Wednesday 30 September 2015

Some useful links

Here is the link for the music that you have been learning with Mr Farnell. Don't forget to practise these at home.

We have been using Scratch in our Computing lessons over the last few weeks. Here is the link for Scratch so you can practise programming and coding at home.

Friday 25 September 2015

Poetry Week

Next week we will be celebrating Poetry Week. The theme this year is 'Light'! Therefore, we will be spending a lot of time reading lots of different poems and our Literacy will focus on innovating some poems that we are studying in class.

Your Literacy homework for this week is to find an amazing poem that you would like to share with the class. If you're struggling to find one, this website has loads of great poems;

Thursday 17 September 2015

Finish the story

This week we have been learning to write stories of mystery and suspense. We have been focusing on using short sentences to build suspense and creating a spooky atmosphere.

Your task this week is to finish the story below. Try not to write more than 100 words.


I had no idea that there was a secret room in our house. Not until I heard the noise....

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Mystery and Suspense

This week we have been learning about stories of mystery and suspense. Your task is to write a description of this spooky setting. Remember to use lots of interesting adjectives and at least one simile.

I'm looking forward to reading them. Don't forget to comment on each others work! Your homework must have been completed by Friday 18th September.