Friday 22 April 2016

Tudors - rich or poor?

This week we have been learning about the differences between the lives of rich and poor people during the Tudor period. Write two paragraphs about whether you would like to live as a rich or a poor person during the Tudor period and why. Try to give at least three reasons and explain them in detail.


  1. King Henry VIII ate 14 meals a day.He had 6 wives and heres a little song for you divorce beheaded and die divorce beheaded survived.King Henry VIII was a very mean king he dident let pesents eat anything.king henry wives names catherine of aragon anne bolyn jane seymour anne of cleves kathrine howard cathrine parr.

  2. I would be a rich Tudor so that I can know how heavy the gowns were. I would also like to be rich to see the patterns on the gowns and to see what they wore on parties.

    I would like to be rich to see what’s inside the patterns on their houses. I would like to look at other people

  3. If I were to choose either to be a rich person or a poor person in the Tudor times I would like to be rich.I would like to be rich because you get a big house ,lots of servants and a big garden to play in. Another reason is that my house would not set on fire as it is made of stone and brick.I would also get to attend a lot of parties and feasts held by kings, queens, dukes and duchesses.

  4. I would rather be in the rich Tudor because I want to see the big hall.I would be in the rich Tudor so I can see Henry VII.In the rich Tudor they wore so many clothes over so it would of been warm.

    If I was in the poor Tudors I would just have to work and I have to eat bread. In the poor Tudors you would only change the clothes if they were ripped.Rich Tudors have like homes like a big castle.

  5. I would be a rich Tudor person because they have nice food. MY first reason being a Tudor is they have really beautiful clothes.My second reason is they really have fancy houses.My third reason of being a rich Tudor is they have really good Kings and Queens.

  6. I don`t want to be a poor Tudor because they have smelly houses and bad clothes . They work every day and all day and they only get a small amount of money each day and they only eat bread with seeds and they keep animals for milk ,cheese, eggs.

  7. I would rather be a rich Tudor because they were healthier than the poor people and they had way better food and were even cleaner. Generally they had better life condition and sometimes poor people pooped in a bucket and threw it out the window but rich Tudors had better toilets. The houses of the poor people were made out of a lot of animal dung but the rich Tudors had no animal dung.

    These are the reasons I wouldn't be a rich Tudor. The houses are so close. Fire would spread for miles. They put cream that was made of lead to make sure they don’t look like a worker and lead is poisonous.

  8. I would rather be a rich Tudor because I can wear heavy gowns and make-up also so I don’t have to do really hard work and I can tell my servants what to do. If I was poor I would do work all day and eat disgusting food. I would wear lots of make-up and wear pretty clothes with jewels and crowns. Out of all the monarchs’ I would be Elizabeth 1st because she was sensible and nice, new more than the other monarchs’ in the Tudor times.
    At dinner times I would be eating yummy food and so with breakfast and lunch. If I become a queen I would make new rules for rich schools and marry only a rich man. The rules would be good and fair, and everyone would respect me and bow down at me. When I wanted to relax and watch a play I would go down to The Globe Theatre and watch a good play but if it was bad I would throw tomatoes. I would sleep in a warm bed.

  9. Rich Or Poor Tudors
    I would rather live as a rich Tudor.The reason why is because they had shimmering emeralds
    all over their dresses and the emeralds shimmered every ten seconds.
    Rich Tudors showed that they were rich by their houses and things that costed lots of money.
    However I don't want to be a Tudor because they only did a bath once a year, but rich ladies had
    a hole in their gowns to rub herbs to smell themselves nice and there used to wear so many
    layers of jackets on them.Poor had to struggle for food and houses.There are no comforts that
    we are having today in our daily life.Tudor toilets are called 'Privies' but not private at all.Poor
    people used soft lambs wool as tissues.It was usual for school pupils to attend school for 6 days
    a week but as a result we attend school only five days.Can you believe that in Tudor period boys
    began school at the age of four and moved to grammar school at the age of seven?? Girls were
    either kept at home by their parents to help with housework or sent out to work to bring money
    in for the family.I would not like to be a poor Tudor because of two reasons . Because they wore
    leather clothes! . Because they would have to be out all the time and that would make you have
    a sun burn.I would like to be a rich Tudor, but the only problem is that it will pain when you
    weir a layer after layer.

