was so scared of the ''ROBOT'' dinosaur
    and also my favourite part is when I was scared of the funny looking creatures like the Bear and something else I liked the Natural History Museum I'm looking forward to see the next trip
    I hope on the next trip it doesn't have any big big ''ROBOTS''because I mite hide again and I'm going to scream and the other thing I liked is the computer because you can see small things that you can't see very well.

  12. my favourite part of the trip was lunch because I was starving a lot then I've got a chance to second part of the trip was the robot dinosaur because it looked like a real thinu
    my third part of the trip was the activity we done ,in that activity I got to touch a snake skin and I got to see a tarantular .

  13. My favirout part was whn we whent to the work shop. I enjoyd going to the work shop because there was a lot of bones like the shark mouth,turtle selton and the lady called Jen she said there is 80,000,000 things to lookin the muesem.Even i liked the macanical dinasuar because it was big and it looked epic when it rored.Also i liked the giant dipilidokes skelton it had a giant neck and its legs were bigger than my hole familiy.

  14. I visited the National History Museum many times but this time was special because I was with my friends and it was much more fun. My favourite part it has always been the T- Rex and all the other robotic dinosaurs. I also liked the beautiful, impressive main hall with the huge dinosaur skeleton. I also liked it when we went to the Workshop because it was lots of fun. I saw a shark's mouth wich weight quite a lot with very sharp teeth. It's also been so interesting to look at some beautiful cristals through a microscope. I really enjoyed lunch because my food was good and the company great.

  15. I visited the National History Museum many times but this time was special because I was with my friends and it was much more fun. My favourite part it has always been the T - Rex and all the other robotic dinosaurs. I also liked the beautiful, impressive main hall with the huge dinosaur skeleton. I also liked it when we went to the Workshop because it was lots of fun. I saw a shark's mouth wich weight quite a lot with very sharp teeth. It's been very interesting to look at some beautiful cristals through a microscope. I really enjoyed lunch because my food was good and the company great.

  16. I visited the National History Museum many times but this time was special because I was with my friends and it was much more fun. My favourite part it has always been the T- Rex and all the other robotic dinosaurs. I also liked the beautiful, impressive main hall with the huge dinosaur skeleton. I also liked it when we went to the Workshop because it was lots of fun. I saw a shark's mouth wich weight quite a lot with very sharp teeth. It's also been so interesting to look at some beautiful cristals through a microscope. I really enjoyed lunch because my food was good and the company great.

  17. My favorite part about the Natural History Museum was the workshop because I GOT TO HOLD A TURTLE SHELL . Even a massive egg . And a shaker. The Natural History Museum was really big . My other favorite part was lunch because I was really hungry .

  18. My favourite part of National History Museum was when i saw the big huge robot dinosaurs. I also loved when went to do the workshop there was a woman called Jeny and she told about the workshop.I so a beautiull butterfly with a microscope.

  19. my favorite part was the workshop because I got to touch the things
    that i never touched and saw.I got to use a microscope and I was looking at a crystal which was amazing it was the first time.My second favorite part was lunch because i was super hungry and we got to play on a grass area the class was playing games.

    1. oh my INTERESTING that paragraph is very INSTERESTING WELL DONE MAJA

  20. Natural History Museum

    My favourite part at the museum was when we saw the big dinosaur. When it was roaring I said to it Hello to it and it roared back so I thought it said Hello back to me. I also liked my lunch. Even though Rishi and Adarsh were with Rishi's Mum I shared food with them, with Dziugas,Hassan and Hamza also.

    I also liked the big,massive whale.Next to that there were phones. They had noises from different places,for example at the Savannah. Me and Riccardo pretended we were talking to each other on the phones. I also liked the science workshop. Me,Thinu and Adarsh found big massive tarantulas in glass. Me and Dziugas worked at the end on a bone. It weighed 614kg. I had a great time.

  21. Natural History Museum

    My favourite part at the museum was when we saw the big dinosaur. When it was roaring I said to it Hello to it and it roared back so I thought it said Hello back to me. I also liked my lunch. Even though Rishi and Adarsh were with Rishi's Mum I shared food with them, with Dziugas,Hassan and Hamza also.

    I also liked the big,massive whale.Next to that there were phones. They had noises from different places,for example at the Savannah. Me and Riccardo pretended we were talking to each other on the phones. I also liked the science workshop. Me,Thinu and Adarsh found big massive tarantulas in glass. Me and Dziugas worked at the end on a bone. It weighed 614kg. I had a great time.

  22. My favorite parts of our national history museum was lunch the scientific investigation and the scary part [not that scary] the robot dinosaur. The funniest part was when everybody started shouted eat my hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I liked the scientific area because everyone touched something new and there was a special computer at the back of the room that only Me, Marco and Thinu know about it. I researched on a spider which I measured and copied into a sheet and I held a real crystal.

    Lunch was the best because I had a homemade burger and this was my third best trip in my entire life.

  23. National history museum there is lots of things. That is my favourite. First is when we went to the work shop and when we went in there was a lady called Jane and she said find anything in the room and write on a sheet and i found a deer antler and my second favorite thing is lunch because i was very hungry and when the big wale that took up the hole room.My third thing is when we saw the Dinosaur fosils.

  24. My favourite partwas when we saw the big moving T-rex it wad amazing and the second thing that was the best was .lunch and the the third part we used the computers

  25. My best part on the trip was the big dinosaur it was changing eyes red and yellow. My next favourite was the workshop we had to choose a object and i chose a skeleton they called open and shut and than we had lunch.
