Friday 26 February 2016

Butser Farm

Well done everyone! You were so sensible and well behaved on our trip to Butser Farm. We were incredibly proud of all of you.

We would also like to say a massive thank you to the parents that helped us throughout the day. You were so helpful, kind and patient and we couldn't have done it without you!

Your task this week is to write about your favourite part of our trip and tell us why you liked it so much. Try to give more than one reason! We would also like you to think of any questions you had about the things you learnt/saw on the trip and we will try to explore these in the classroom.

We will be sharing your comments in class so please remember to check your spellings, punctuation and grammar before you click Publish!

Thursday 11 February 2016

Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age

Since the beginning of term, we have been learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. We have been finding out about the homes, tools, food, clothes and structures that were made by the people that lived during these periods.

This week, your task is to tell me which period you would prefer to live in and why. Write your answers in the comment box below.

Here are some websites where you can find a bit more information;

I would prefer to live in the Iron Age because the people that lived during this period were much more sophisticated than the previous two periods. The people of the Iron Age had begun to farm vegetables and animals, so they had access to many different types of food. They were also able to use fire, which meant they were able to cook their food in the large iron pots they had made themselves. Furthermore, the Iron Age people had invented soap, so they were able to keep themselves clean, and they decorated their bodies with jewellery. They also had access to much better tools and weapons, which made hunting and fighting much easier.
However, these people had to live alongside the Celts. The Celts were a ferocious group of people who had access to very sophisticated weapons. They enjoyed fighting and this led to many bloody battles with the people of the Iron Age.

Art Week
After half term we will be having another Art Week. Our focus will be digital media and we will be creating pictures of our fears. Over half term we would like you to think about what you are most afraid of and try to find the proper name for that fear. For example, a fear of spiders is called arachnophobia and a fear of the dark is called nyctophobia.

Friday 5 February 2016

Spooky Settings

This week we have been revisiting stories of mystery and suspense. In the story 'Staying Out', the author shows the characters moving from one setting to another.
Your task is to look carefully at the picture below and write about travelling to that setting and what it was like when you got there. Think carefully about;

  • where you would have been beforehand
  • how you would have travelled there
  • why you were going there
  • what it was like when you got there.

Remember to use short sentences and lots of description!

Write your descriptions in the comment box below. Please remember to write your name on your comments.

I'm really looking forward to reading them!