Wednesday 20 July 2016

Have a great summer!

Thank you all so much for your wonderful gifts and for giving me such a fantastic year. I will miss you all so much!

Have a great summer!

Friday 8 July 2016

The Final Countdown

We are almost at the end of Year 3!

This will be the last piece of homework you do as Year 3's, so we are going to reflect on the journey you have been on this year.

Your task is to write a short paragraph reviewing your year. You might want to think about;

  • what you have enjoyed most
  • what you have enjoyed least
  • what you have learnt
  • your achievements and successes
  • what you want to achieve in Year 4.

This homework must be completed by Wednesday 20th July. 

A few important notices;

We have now completed all tasks on Mathletics so please use the next few weeks to practise your 3, 4 and 8 times tables. 

Next week is Transition Week and you will be spending the week with your new teacher. On Friday afternoon you will return to Year 3 and your parents must pick you up from your normal classroom.

After Transition Week we will be making Moving Monsters. Please bring any cardboard boxes and cardboard tubes you have at home (no toilet roll tubes) on Monday 18th July. 

Have a great week in Year 4!

Friday 1 July 2016

Voices in the Park

This week we have been reading Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne. We have been looking at the different perspectives of four different characters and their experiences at the park.

Your task is to choose one of the characters and write a description of them.

  • What sort of personality do they have?
  • How do they look and dress?
  • Would you be friends with this person in real life? Why?
  • Do you think they are a happy person? Why?