    1. Next time don't write that much!!!

  10. I would like to be poor because if I were to be rich I would have to marry. The second reason I would like to be poor is because I could all on my own . I sometimes like to be on my own. My third reason is because I would not like to have diabetes. My fourth reason is that the poor Tudors have the most happiest lives , but the rich people have a bad life because of sicknesses.

  11. My first reason why is because I woul rather be a poor Tudor because if I would be a rich Tudor I was beware is really thick clothes. A reason why is because I might get poisoned by the white lead cream they used so that they would look more whiter and look less like a worker in the Tudor times. The third reason why is because The fire would spread really easily because they would have lots of big buildings, but they might not spread very fast because they are brick buildings

    I would not be a rich tutor because otherwise I would be wearing thick clothes. I would be spreading lots and lots of white lead cream on my face every day just like Queen Elizabeth the first did. If would be A rich tutor my palace would be spreading fire everywhere but not very fast because they are made of brick and stone anyway my house will not be on fire if I would be a rich Tudor close I would be taking very very good care of it because I don't want my house to catch fire!

  12. I would like to be a rich person because I would have a huge house and I would have a servant
    I would have expensive colours and I would have black and white colours on my house
    I would not like to be
    a poor person
    I would
    to work

  13. I rather be a rich Tudor because they have big palace and we get to have lots of food.If i was a rich Tudor you would get to have a nice comfortable bed to sleep in.When you where a rich Tudor you would have a beautiful clothes and they looked so colorful to they have lots ruby there clothes.If i be a rich Tudor i will have lots of servants. The rich person have something called lead it is so poisonous. I don't want to a rich person because they need to wear lead is poisonous so they don't like a person that they work.

  14. I would rather be a rich Tudor so I meet Henry VIII and have a big house.Plus I would wear famous clothes with Jewlery such as rubies , sapphires and emeralds.Another reason for being a rich Tudor because wealthy people could afford all types of foods.

    Food was another show of wealth.The rich could afford all kinds of meat and fish and expensive French wine.The best food was considered to be roast veal and venison.people also ate robins , badgers , otters , tortoise and seagulls.

    Poor Tudors ate bread made from rye and barley.In the Tudor times life was harsh for poor people.Poor people struggled to survive.

  15. I would rather be a rich because you wear big stuff and fat stuff
    king henry had a rich house and if you wear rich things then you wiil get a rich house i like the clothers because it as lots and lots of jewles on the dress and t-shirts.

    I would not be a poor because they no not wear famous clothes
    and dresses.Being a poor is not very ice so who ever chose
    to be a poor don't be a poor at those time it was ugly
    and famous times.

  16. For hansa

    star:you have used great words in the Tudor times
    wish:you coulden't have wrote 3 paragraphs.

    but still well done hansa great!

  17. I would like to be rich Tudor because I could have a big and nice house to accommodate my family and we could have good healthy food everyday being rich I can spend more time with my family than go to work everyday instead.

    If I be a poor Tudor is very hard to have a life that I want as a rich Tudor.

  18. I would like to be a poor Tudor because i can make my house of wood
    and the roof of hay.I can make a bed out of wood and put it around
    the hay and make every by my self.I would like to live far far
    away from people and live with peace and quiet

    I would not be a rich Tudor because you would have to pay for every
    thing and the wasted money for rich cloths and you would die because they had cream or powder and in the powder they had lead.

  19. Rich Tudors enjoyed much better food than poor. Rich Tudors used gold or silver plates,and silver spoons.

    Poor people had to work for a living poor people lived in smally cramped houses , often damp.

    RICH: comfortable expensive clothing and jewellery.

    poor: Only one or tow sets of clothes made from cheap fabrics.

  20. I would rather be a rich Tudor because I would have a big house and I would have better food like meat bread and french wine I would also have a big comfortable bed and loads of colorful thick clothes with diamonds and rubys. I could also enjoy hunting tennis and bowls. I would have big glass windows if I was poor I would have wooden shutters or a whole in the wall for windows and light.

  21. i would like to be rich Tudor because the have loads money to spend on expensiv thing if i was a rich tudor it woud be so that i spend it on dilishs food and meat i woud have a really big and tall hause and it wou be long

  22. I would not be a rich tudor because they eat a lot that can cause diabeaties and trust me they also other serious problems.Another one they wear heavy clothes so they don't move fast and the main most dangerous one they wear a really poisenous paste on there that is white to show that they don't work to much.These are the reasons I don't want to be a rich tudor.
